Love in In Search of Lost Time

"In Search of Lost Time", a semi-autobiographical novel in seven volumes, written by Marcel Proust between the years 1913 and 1927, is not only the story of a particular era but of a new style of discourse analysis pertaining to social issues. In this prominent work, Proust has deeply analyzed love and has explained its different aspects. Positive dimensions of illusionary, deep and absolute love are not the only aspects treated in "In Search"; we can also see the absurd and illogic facets of love which leads to obsession, jealousy and illness. Proust shows us explicitly that men are not completely responsible for tyrannical aspects of love which they face but that destiny too has an important role in its creation. Different facets of love revealed by Proust put into evidence the immensely egoistic and narcissistic aspect of the lover.
Research in Contemporary World Literature, Volume:14 Issue: 51, 2009