Analyzing the Relationship between Known and Unknown Temporal Events in the Issue of Inheritance with a Critique on Article 874 of the Civil law
The exact time of the events is often considered as the origin of the actualization of jurisprudence and legal laws. Ambiguity in the issue of time will lead to different legal disputes. These legal tensions increase when an unknown event is examined in relation to another known event. Famous majority of jurists, referring to the originality of the delay of the event in events that are measured in relation to the components of time, considered the time delay of the unknown event to be fixed and did not accept the inheritance belonging to the known party. As Article 874 of the Civil Code says: "If persons who have an inheritance between them die and the date of death of one of them is known and the other is unknown in terms of precedence and lateness, only the one whose date of death is unknown inherits from the other. But some other jurists considered it possible by weighing the unknown event with another known event, the proceeding of the principle of istiṣḥāb (presumption of continuity) in both known and unknown parties, and accepted the division of the inheritance in half between the parties and other heirs.In this writing, an attempt has been made by researching jurisprudential texts to criticize Article 874 in terms of its scholarly foundations and to investigate other jurisprudential opinions. As a result, after the proceeding of the two istiṣḥāb s and the realization of the conflict and the fall of the two principles, the inheritance belongs to the parties.
Prohibition of Trading Tomorrow From the point of View of Jurisprudence, Islamic Penal Code and Regulations Governing Foreign Exchange Operations
Abdollah Shikhali, Saeed Ebrahimi *,
Economic Jurisprudence Studies, -
The Juridical-Legal Status of Transactions of People with Dependent Personality Disorder
Zohreh BaqiI, AliAkbar Izadifard *, AliAkbar Jahani
Islamic Jurisprudence Research,