Description and Explanation of Theoretical Models in Islamic Education
Presentation of theoretical model in Islamic education is a method in which theoreticians of Islamic education theorizing religious education in a systematic way. Indeed, being systematic is a distinguishing character of this method through other approaches and point of views toward Islamic education. In this view, Islamic educational system is a collection of elements and their inter-relationships which connect together through specific features. The present research was to describe theoretical model of Islamic education and hence, it focused on the study of presented theoretical models of Islamic education by theoretician and tried to find that what did they mean by the models of Islamic education?, which sources being used?, which methods were applied in using resources?; descriptive-descriptive method or inferential-inferential method. To find precise answers for the above-mentioned questions, the content analysis method was used. Results of the research showed that five theoretical models were found by Islamic educational theoreticians. First, the model which was mainly known by historical theoreticians and was based on anthropology, second, was a systematic approach; third, a kind of problem-based approach, fourth, conceptual analysis approach and the last, was a philosophical analysis approach.
Biquarterly Journal of Islamic Education, Volume:6 Issue: 12, 2011