Inimitability of the Quran in terms of its Being Free from Inconsistency

One of the miraculous aspects of the holy Quran stated in Sura IV, verse 82 is its harmonious nature and its being free from any inconsistency. The present article proves this aspect of the inimitability of the Quran through the analysis of the nature of the Quran being beyond the capacity of human being in terms of being free from any inconsistency, explaining the inimitability of the Quran, due to this feature, and responding to the spurious arguments in this field. The essence of reasoning for the concomitance between the man made nature of the Quran and infiltration of a multitude of inconsistencies in it lies in analyzing certain features of man and the Quran. Limitation, susceptibility to external forces, being liable to perfection as well as to falsehood and wretchedness on the one hand, and the abundance and variety of the Quranic teachings while being firmly logical, its rhetorical aspect, revelation of the verses without any preparation in advance, and in different personal and social conditions within a long span of time on the other hand, would rule out the possibility of the Quran being issued from a human being free from inconsistencies. Certain spurious arguments in this regard would also be analyzed and responded.Inimitability of the Quran, the state of the Quran being free from inconsistency, challenge, spurious arguments concerning inimitability
Qur'an Shinakht, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2012