A molecular epidemiology survey of cutaneous leishmaniasis in patients referring to Parasitology Lab at Shiraz School of Medicine and the importance of PCR assay

Fars Province is one of endemic foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). The present study aimed to conduct a molecular epidemiology survey of patients referring to Parasitology Lab at Shiraz School of Medicine and evaluate the PCR assay for the diagnosis of CL.
Material And Methods
This retrospective study was carried out for patients referring to Parasitology department at Shiraz School of Medicine, during 1380-84. The disease was diagnosed by CL direct smear and staining with Giemsa; if the direct smear was negative, specific PCR was done on the DNA extracted from the direct smear to genus and species identification and culture. The data were registered and analyzed by SPSS software.
Of 186 suspected patients, 104 (56%) cases were infected with CL. PCR results were positive in 35 (56.4 %) out of 62 smears, among which microscopic examination did not reveal Leishmania amastigotes. Also, leishmania species isolated from the patients residing in the urban and rural areas were Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major by species-specific primers, respectively.
Since in some cases the direct smear is reported negative, we suggest using PCR or culture methods in endemic regions.
Pars Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume:8 Issue: 1, 2010
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Fakhar، Mahdi
    Corresponding Author (1)
    Fakhar, Mahdi
    Professor Parasitology, Iranian National Registry for Lophomoniasis and Toxoplasmosis, Mazandaran University Of Medical Sciences, جویبار, Iran
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