Overview to the Founded approach in production of Islamic Human Science
Religious Science or "indigenous knowledge" based on discussion of the relation between science and religious knowledge and their relationship between each other can be divided into three main approaches "inferential", "refinement and completion of the science "and "Founded ". Westerns put their Humanities on the metaphysical foundations of their own and built their particular looking based on existence, human, knowledge, and methods to create Human Science with experimental base. Humanities should be common in the four main axes "of Islamic ontology," "Islamic epistemology, " "Islamic Anthropology "and "Islamic methodology" within the Islamic framework will be explaining gains. Influence the four domains as defaults grand metaphysical in humanities, sciences and humanities may be possible Islamic will. In this case, the purpose of acquiring knowledge of the divine will and scientific activities, religious activities and worship will be counted and the man is closer and closer to God. Consequently the results of scientific applications and Research bias for material of humanity and human society will be the path of prosperity. In this article, the new humanities course overview and reflect on the principles and defaults, the three dominant approaches in the study and criticism of religious knowledge will be discussing and the researcher views in this regard which is based on the Founded approach(establishment-based)approach reflecting the Quartetpresuppositions and reinterpretation of them will be described.
Journal of Cultural Guardianship of The Islamic Revolution, Volume:1 Issue: 2, 2011
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