Examining decorations as a paratext in the Qur'an published by Klub Kitab, designed by Hossein Zindaroodi
Paratexts are the way to enter the text, the peripheral elements of a text that are physically or non-physically around the main text, the paratexts are the entrance threshold of a text, the first communication between the audience and the text occurs through the paratexts, and each text The mediator of the paratext communicates with the outside world. The concept of paratext was first used by Gérard Genet in the analysis of literary works, but gradually it became more widely used. As a sacred text and a miracle of the Prophet of Islam, the Qur'an has been the most important book for Muslims to write, and on this occasion, calligraphy and book design are also flourishing among them. Quran is a book for reading, reading is a physical act that affects the text. In the contemporary world, books are designed for viewing as well as reading. Even though the book of the Quran has been translated, it is widely read and seen more. In the Qur'an decorated by Hossein Zindaroodi, a contemporary Iranian painter, the arrays and decorations of the Qur'an find new roles due to this breadth of communication. that it is possible to examine the Qur'anic arrays in their new connection in a contemporary way with Gerard Genet's theory of paratextuality.
A Comparison of the Concept of Aesthetic Experience by Hans Georg Gadamer and Imam Mohammad Ghazali
*, MohammadReza Sharifzadeh
Interdisciplinary Studies on Literature, Arts and Humanities,