An Investigation of physical and chemical characteristics of seed in ten Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Vareities
Sesame seed having a high oil percentage with good quality is known as the queen of oil seeds for human nutrition. The aim of this study was to determine suitable varietiese in terms of oil and protein content and oil quality. The varienties investigated are Zodras, Oltan, Yekta, Hendi, Varamin, Chini, Karaj1, Moghan local, Nazok tak shakheh and Nazok chand shakheh. For the seed freshness, seed samples were germinated for 24 – 72 hrs and the germination rate was found to be 84 – 100 %. The overall mean weight for 1000 seeds was 2.796g. The oil content, based on dry weight was measured using the soxhlet method, and the qrand mean was 51.16%. Analysis of variance revealed the existence of significant variation for oil content at 1% level of significance. The mean amounts of the five fatty acids namely palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic were 8.99, 5.98, 44.47, 34.69 and 0.87 percent, respectively, which were detected and measured by gas chromatography. Using the Kejeldal method for the determination of total protein content. The overall average of seed protein content in the ten varieties was 24.02%. The existence of significant variation was at 1 % level between the varieties. A negative and significant correlation was detected between oil and protein(r=-0.655**). In addition, a noticeable relationship was observed between seed color, seed oil content and the percentage of linolenic acide.