Historical survey on the retaining or deposition of Moavia according to Emam ali order rely on exchanged letters
After becoming caliphah, Imam Ali [peace be upon him] wrote Moaviah a letter and wanted him to declare his allegiance to him and entrusted governance of Sham to Imam's appointed governer. Thus, Moaviah who in fact were waiting for Othman's death and was looking forward to such a day, wrote a white letter to imam and declared a war. While Imam was preparing for confrontation, he heard news about the movement of the companions of Jamal which was as a result of moaviah's provocations. So he hastened to Basrah.Then after victoriously suppressing the rebellious he entered Kufah. While there, he wrote several letters to Moaviah and invited him to allegiance and peace. But Moaviah responded to them with war. In addition to refusing Imam's allegiance and accusing the most popular (democratic) allegiance since that time and attributing it to having no general legitimacy, Moaviah wanted Imam Ali to transfer him the governance of Sham as Omar and Othman did so and then he would declare the oath of allegiance to him. Imam Ali besides explaining the public allegiance to himself in his letters avoided Moaviah's demands. Disagreement of Imam Ali [peace be upon him] with his demands ended in a strict war which occurred in Safain region.
Journal of History, Volume:3 Issue: 9, 2008