A model for Economic Impact Assessment of Tacit Knowledget; the case of Management Faculty Members in Tehran Universities

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Assessment the economic impact of the tacit knowledge of university faculty members, who are considered one of the main sources of knowledge, through identifying and measuring the performance indicators of the educational, research and management activities of university faculty members. The tacit knowledge management of university faculty members needs an evaluation model to direct the knowledge potential towards functional activities with economic impact. The strategy of this research is a survey, and after examining the background of the research with studies of scientific sources, a questionnaire, and its design and development by adapting to scientific sources and experts, and with the analysis of Cronbach's alpha test, it is evaluated and it is a number. Regression analysis method is used in the inferential statistics section. The statistical sample of these researchers is the Faculty of Management in Tehran State Universities, 104 of whom participated in this research. The results of this research show us that out of 15 performance indicators of tacit knowledge, seven indicators include: (empowering courses, published articles, research projects, innovative ideas and plans/laboratory product production, work success/product branding , activity in the type of knowledge-based companies and evaluation of research performance) their economic impact has been confirmed and eight other indicators include: (years of experience, level of education, teaching courses, supervisors and advisors for theses and dissertations, patents, authoring and translating books, evaluation of educational performance, evaluation of managerial performance) their economic impact was not confirmed. In this model, the economic evaluation of tacit knowledge is presented based on the total scores of economic performance indicators.

Information management, Volume:9 Issue: 1, 2023
15 to 34