Causes of Seizure in 1 Month to 15 Years Old Children in Isfahan

Seizure is one of the most common causes of children hospitalization. It has many etiologies such as febrile convulsion, epilepsy, meningitis, DPT vaccination, encephalitis, hypocalcemia and etc. this study was conducted to evaluate the causes of seizure in 1 month to 15 years old children, admitted in Alzahra and Amin hospitals (Isfahan-Iran) due to seizure during 32 months before 2005.
This study was conducted to evaluate the causes of seizures in children. Required data was obtained from patients files. Children were assigned into 18 items groups and probable seizure etiologies were assigned. Obtained data was analyzed, using chi-square test and SPSS software, V 11.5 (SPSS. Inc, Chicago IL.).
The most common causes of seizure in one month to 15 years old children were febrile convulsion(40.5%), epilepsy(34.6%), shigella encephalopathy(9.2%), meningitis(5.9%), encephalitis(3.6%), hypocalcemia(1.6%), DPT vaccine complication (1.2%), mumps meningoencephalitis (0.8%), hyponatremia(0.6%), congenital metabolism disorders(0.4%), hypernatremia(0.4%), hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy(0.2%), glycogen storage disease(0.2%), intracranial hemorrhage(0.2%), hypertensive encephalopathy(0.2%), hemodialysis side-effect(0.1%), brain tumor(0.1%) and hypoglycemia(0.1%).
Overall, it was found that febrile convulsion was the most common cause of seizure in children. The most common season of children hospitalization due to seizure was summer and seizure was more common in boys.
Current Journal of Neurology, Volume:7 Issue: 24, 2008