Analyzing the role of political culture in the political development of the Middle East Mahmoud Mosalanejad

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Compared to other regions of the third world, the Middle East is far from the dominant global trends in the political field.The current events in the Middle East region have given rise to the view that the Middle East has been very slow and somewhat resistant in adapting to the accelerated democratization process, the region has basically witnessed the continuous rule of authoritarian leaders.The results indicate that the political developments in the Middle East during the years of World War I and II were influenced by international and Western currents and were not a spontaneous and independent movement from within, but because democracy and political and democratic development require a set of political values.And the orientations of citizens are such as balance, tolerance, civility, effectiveness,knowledge and participation, political culture is considered an important and main factor in the consolidation of political development. The political culture of most of the ruling groups in the Middle East region is based on the patrimonialist attitude (royal, hereditary, traditional),which is rooted in the "style of eastern tyranny" due to deep historical, social and psychological reasons. According to this culture, people are considered sovereign citizens and have no right to compete and participate politically.

Political International Researches, Volume:16 Issue: 59, 2024
51 to 64