Focus on Form Instruction in EFL: Iimplications for Theory and Practice

Language teachers usually face issues regarding the most effectivemethods of teaching. Teaching language to nonnative speakers ofEnglish involves certain problems and challenges at all levels ofinstruction. Due to the unsatisfactory results of focus on forms andfocus on meaning instructions and their inevitable inadequacies, focuson form instruction along with its multiple techniques are regarded asa better candidate for classroom instruction. Focus on form instructiondoes not only pay attention to the importance of the communicativelanguage teaching, but it also maintains the value of occasional andovert study of L2 grammatical forms. It is considered a morepromising pedagogical choice than focus on forms and focus onmeaning because of its communicatively need-oriented attention toform and its saliency in the language acquisition process. Focus onform may be essential to push learners beyond communicativelyeffective language toward target-like second language ability. It mayalso be part of a more efficient language learning experience in that itcan speed up natural acquisition processes.
Persian Language and Literature, Volume:53 Issue: 222, 2011