Methodology of Validation in Islamic Humanities (Based on the Quranic model)
The role of science in building civilization is not hidden from anyone, and in this, humanities are the software for creating civilization; Therefore, on the one hand, the realization of modern Islamic civilization is dependent on Islamic human sciences, and on the other hand, it is rooted in rationality and wisdom; Therefore, the role of civilization of these sciences is subject to and conditioned by its all-round rationality. It means comprehensive rationality of science, authenticity and credibility at the level of propositions, theories and epistemic systems (disciplines) and the criteria of each are different. Validity at the level of propositions is of the epistemological validity, from which it is referred to the epistemology of propositions; But at the level of theory and disciplines, which is part of scientific authority, in addition to epistemological criteria and rules, it also has other criteria and indicators that philosophy of science and sociology of science are responsible for. This article tries to examine the criteria of validity and rationality of these sciences in the mentioned three levels with a rational and narrative method, especially the verses of the Holy Quran. From the findings of the article, we can refer to the types of validity criteria at the mentioned levels and their differences, as well as some methodological results, such as methodological realism, methodological pluralism, the logic of justifying propositions and theories, and the like.
The logic of exploring social laws in the production of Islamic humanities
Qasem Tarkhan, Ramezan Alitabar *
Journal of Zehn, -
Epistemic and Meta-epistemic Factors and Facilitators in the Formation of Religious Doubts
Ramazan Ali Tabar*
Journal of Skeptical Studies,