Approaches and Mechanism of Reforming the Standard of Consumption in the Armed Forces (Based on the Islamic Teachings)

The year of 1388 (2009-2010) was named as the year of reforming thestandards of consumption of any kind by the Supreme Leader of the IslamicRevolution and the commander of the army forces. This caused more effortsto be done in this way. Reform of the standards of consumption requires abetter, more precise and appropriate consumption of the resources. Itrequires changes in the indicators and models of consumption, which leadsto avoidance from wastefulness and frugality. Since the review of this issuein the armed forces seemed quite fruitful both for the country as well as thearmed forces, this descriptive-analytic research was conducted by the use oflibrary method to review the theoretical aspect of the issue to find bettermechanism and solutions for logical consumption. In this way, the role ofevery single defense unit was evaluated based with regard to the bettermentof consumption. Various solutions were presented according to Islamicteachings for the betterment of consumption in the armed forces.
Journal of Human Science, Volume:18 Issue: 81, 2011