Gnostic Breeding

This paper tries to both criticize the fundamentals of rationalism breeding ofAristotle and give an introduction to the fundamentals of Gnostic breeding theorythat can revolutionize education. In today world, in the east and the west theattitudes on the Aristotelian rationalism is globally the basis to the education bornout of such mentality and 'rationalism' is dominant, while such a viewpoint isclaimed to have a radical and grand deficiency and unconsciously leads the worldtoward a voluptuous materialism. It gives originality to the apparent aspect ofeducation and ignores the spiritual and nurturing aspect of that. Even the theorieson theology and religion oriented are wondering on the dominancy of rationalisticattitudes, while the theory on Gnostic breeding has no deficiency of this type and isable to fulfill the human demands worldwide, and that it can easily overcome thepersonal and social crises of today. The fundamentals of the theory on the aboveare offered here and the relevant practical solutions in the Gnostic breeding is alsoexplained.
Journal of Islamic Mysticism, Volume:6 Issue: 20, 2009
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