Instruction on identifying different cultivars of persimmons based on their appearance characteristics
Persimmon is one of the fruits with high nutritional value, and cultivation has grown significantly in recent years. Its primary habitat is East Asia, which has a very high diversity in these regions. Hereditary reserves with natural diversity are very valuable capitals of every country and knowing their genetic quiddity is one of the fundamental issues in breeding programs. Recognition of genetic diversity and classification of genetic resources play a very influential role in successfully designing breeding programs and correctly managing genetic resource maintenance. New persimmon gardens have been developed in different regions of the country in recent years. However, the exact names of the cultivars have yet to be discovered. Moreover, due to persimmon cultivation in the country for many years, this fruit has diversified, and new genotypes have been developed. Therefore, this study aims to introduce comprehensive instruction to identify different cultivars and genotypes of persimmons cultivated in the country.