Temporal and Spatial Variations in Particle Size Distribution of Suspended Sediment in Kojour River
The suspended sediment size is one of the most fundamental properties of sediment which affects transportation and deposition process, and their control as well. However, limited attention has been made on particle size distribution studies. The present research was therefore took place in order to study particle size distribution of suspended sediment sampled from two points in a study reach and during a flood in Educational Forest Watershed of Tarbiat Modares University comprises some 13263 ha. Towards this attempt, the sediment samples were analyzed based on stoke's law with the help of modified pipette method after sample preparation. The entire descriptive properties of sediment samples were calculated by using GRADISTAT software. The results of the analyses verified the significant spatial and temporal variation of particle size distribution of suspended sediments.
Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, Volume:3 Issue: 8, 2009
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