Favorable association of dietary energy density with the dietary diversity score in female students of Isfahan university of medical sciences in 2010


Dietary energy density and dietary diversity score (DDS) are two representative factors of dietary quality. In the current study we evaluated these factors in Isfahanian youths.

Materials And Methods

This cross-sectional study was conducted on 289 healthy female youths who were randomly selected from students of Isfahan university of medical sciences. A validated semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to assess the usual dietary intakes. Dietary energy density was calculated as each individual’s reported daily energy intake (kcal/d) into total weight of foods (excluding beverages) consumed (g/d). DDS was calculated based on scoring to the five food groups of the food guide pyramid.


Mean dietary energy density was 1.60±0.29 kcal/g. Individuals in top tertile of dietary energy density had the lowest mean of the dietary diversity score (means among tertiles:1st: 9.61±1.92, 2nd: 6.98±1.22, 3rd: 3.63±1.02; P<0.05), as well as diversity score of the vegetable (1.91±0.33, 1.54±0.26, 1.11±0.2; P<0.01) and fruit (1.98±0.72, 1.89±0.66, 1.44±0.3; P<0.05). Those in the top tertile of dietary diversity score had the lowest mean of the dietary energy density (2.08±0.36, 1.69±0.31, 1.38±0.25; P<0.05). There was an inverse and significant association between dietary energy density and DDS (r=-0.3; P=0.03).


There were inverse associations among DDS and dietary energy density in Isfahanian female youths. However further prospective investigations are needed to confirm this finding.
