Harmonization of Iranian Rules and Regulations with CRC (The Convention of the Rights of the Child)

The convention on the rights of the child (CRC) recognizes the family as the natural entity that best protects children as the most vulnerable family members. International efforts led to the ratification of CRC, which Iran joined in 1993 (1372) on condition that the provision of the documents is not in contradiction with Islamic and national civil law. Criticisms have been levelled against the adherence of Iran to this global convention, which views that the exercising of these rights is in contrary to the convention objectives and constitutes an obstacle to the realization of its contents. In the light of the above, this paper seeks to identify statutory provisions that prove that the Iranian legal system is compatible with the convention with respect to children’s rights, and if not, to ascertain whether any mechanism is in place to ensure its compatibility with the CRC. Despite the ratification of civil laws in the Iranian judicial system, this convention still faces shortcomings within the above mentioned system, with some anticipated changes in judicial bills have yet to be ratified. After reviewing points of weakness and strength, this paper looks at mechanisms for the convention rules, which are in keeping with the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Family Law and Jurisprudence, Volume:15 Issue: 53, 2011