The Quranic Verses concerned with Mahdism: A Tafsir Approach
The term nuzilat "revealed", as used in the case of the tafsir hadiths concerned with the Quranic verses related to Mahdism, is subject to one of the following cases: application of the verse to a case other than its original case of revelation, interpretation and thesignificance of the verse, and yet used in the sense of the meaning of the verse. There are 324 verses in the Holy Quran that have received interpretations related to Mahdism. These verses can be categorized in one of the following four categories: Those related to Mahdism, e.g., proclamation of religion (9: 33), and the removal of VWULIH ILWQDK RII WKH ZRUOG WKH YHUVHV DSSOLHG WR 0DKGLVP on the basis of exegetical hadiths, e.g. the Divine days (14: 5), and WKH 'LYLQH YLFHJHUHQW WKH YHUVHV whose significance concern Mahdism, e.g., the mysterious letters Hä Mim, and `Ayn Sin Qaf (42: 1- DQG WKH YHUVHV UHODWHG WR 0DKGLVP RQ WKH EDVLV RI interpretations, e.g., Saul and Goliath (2:249). It is understood that the Mahdism oriented verses and hadiths do not have the same validity and significance, hence they may have references to political, military, economic, and historical aspects of Mahdism.
Journal of The Holy Quran And Islamic Texts, Volume:1 Issue: 4, 2011