Typology and Genealogy of Color Revolutions

Genealogy is a way of acknowledging social phenomena. A genealogic pattern is used in circumstances that signs of change, continuity, semantic and forming improvement appear in the phenomenon. Color revolutions are newfound phenomena in international relations. This can be considered in line with democratic revolutions and in the context of third wave democracy. If we consider the French Revolution in 1789 as the first stage of democratic revolution, the events in Eastern Europe that happened 200 years later, in 1989, could be considered as the second wave of democratic revolution. After this historical stage the basis for democratic interferences was founded in the context of color revolutions.This article tries to consider the process and genealogy of color revolutions through comparative analysis of such events. Consequential events of the bipolar system breakdown shows that processes and signs of color revolutions happened to change the regime in target countries. Reviewing these events indicates signs of similarity in patterns and behaviors in these countries that could serve as an organized factor in perceiving color revolutions and United States interferences.
Journal of Basij Strategic Studies, Volume:13 Issue: 46, 2010