From alley of alienation to stair of identity, Comparative Studies of Cultural identity & Social behavior position in Iran and Japan Curriculum

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Cultural identity and social behavior are two fundamental elements in shaping both individual and societal values within any community. Cultural identity, which originates from a society's culture, history, geography, and language, serves as a marker for lifestyle and social behavior. The education system plays a crucial role as a key medium for transmitting this identity and behaviors from one generation to the next. This study examines and compares the role of cultural identity and social behavior in the school curricula of Iran and Japan. The aim of this research is to analyze the extent to which cultural identity and social behavior are emphasized in the Iranian curriculum and to compare this with the approaches in Japan’s educational system, a leading country in this field. Data for the research were collected through library sources, scientific and research articles, theses, and a systematic review of the literature was employed. The results indicate that while the Iranian curriculum is primarily focused on specialized subjects in basic and human sciences, Japan places significant emphasis on fostering cultural identity and Eastern ethics in its students. In Japan, the school system is not only viewed as an educational environment but also as a temple for developing individuals with strong cultural and moral identities.
Journal of Research in Social Studies Education, Volume:6 Issue: 3, 2024
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