New Logic and Theology (The uses of new logic systems in solving theological problems)
New logic, because of its great growth and development, can be counted as a powerful instrument to explicate philosophical and theological demonstrations. The fact that new logic systems are postulates is a great help to find out the consistency or inconsistency of philosophical and theological proofs. In addition, the importance of making philosophical and theological systems as postulates is known for the expert and using the new logical advanced systems can be helpful for achieving this important purpose.In this article by mentioning some examples, I will show the methods of applying the new logical systems and their importance and the method of postulate in solving some of the most important theological questions. One of the important and underlying subjects of theology is the issue of proving God's existence. It's not a long time that some of the great new logicians are engaged to find strong demonstrations for proving God's existence based on the new logic systems. Thus to be familiar with some different examples of these efforts, the most important ones are mentioned in this research and taking into account the extent of an article, one of these proofs which is based on the new modal logic has been analytically investigated.
logic , theology , modal logic , free logic , pre , eternal necessary statement , demonstrability , syntax , semantic
Qabasat, Volume:10 Issue: 41, 2007