Explaining Human Varieties of Mazhariyyat Based on Monotheism in Actions
There are three viewpoints regarding the relationship between the monotheism of actions and man`s causality in his actions: by accepting the monotheism of God's actions, the Ash'arites have denied the causality between humans and their actions, and have become determinists. By denying monotheism of actions and accepting the causality of humans in their actions, the Mu'tazilah have agreed with tafwiz, delegation. According to the order of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) the Imamiyyah follow the rule of la Jabra wa la tfwiz bal alamru bain alamrain. To explain the latter point of view, three solutions can be presented: a) based on longitudinal causation, God is the indirect agent, and man is the responsible cause of his actions b) based on real and ground-maker causation, God is the real cause and man is the ground-maker cause of actions c) By referring causality to tasha`un, God is the true cause and man is a mazhar of God, and since humans are different from each other, the type of God`s mazhariyyat will also be different in them. After describing and briefly analyzing the above three theological views, the present article has explained the types of human mazhariyat by referring to the verses of the Qur'an.
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نشریه معرفت اخلاقی، بهار و تابستان 1403