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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید

جستجوی مطالب مجلات
ردیف ۱۰-۱ از ۳۶۳ عنوان مطلب
  • M. Shiva, M. Ahmadi, R. Yazdani
    In this research work with the aid of Tagouchi experimental design and rawing of interaction curves with Minitab software, the best rotor speed and dump temperature of mixing for physico-mechanical and rheological properties of the rubber compound with three mixing steps was obtained. Moreover by plotting the mean curves in Excel worksheet, the dependency of properties on rotor speed, dump temperature and mixing energy were analyzed. The Results showed that dispersion was improved with increasing rotor speed and dump temperature at the lower total time. The best dispersion occurred at the highest dump temperature and the rotor speed in the second stage. We attributed better dispersion to lower filler-filler interaction, because of the mixing process performed at higher temperatures when we used higher rotor speeds at higher dump temperatures. Effect of rotor speed and dump temperature on tension properties were negligible. However, the higher dump temperature had negative effect on tear resistance, whereas, the high rotor speed had positive effect. The same results were observed for die swell while the governed mechanism on these properties was studied as well.
    Keywords: rubber mixing, rotor speed, dump temperature, exprimental design, taguchi method
  • A. Hajarian, M. Osanloo *
    Today, during the life of an open pit mine, million tons of materials, including waste and ore, are displaced by truck fleets. In the case of a shallow ore deposit, which is located up to 300 meters to the ground surface, depending on preliminary equipment size and capacity, it will take three to five years to remove overburden and waste rocks to expose the ore body. In that period, the main waste dump site will be used as a disposal of waste dump. Apart from considering the characteristics of the waste dump location such as geological and geotechnical properties, the major factors influencing the hauling process are topography, hauling length and construction cost of the haul road. Truck transportation cost depending on the circumstances comprises 45 to 60% of the cost of mining of one tonne ore. Thus, well site selection of waste dump in coordination with the main haul road path confidently leads to a significant saving of economic resources. In this research, while identifying the effective factors in selecting the waste dump sites, a linear mathematical model is developed to find a suitable site for waste dump disposal considering minimizing haul road construction cost.
    Keywords: Mine haul road, waste dump, Earthwork optimization, Linear Programming
  • Nikolay B. Agarkov *, Vladimir V. Khaustov, Alexander M. Malikov, Nikolay G. Karpenko, Ignat M. Ignatenko

    The article describes the assessment of the predicted water flows at the site of the projected rock dumps, which was carried out using geofiltration modeling. When developing the model, we used actual data on capacities, filtration coefficients and water capacity, roof and sole marks of the selected aquifers, precipitation infiltration, as well as the projected dumps are located on the slope surface. We schematized hydrogeological filtration conditions in relation to existing natural conditions, taking into account the planned construction and operation of dumps, and also determined the maximum water inflow of underground and surface water into the drainage system. Based on the obtained data, the most effective version of the drainage system for the removal of underground and surface water from the territory of dumps has been developed, which will allow to perform the maximum possible interception of the flow of underground water and flood water, to form depression surfaces in the near-slope mass of the body of dumps, to prevent filtration deformations of the ledges and to ensure the normative bearing capacity of rocks. The provided drainage devices will ensure the overall stability of the ledges of the dumps, both during their long standing and during their constant formation.

    Keywords: geofiltration model, filtration coefficient, Aquifer, groundwater level, quarry, dump, conductivity coefficient, GMS
  • Kapoor Chand, Radhakanta Koner *

    In open-pit mine, safety of internal dumps is a significant pointer on the economic perspective of the overall project. It has been found in several studies that unplanned and random deposition of the overburdened material is the main reason for mishaps and failure. The study utilized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to map the mine dumps, and the precise 3D geometry of the same was reconstructed to evaluate the safety using numerical methods. A framework is proposed to assess and identify the potential zone of instability in the mine dumps. The study was conducted at the open-pit mine at the Raniganj coalfield of Paschim Bardhaman in West Bengal, India. The study assessed the internal dump safety using a 3D limit equilibrium method and numerical methods. Finally, optimum parameters are suggested for the mine dumps geometry under the prevailing geo-mining conditions of the mine site. The framework proposed here for assessing critical zones in mine dumps is cost-effective, easy to use, quick, and efficient.

    Keywords: Mine dumps, Slope Stability, Critical zones, Factor of Safety, limit equilibrium method
  • مجید شاه حسینی، فرامرز دولتی ارده جانی*، مهدی امینی، لونا ابراهیمی

    کانی های تازه تشکیل (ثانویه) در نتیجه فرآیندهای اکسایش، آبکافت، ترسیب و آب زدایی در محیط زهاب اسیدی تشکیل می شوند. رخداد کانی های ثانویه همراه با انباشته شماره 7 در معدن مس پورفیری میدوک با استفاده از کانی شناسی پراش پرتوی ایکس (XRD)، میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM) و قله نگاری رامان (RS) بررسی شد. بررسی های زمین شیمیایی شاخص اشباع و گونه زایی بر آب منفذی شبیه سازی شده از آزمون pH گل اشباع انجام شد. مقادیر pH اسیدی (بین 47/1 تا 23/4)، غلظت بالای سولفات (بین 95/3 تا 286 گرم بر لیتر) و غلظت بالای آهن (9/120 تا 70860 میلی گرم بر لیتر) در شیرابه بیانگر اکسایش سولفیدها به ویژه پیریت در انباشته است. کمپلکس FeSO4+ به عنوان گونه غالب آهن سه ظرفیتی در فاز محلول شیرابه تعیین شد. بر اساس بررسی های کانی شناسی و زمین شیمیایی، کانی های تازه تشکیل شامل کوکوییمبیت، فری کوپیاپیت، پلمبوژاروسیت، روزنیت، آلونژن و بروکانتیت همراه با انباشته شناسایی شدند. نگه داشت عناصر آرسنیک، سرب و مس توسط سولفات های آهن به ویژه کوکوییمبیت در انباشته تایید گردید. نتایج این پژوهش می تواند در طراحی و گسترش برنامه جامع مدیریت زیست محیطی مناطق معدنی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: کانی های تازه تشکیل, اکسایش پیریت, سولفات آهن, قله نگاری رامان, انباشته کم-عیار مس
    Majid Shahhosseini, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani*, Mahdi Amini, Lona Ebrahimi

    Newly minerals could be formed as a result of oxidation, hydrolysis, precipitation and dehydration processes in acid mine drainage (AMD) environment. The occurrence of secondary minerals within the dump No. 7 from Miduk copper mine was studied using mineralogical approaches including X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM-EDS) and Raman Spectroscopy (RS). Geochemical invetigations, including saturation index and speciation, were conducted on pore water of the dump which simulated from paste pH test. Acidic pH value (ranges from 1.47 to 4.23), a high concentration of SO42- (ranges from 3.95 to 286 g/L) and a high level of Fe (varies from 120.9 to 70860 mg/L) of the waste leached indicate that sulphide oxidation especially pyrite occurs within the dump. Complex FeSO4+ was dominant species of ferric iron in the leached solution phase. According to mineralogical and geochemical studies, newly formed minerals including coquimbite, ferricopiapite, plumbojarosite, rozenite, alunogen and brochantite were identified within the dump. Retention of As, Pb and Cu by iron sulphate, especially coquimbite, were confirmed in the dump. The results of the present study could be employed to develop a comperehensive environmental management program at the mining sites.

    Keywords: newly formed minerals, pyrite oxidation, iIron sulphate, Raman Spectroscopy, copper low-grade dump
  • رضا معبودی نیشابوری *، سروش فلاحتی، سلما کبیر
    امروزه بازاریابی و فنون آن و شیوه های حذف رقبا در عرصه تجارت، توجهات زیادی را به خود معطوف نموده است. در این میان، یکی از فنون بازاریابی، استفاده از قیمت گذاری تهاجمی می باشد که در این روش از قیمت گذاری، بنگاه مهاجم، با عرضه محصولات خود به قیمت نازل تر نسبت به ارزش عادی، سهم بیشتری برای خود در بازار تحصیل نموده و ضربه ی احیانا سنگینی به بنگاه یا بنگاه های رقیب وارد می کند. در یک تقسیم بندی کلی، قیمت گذاری تهاجمی ممکن است به صورت داخلی یا بین المللی انجام گردد که نوع اخیر آن تحت عنوان دامپینگ شناخته می شود. مهم ترین مقررات موجود در نظام حقوقی ایران در خصوص دامپینگ، «تصویب نامه در مورد پیشبینی تدابیر و اقدامهای حفاظتی، جبرانی و ضد دامپینگ برای حمایت از تولیدکنندگان داخلی» مصوب سال 1386 است. از آنجا که تا کنون تصویب نامه ی مزبور، مورد نقد و تحلیل پژوهشگران حقوقی کشورمان قرار نگرفته، این مطالعه، تحلیل تطبیقی تصویب نامه ایران با موافقت نامه ضد دامپینگ سازمان تجارت جهانی را هدف خود قرار داد تا از این طریق، کاستی های تصویب نامه ایران در زمینه احراز دامپینگ در مقایسه با سند مزبور مورد شناسایی قرار گیرد. مقاله حاضر نشان می دهد که مقررات ایران در زمینه احراز دامپینگ با کمبودهای جدی مواجه است که طبعا راه حل رفع آن ها اصلاح مقررات موجود جهت نیل به وضع مطلوب می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: احراز دامپینگ, قیم تشکنی, قیم تگذاری تهاجمی, حمایت از تولیدکنندگان داخلی, اخلال در رقابت
    Reza Maboudi *, Soroosh Falahati, Salma Kabir
    Marketing techniques and methods of eliminating commercial competitors have attracted considerable attention. One of these techniques is using predatory pricing by which the predator undertakings gain control over a great portion of the market and strike a probably heavy blow to the rivals abroad through supplying products with a lower price than home. In a broad classification, predatory pricing may occur domestically or internationally. The latter is known as dumping. The most important legal document in this regard in Iran is the “Regulation of Predicting Protective, Compensatory and Anti-Dumping Expedients and Measures for Protection of Domestic Producers” 1386 [2007].Since the mentioned Iranian provisions have not been analyzed by Iranian lawyers yet, the purpose of this study is the comparative review of this Regulation and the Anti-Dumping Agreement in order to discern the deficiencies of the Iranian Regulation in regard to determination of dumping. Therefore, the main and specific question of this paper is that what are the exact deficiencies of the aforementioned Regulation, as the most important legal document of Iran, in regard to determination of dumping and what is the solution? Thus, firstly, we will review the main elements of determination of dumping and after introduction of the key issues, the important deficiencies of the Iranian provision such as determination of the ordinary course of trade, concealment or untrustworthiness of the export price, comparison with regard to the price in the country of origin, simultaneous evaluation of the effects of importation from different countries, the prerequisites of investigation in regard to the quantity of the applicants and the price comparison criterion with respect to quantity of sales, will be illustrated and consequently, this paper shows that the current provisions of Iran concerning the determination of dumping face serious deficiencies, the elimination of which requires amending the aforementioned Regulation.
    Keywords: Determination of Dumping, Dumping, Predatory Pricing, Protection of Domestic Producers, Competition Disruption
  • حجت مبین*، امین امیرحسینی
    یکی از موضوعاتی که امروزه در نظام اقتصادی ایران به عنوان مانعی برای تحقق اقتصاد مقاومتی به شمار می رود، نقض رقابت سالم بین تجار از طریق دامپینگ است. دامپینگ به معنی فروش یک کالا در یک بازار خارجی با قیمتی کمتر از هزینه نهایی تولید یا ارزش عادی محصول یا محصول مشابه آن کالا در کشور عرضه کننده، با هدف کسب مزیت در رقابت با دیگر عرضه کنندگان همان کالاست. دامپینگ سبب نقض رقابت پذیری بازار و تضعیف تولید ملی شده و به همین سبب از موانع مهم تحقق اقتصاد مقاومتی تلقی می گردد. از این رو، برای مقابله با دامپینگ، باید بر اساس مبانی حقوقی و فقهی راهکارهایی ارایه گردد تا از نظام اقتصادی و تولید ملی حمایت شده و زمینه تحقق اقتصاد مقاومتی فراهم گردد؛ در این راستا حقوق ایران با در نظر گرفتن راهکارهایی نظیر وضع عوارض جبرانی، سهمیه بندی، مقابله با طفره فریب کارانه و راهکارهایی نظیر آن، به حفظ سلامت اقتصاد یاری رسانده و زمینه ترک فعالیت های دامپینگی را فراهم می سازد. در فقه امامیه نیز با پیش بین ضمانت هایی اجرایی نظیر جبران خسارت و ضمان مبتنی بر قاعده لاضرر، کیفر دهی و مجازات اخلالگران در سلامت نظام اقتصادی و هم چنین با استرداد سود حاصله از رفتارهای دامپینگی، می توان افراد را از دامپینگ بازداشته و سلامت نظام اقتصادی را رشد و ارتقا و در نهایت مقاوم شدن اقتصاد را تضمین نمود.
    کلید واژگان: جبران خسارت, دامپینگ, رقابت, اقتصاد مقاومتی
    One of the issues affecting the realization of economic resilience in Iranian system is the violation of the competition between merchants by dumping. Dumping means selling a product in a foreign market at a lower price than its final cost or the normal price or the cost/price of a similar product in the supplier country, with the aim of gaining an advantage in competing with other suppliers of the same product. Dumping is an instrument for violation of market competitiveness and undermining national production and is therefore considered as an important obstacle against the realization of economic resilience. Thus, for anti-dumping practices, the solutions based on legal and Islamic jurisprudential should be presented to support the economic system and national production and realization of the economic resilience. Therefore, in Iranian law, solutions such as counter-vailing duty, quotas, anti-circumvention and etc. have been proposed as ways of maintaining the health of the economy and providing the basis for the abandonment of dumping activities. In Shia Islamic jurisprudence, sanctions such as compensation and civil liability based on rule "La-Zarar", punishment of the disruptors in the health of the economic system and refund of the profits from dumping activities have been considered as ways of preventing dumping, upgrading the health of the economic system and guaranteeing the resilience of the economy.
    Keywords: compensation, Dumping, Competition, Economic Resilience
  • R. Koner *

    The Wardha valley coalfields, situated in the western part of India, contribute to more than 7% of the national coal production.  The open-pit mining methods are the modes of exploitation of coal in the majority of the mines in the area. Due to the increased depth of working and higher stripping ratio, the output of waste overburden is increased. The challenges are the scarcity of the available land for dumping waste overburden geo-material safely. Optimization of the mine dump slope geometry is the only available alternative in the hands of the management in order to increase the life of the projects and continue the production of coal. This investigation specifically addresses this issue, and proposes a combination of the optimum geometric configurations of the dump slope. This work utilizes the computational power of the numerical modeling technique in order to solve a large number of alternatives and zero them down to the optimum combination. The numerical modeling is considered as a major external factor that contributes to the mine dump's instability. This work shows an 18% increase in the dumping waste material volume in the present condition. This investigation also reveals that double stage dumping is comparably better in optimizing the dump slope configuration.

    Keywords: Dump Height, Dump Slope Angle, Stage dumping, Factor of Safety, Dynamic loading
  • سجاد رضایی، رامین رفیعی*، محمد عطائی، مرتضی جوادی
    Sajjad Rezaei *, Ramin Rafiee, Mohammad Ataei, Morteza Javadi

    The stability of waste dumps is a significant and at times critical issue in the development of surface mines. Due to insufficient space for waste disposal, environmental concerns, and various other factors, Mine No. 4 at Golgohar Sirjan is not capable of establishing a new waste dump. Given the existing limitations of the mine, the investigation has focused on increasing the dump capacity through the implementation of benches. In this research work, the stability of the waste dump has been investigated using the limit equilibrium method with the Slide3D software, along with a Monte Carlo simulation approach for probabilistic analysis. The results obtained from these methods have been compared with each other. The acceptable safety factor considered for this assessment ranges from 1.15 to 1.2. By adding benches to the eastern waste dump of the mine, a displaced volume equivalent to 36,715.565 cubic meters has been added to the capacity. The constructed model is based on the topography of the area, with dimensions of 1850 meters in length, 1750 meters in width, and 160 meters in height. The results indicate that the safety factor of the waste dump has been calculated as follows using the Spencer, Janbu, and Bishop methods respectively: 1.26, 1.199, and 1.226. Mine No. 4 needs to extract 983.58 million tons of waste to produce 73 million tons of iron ore. In total, by discharging 428 million tons of waste in the northeastern and eastern dumps and adding a bench, a volume of 555.571 million tons of waste is available for disposing of the remaining waste. Considering the remaining waste volume, space must be allocated for waste disposal to Mine No. 4.

    Keywords: Waste dump stability, limit equilibrium method, Slide3D software, Monte Carlo simulation method, Golgohar Sirjan mine
  • امیرعباس علاءالدینی *
    یکی از اهداف مهم در تجارت بین الملل ایجاد فضایی مبتنی بر رقابت سالم است. در این راستا سازمان جهانی تجارت می کوشد تا از طریق موافقت نامه های خود با رویه های ضد رقابتی مقابله نماید. یکی از این رویه ها با عنوان قیمت شکنی قابل شناسایی است که در قالب تصویب موافقت نامه ضد قیمت شکنی مقررات آن در سازمان تدوین گردیده است. از سوی دیگر در ایران نیز مقرراتی در باب ممنوعیت قیمت شکنی در فصل نهم ق. ا. س. ک وضع شده است. با توجه به اینکه الحاق ایران به سازمان جهانی تجارت سال ها مورد توجه بوده است، تبیین نظام حقوقی حاکم بر قیمت شکنی در ایران و سازمان جهانی تجارت ضروری می نماید تا ضمن شناسایی قواعد و مراجع ذی صلاح برای رسیدگی به نقض این قواعد در حقوق ایران و با توجه به وجود شرط مطابقت در سازمان یادشده و اهمیت تطبیق مقررات داخلی با مقررات سازمان، به این پرسش پاسخ داده شود که آیا موارد اختلاف مانعی بر سر راه الحاق محسوب می شود یا خیر.
    کلید واژگان: الحاق ایران, حقوق رقابت, سازمان جهانی تجارت, قیمت شکنی
    * Amirabbas Alaedini
    One of the important purposes of international trade is creating an environment based on healthy competition. Therefore, using its agreements, the world trade organisation tries to confront the anti-competitive procedures. One of these procedures is known as dumping which is compiled as anti-dumping rules in the organisation. On the other hand, Iran's regulations which are ratified in the general policies of the 44th principle of the constitution bans dumping. Since the Iran accession to Word Trade Organization (WTO) has been under consideration for many years, explaining the legal system of dumping in Iran and WTO is necessary not only to identify the rules and eligible references for handling the breaking of the rules in Iran's law, but also to regard the matching condition in the mentioned organization and the importance of matching internal regulations with that of the organization to know whether the differences are obstacles for Iran accession or not.
    Keywords: Dumping, Competition law, World Trade Organization, Iran accession
  • از آنجا که گزینه «جستجوی دقیق» غیرفعال است همه کلمات به تنهایی جستجو و سپس با الگوهای استاندارد، رتبه‌ای بر حسب کلمات مورد نظر شما به هر نتیجه اختصاص داده شده‌است‌.
  • نتایج بر اساس میزان ارتباط مرتب شده‌اند و انتظار می‌رود نتایج اولیه به موضوع مورد نظر شما بیشتر نزدیک باشند. تغییر ترتیب نمایش به تاریخ در جستجوی چندکلمه چندان کاربردی نیست!
  • جستجوی عادی ابزار ساده‌ای است تا با درج هر کلمه یا عبارت، مرتبط ترین مطلب به شما نمایش داده‌شود. اگر هر شرطی برای جستجوی خود در نظر دارید لازم است از جستجوی پیشرفته استفاده کنید. برای نمونه اگر به دنبال نوشته‌های نویسنده خاصی هستید، یا می‌خواهید کلمات فقط در عنوان مطلب جستجو شود یا دوره زمانی خاصی مدنظر شماست حتما از جستجوی پیشرفته استفاده کنید تا نتایج مطلوب را ببینید.
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