A Study on the Rate of Women's Participation in Political Formations of Iran During the Year 1385
Parties, as civil institutions distribute political power among individuals in society, and play an important role in preventing the monopoly of power by a particular group. They are also significant in modifying the governmental construction and administration of society. As a framework, this study has utilized theories of Bacharch and Bartez regarding the mode of exercising political power and authority by subjects of power on the objects of power. According to these theories, some political organizations exercise power latently through arrangement of stage by subjects of power (men) rather than the objects of power (women). Thereby subjects of power ignore the benefit of objects of power and their demands are excluded from political system. Since women's demands have no importance, they are excluded from privileged levels of a party.The research method used in this study is descriptive – documental and information is gathered through study of documentary Resources. According to this study, women's participation in high ranking positions of parties is slight and they mainly act as staff members.
Women in Development and Politics, Volume:7 Issue: 1, 2009