Development of Methods and Models for Assessing Technical Condition of Mines and Underground Structures
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
In modern conditions of the rapidly developing market of the mineral and raw materials complex the question of increasing the profitability of the enterprise is acute. However, cost reduction should not affect the safety of production works. In the present study the authors analyzed the activity of underground complex of Kirovsky mine of APATIT JSC, Kirovsk, Murmansk region. They identified the possibility of cost reduction through modernization of the mine (reduction of downtime during ventilation). We built a conceptual and mathematical model of the mine. In the work development of dust concentration control system was made, which is expressed in reducing the ventilation time from 60 to 30 minutes and achieving a more favorable dust concentration of 5 mg/m3, within generally accepted dust concentration of 8 mg/m3. Developed P, PI, PID regulators for regulating the ventilation system, determined the optimal regulator. We have developed a technical solution (patent №2799233) and implemented it in production. The present work is a report study on the fulfillment of the work within the framework of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.
International Journal of Engineering, Volume:38 Issue: 7, Jul 2025
1659 to 1666