Using cartoons in improving the geography teaching process

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Background and Objectives

If teachers use attractive teaching methods, it can be expected that students will have more academic progress. The purpose of this research was to investigate the possibility of using cartoons in improving the geography teaching process.


For this purpose, a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and 1-month follow-up was implemented. The statistical population includes all male students of the 10th grade of conservatories in district 3 of Isfahan city, and among them, using multi-stage cluster random sampling, 3 conservatories and one class from each. Selected. Then, a teacher presented a discussion about Iran's population issues during 4 one-hour sessions for each of the classes using one of the traditional lecture methods, a lecture using real images and a lecture using caricature images, and the necessary tests done. . The obtained results were checked and analyzed by the covariance method in the software (SPSS21).


In the post-test phase, the teaching method using cartoon images was more effective than the other two methods; But in the follow-up phase, both methods of teaching speech using real images and cartoon images showed their positive effect and were recognized as more effective than the traditional speech teaching method.

Journal of Research in Social Studies Education, Volume:6 Issue: 2, 2024
1 to 16  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Sharifinajafabadi، Rasoul
    Corresponding Author (1)
    Sharifinajafabadi, Rasoul
    Assistant Professor A, Farhangian University, تهران, Iran
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