Comparison and analysis of stylistics of two intellectual and literary levels in the Tahmidiyehs of Hadiqah Sanai and Mantiq al-Tair Attar
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
In the present study, the two intellectual and literary levels of the two Tahmidiyehs are examined based on the constructivist view.These two Tahmidiyehs have been selected from two great masterpieces of Persian literature. Both of these works belong to a part of our Persian literature which is called mystical literature.Hadiqaye Sanai and Mantiq ut Tair Attar are the names of these two mystical works.Two mystical works that make up our two great poetic systems.Their importance is that the Tahmidiyya of Hadiqa is the beginning of mystical poetry.And another is in the continuation of this great movement and is in a way complementary to it.This research will show how two convergent and parallel ideas can be different from each other and these differences can be the source of their beauty and unity. Through a stylistic study of these two works, we found that from an intellectual point of view, Sanai behaves more rationally and gently than Attar, and the elements of educational literature are more obvious in Hadiqa.Attar, on the other hand, has a surprising, exhilarating, and sharp approach, and has more elements of romantic literature in his poetry.Due to the educational dimension of Hadiqa, this work is more social, and due to the romantic dimension of Mantiq ut Tair, it is more individual.From a literary point of view, it can be seen that they had various and sometimes different uses of common literary elements.
Islamic Art Studies, Volume:21 Issue: 54, 2024
106 to 125
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