The situation of Christian Coptics encounter to the Muslim's invasion to Egypt
After the Prophet passed away and Abu-Bakr was assigned as the caliphate, Muslims started a chain of foreign conquests, primarily in the Christian territories. Egypt at that time was one of the Christian’s centres soon to be conquered by Muslims. Through Egypt, Muslims also gained access to Constantinople, another one of the four centers of Christianity. Egyptians’ response to the Muslims was significant. The Coptics not only showed no resistance against Muslim invaders, but also welcomed them. This behaviour stems from a complex set of principles that should be examined in the social context of the time. With this respect, the religious, political, social and economical situation of Egypt should be taken into consideration. During this time, the behavior of the Muslims toward the Coptics was conspicuous. Under the aegis of Islam, Coptics were able to profit from the religious freedom, something which they were lacking under Christian rulers. This study along with the explanation of the Egyptian conquest, deals with the reasons for the Muslims’ victory and their situation after the conquest
Journal of Historical Researches, Volume:1 Issue: 3, 2009