Studying the Function of Artistic Imagery in the " Malhamma al-Nabi " Ode By Umar Abu Risha and the "Dawn of Muhammad" Poem By Mehdi Soheili

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Imagery is one of the literary techniques that some skilled poets use to impress readers by better conveying their desired concepts. In the current study, written with a descriptive-analytical approach and referring to library sources, an attempt was made to analyze the function of the artistic imagery of Umar Abu Risha as an Arab poet and Mehdi Sohaili as a Persian poet. Imagery in the study is examined in the ode of "Malhamma al-Nabi" by Umar Abu Risha and the " Dawn of Muhammad" poem by Mehdi Soheili. The results showed that both used simile, metaphor, and irony, explaining that Umar Abu Risha used two literary techniques, simile and irony, and Mehdi Soheili used metaphor and irony more. it should also not be forgotten that These two poets did not use metonymy. it should also not be forgotten that These two poets did not use metonymy.These two poets did not use metonymy

Comparative Literature Studies, Volume:18 Issue: 70, 2024
129 to 144