Prioritizing the Position of African Countries in Islamic Republic of Iran's Economical, Social and Political Policies Using Multi-Attribute Decision-Making MADM

Africa is a vast continent including a variety of different geographical regions enjoying economical potentials. Rich agricultural sources in the central and western countries of the continent, great oil sources in the northern parts and industrial countries located in the south of this continent have turned Africa into one of the richest world continents. During the recent years several African countries have reached a considerably high economical growth and have started investment in the fundamental and basic affairs. Economical opportunities in the field of public services, ports, mine, oil and gas, agriculture and tourism has led to the presence of world powerful industrial countries in this continent in the recent years. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the political pole of the Middle-East, has considered a special position for the continent of Africa within recent years in order to develop its economical and political relations with other world countries. Still, it should be noticed that economical, political and social relations with the African countries becomes developed on the basis of principles regarding mutual relations in which both sides earn profits considering their own privileges relatively. Defining such relations by using Multi-Attribute decision-making, the method of TOPSIS, shows that the South African countries and Egypt have the highest priority in creating relations according to industrial, agricultural, service, tourism, political, religious and educational varieties.
Africa Research, Volume:1 Issue: 1, 2009
11 to 28