گزارش یک مورد نقص چسبندگی لکوسیتی
Objective: Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) disorders، LAD-1 and LAD-2 are rare disease of leukocyte function. LAD-1 results from a lock of leukocyte cell surface expression of b2 integrin molecules (CD11 & CD18) that are essential for leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells and chemo taxis.
Case Presentationt: Our patient a 23-month-old male infant was brought with recurrent skin infections. On examination، the infant was pale with multiple scars in his body. Investigations revealed persisting leukocytosis، serum Immunoglobulin profile and complement were normal. Flow cytometry showed decreased in CD11 and CD18 marker of PMN a diagnosis of LAD1 was made.
Conclusion: The accompaniment of persistent leukocytosis and recurrent skin infections will guide us to the primary immune deficiency specially leukocyte adhesion deficiency.
Case Presentationt: Our patient a 23-month-old male infant was brought with recurrent skin infections. On examination، the infant was pale with multiple scars in his body. Investigations revealed persisting leukocytosis، serum Immunoglobulin profile and complement were normal. Flow cytometry showed decreased in CD11 and CD18 marker of PMN a diagnosis of LAD1 was made.
Conclusion: The accompaniment of persistent leukocytosis and recurrent skin infections will guide us to the primary immune deficiency specially leukocyte adhesion deficiency.
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