Resorting to Quran and Etrat (The Prophet's Progeny) The Only Way to Reach Unity in Fariqayn's Ideas

Having investigated in the origins of Islamic sects and the narrations of The Holy Prophet (s.a.a.s), we can come to the conclusion that the best way and the firmest point of Islamic unity are Quran and 'Etrat.The present study considering the importance of Islamic unity has worked on the different axes of Islamic unity and the elements which have caused the convergence and divergence of ideas based on the thoughts of "Allamah Sheikh Sharafeddin". The essay includes five chapters: The first chapter accounts for the concept of Quran and it's applicability, 'Etrat, Ahle-Beit (a) and unity. The second chapter discusses the importance and necessity of unity among Muslims (Shiites & Sunnites). Resorting to Quran and 'Etrat are the unification procedures which have been discussed in the third chapter. In chapter four the howness of resorting to Quran and 'Etrat is referred to, and finally in the last chpter the reasons of priority of Ahle-Beit's religious school (i.e., Shiism) have been stipulated
Bi - quarterly Journal of Hikmat & Islamic Philosophy, Volume:5 Issue: 17, 2006