Evaluation of plant cover changes in Amir-kabir Dam basin in a 20 year period
Understanding the relation between the plants,The environmental factors and the other living creatures is a necessary problem in preserving the constancy in all eco-systems.Man in order to cope his needs, has used the natural resources and during thousands of years using the eco-system had been effective in changing them. In this research having the vegetation map of this area which had been provided by Macgoven Australian co,The map of plant type in 1372 using G.I.S has been provided and the changes in plant cover during this period were evaluated. Comparing the two maps,The result was that among the 20 recognized types in 1352, 3 types because of grazing and other factors have been completely wiped out, and the other types have been changed into newer types or there are some changes in the variance of some other types. In plant coverage studying, in order to specify the range condition trend,the methods of: 1) Four factorial metuod. 2) clipping and weighing method. 3)trend method were used. Using Trend method and comparing the plant cover condition in 1352 and 1372, we came to the result that there is no positive trend in any types. In 8 types, the trends are constant and in 9, the negative trends have been reported. In order to explain the 17 trends in 1372,the map of range condition trend in G.I.S system has been drawn.
Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, Volume:14 Issue: 2, 2007