Desert Loess Vs. Glacial Loess; Formation of Quartz Silt, Areas of Origin and Sediment Trajectories in Formation of Loess Deposits
The trajectories are presented that suggest the sequence of incidents involving in the formation of Loess deposits, which include both the hypothetical deposits and the deposits of central China, Hungary, Nigeria and Tunisia. These trajectories describe the potential role and interrelationship between different types of silt production mechanisms in the formation of Loess. In application of these trajectories the desert Loess is a point of interest, and the result depends on how the terms "glacial Loess" and "desert Loess" are used. If the desert Loess is to be interpreted as silt production mechanisms, or to determine the environment in which the “wind-blown” has occurred, then the Loess desert is fully real and widely scattered. But if the term glacial Loess is used to attribute silt production to the global climate regime under which the Loess deposits are formed, instead of the responsible geomorphic mechanisms, the desert Loess can not be a suitable term for classification of Loess deposits. It is suggested that the classification of Loess deposits be carried out according to the global climate regime under which the Loess are accumulated, as it will make it easier to understand the environmental conditions at all stages of the formation of Loess deposits.