Investigating the Line of Transformation of Narrative and Viewpoint in Simin Daneshvar's Short Stories
The special position of Simin Daneshvar in the realm of Short Story, her priority in the scope of feminist literature, and her contribution to developing different levels of these two areas make it urgent to investigate different aspects of her works.Deliberating on Daneshvar's works affirms that she, during her literary activity, by using varied methods and approaches, has advanced the artistic aspects of her stories. The aim of the present study is, hence, to examine the line of development and transformation in "Narrative" and "Viewpoint" in her short stories. The study illustrates the stages Daneshvar has gone through from the first collection of her short stories to the last collection, and how she, by using varied artistic approaches, has managed to advance theviewpoint and the narratives of her stories.
Boostan Adab, Volume:2 Issue: 3, 2010
179 to 199