The effects of clipping on production of two range species (Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauv., and Festuca ovina L.)


We studied the effects of shoot clipping frequency on biomass production, biomass allocation and shoot number on two range species (Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauv., and Festuca ovina L.). Plants were grown during a 15-week experiment in experimental garden. The above ground parts were clipped at a height of 7 cm following four treatments: frequent (every one week), moderate (every two weeks), low (every four weeks) and unclipped (control). Total biomass and root mass of A. elongatum were reduced by frequent defoliation until 40% whereas F. ovina maintained a similar production for two plant components (above-ground and roots biomass) when clipped. The latter one was able to compensate for the biomass loss even after five consecutive clippings. The changes in biomass production patterns of A. elongatum were accompanied with variations in biomass allocations. Biomass allocated to roots was significantly lower for A. elongatum in clipped plants than in control plants. The shoot mass and root mass fraction of F. ovina were similar among clipping treatments. Shoot number was significantly increased until 30% for A. elongatum and F. ovina in clipped plants than in control plants. Finally, in the experimental conditions, F. ovina was the most tolerant species to clipping, while A. elongatum showed moderate tolerance.

Journal of Rangeland, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2010
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Kheirfam، Hossein
    Author (2)
    Kheirfam, Hossein
    Assistant Professor Department of Range and Watershed Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University Of Urmia, ارومیه, Iran
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