A Comporison Between the Divided Attention and Excitement Effect on Possibility Of False Memory Creation among the People Suffering From BehaviorDisorders in KERMAN Counseling Centers

A participants were selected on the basis of BECK and KHATEBORESH25 test on the basis of divided attention and excitement test. I n the first test, 240 participants in situation of divided attention (full concentration) and fear excitement and (lack of fear excitement) received some lists of associated words(semantically).After one hour they were asked to recognize and re-read the words. In the second test, 240 participants recognized and re-read them for one hour in situation of divided attention. The results showed that in these tests, divide attention situation and fear excitement leads to an increase in false re-reading and recognizing the words and pictures. The results also showed that participants considerably remember the false words and pictures. It is to mention that the results on the basis of the mentioned theories will be discussed in false memory.
Journal of Teaching and Learning Research, Volume:3 Issue: 3, 2007