The Effectiveness of Therapy with the Stages-of-Change Model on Improving Abstinence Self-Efficacy among Substance Dependent Adolescents
The present study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Stage-of-Change Model (SOC) in improving abstinence self-efficacy among adolescent addicts. Thirty self-referred adolescent addicts who volunteered to quit addiction were randomly selected to take part in this study. Initial assessment was made using the following questionnaires: The University of Rhodes Island Change Assessment (URICA), and General Self–Efficacy Questionnaire (GSE). The subjects were placed in two experimental (SOC) and control groups. The experimental group received twice a week interventions for 12 weeks and then were post tested and once again reassessed in a two-month follow up. The data of the research was analyzed by ANCOVA method for comparing the averages of two groups in three assessment siutuations. Results clearly highlighted the effectiveness of the model of Stage-of-Change on abstinence self-efficacy. Also comparative results of this study showed that in both post-test and follow-up, consistence changes took place in abstinence self-efficacy. Results are discussed in terms of how therapy can be used as an important aspect of the general change process. Moreover, the significance of the individual addicts and their self-efficacy feeling in changing process and abstinence is discussed.
Strategic Studies On Youth and Sports, Volume:11 Issue: 14, 2010