فهرست مطالب

Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society
Volume:41 Issue: 4, 2015
- تاریخ انتشار: 1394/06/20
- تعداد عناوین: 20
Page 793In the present paper, by making use of the differential subordination and superordination results of Miller and Mocanu, certain classes of admissible functions are determined so that subordination as well as superordination implications of functions associated with an integral operator hold. Additionally, differential sandwich-type result is obtained.Keywords: Analytic functioný, ýsubordinationý, ýsuperordinationý, ýstarlikeý, ýsandwich, type resultý, ýintegral operatorý
Page 805For a bounded linear operator on Hilbert space we define a sequence of the so-called weakly extremal vectors. We study the properties of weakly extremal vectors and show that the orthogonality equation is valid for weakly extremal vectors. Also we show that any quasinilpotent operator T has an hypernoncyclic vector, and so T has a nontrivial hyperinvariant subspace.Keywords: Hyperinvariant subspaceý, ýextremal vectorý, ýquasinilpotent operatorý
Page 815The aim of this paper is to generalize thenotion of pseudo-almost valuation domains to arbitrary commutative rings. It is shown that the classes of chained rings and pseudo-valuation rings are properly contained in the class of pseudo-almost valuation rings; also the class of pseudo-almost valuation rings is properly contained in the class of quasi-local rings with linearly ordered prime ideals.Keywords: Strongly prime ideal, Pseudo, almost valuation domain, Pseudo, valuation ringý
Page 825In the present paper we consider a time-fractional inverse diffusion problem, where data is given at x=1 and the solution is required in the interval 0
Keywords: Ill, posed problemý, ýtime, fractional inverse diffusion problemý, ýoptimalý, ýregularizationý, ýerror estimateý
Page 835
Let M n be an n(n≥3) -dimensional complete connected and oriented spacelike hypersurface in a de Sitter space or an anti-de Sitter space, S and K be the squared norm of the second fundamental form and Gauss-Kronecker curvature of M n . If S or K is constant, nonzero and M n has two distinct principal curvatures one of which is simple, we obtain some characterizations of the Riemannian products: S n−1 (a)×H 1 (a 2 −1 − − − − − √) , or H n−1 (a)×H 1 (1−a 2 − − − − − √) .
spacelike hypersurface, mean curvature, second fundamental form, Gauss, Kronecker curvature, principal curvature
Page 857
The group 2 6 cdot G 2 (2) is a maximal subgroup of the Rudvalis group Ru of index 188500 and has order 774144 = 2 12. 3 3. 7. In this paper, we construct the character table of the group 2 6 cdot G 2 (2) by using the technique of Fischer-Clifford matrices.
Coset analysisý, ýFischer, Clifford matricesý, ýpermutation character
Page 873
In this work we prove Malliavin differentiability for the solution to an SDE with locally Lipschitz and semi-monotone drift. To prove this formula, we construct a sequence of SDEs with globally Lipschitz drifts and show that the p -moments of their Malliavin derivatives are uniformly bounded.
Smoothness of densityý, ýstochastic differential equationý, ýsemi, monotone driftý, ýMalliavin calculusý
Page 889
Using several examples of positive definite functions, some inequalities for the numerical radius of matrices are investigated. Also, some open problems are stated.
Inequalitiesý, ýNumerical radiusý, ýPositive definite functioný
Page 901
Let A be a C ∗ -algebra and Z(A) the center of A . A sequence {L n} ∞ n=0 of linear mappings on A with L 0 =I , where I is the identity mapping on A , is called a Lie higher derivation if L n [x,y]=∑ i+j=n [L i x,L j y] for all x,y∈A and all n⩾0 . We show that {L n} ∞ n=0 is a Lie higher derivation if and only if there exist a higher derivation {D n: A→A} ∞ n=0 and a sequence of linear mappings {Δ n: A→Z(A)} ∞ n=0 such that Δ 0 =0 , Δ n ([x,y])=0 and L n =D n +Δ n for every x,y∈A and all n≥0 .
Derivations, Higher derivations, Lieý Derivations, Lie Higher derivations, ý
Page 907
In this paper we focus on a special class of commutative local rings called SPAP-rings and study the relationship between this class and other classes of rings. We characterize the structure of modules and especially, the prime submodules of free modules over an SPAP-ring and derive some basic properties. Then we answer the question of Lam and Reyes about strongly Oka ideals family. Finally, we characterize the structure of SPAP-ring in special cases.
SPAP, Rings, Perfect rings, Quasi, Frobenius rings, Gorenstein rings, Prime submodules
Page 923
We consider properties of residuated lattices with universal quantifier and show that, for a residuated lattice X, (X,forall) is a residuated lattice with a quantifier if and only if there is an m -relatively complete substructure of X. We also show that, for a strong residuated lattice X, bigcapP lambda, |,P lambda rmisanmrm−filter=1 and hence that any strong residuated lattice is a subdirect product of a strong residuated lattice with a universal quantifier X/P lambda, where P lambda is a prime m -filter. As a corollary of this result, we prove that every strong monadic MTL-algebra (BL- and MV-algebra) is a subdirect product of linearly ordered strong monadic MTL-algebras (BL- and MV-algebras, respectively).
Residuated latticeý, ýuniversal quantifierý, ý{\it m}, filterý
Page 931
Inspired by the work of Suzuki in [T. Suzuki, A generalized Banach contraction principle that characterizes metric completeness, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 1861--1869], we prove a fixed point theorem for contractive mappings that generalizes a theorem of Geraghty in [M.A. Geraghty, On contractive mappings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 40 (1973), 604--608] and characterizes metric completeness. We introduce the family A of all nonnegative functions ϕ with the property that, given a metric space (X,d) and a mapping T:X→X , the condition x,y∈X, x≠y, d(x,Tx)≤d(x,y) ⟹\d(Tx,Ty)<ϕ(d(x,y)), implies that the iterations x n =T n x , for any choice of initial point x∈X , form a Cauchy sequence in X . We show that the family of L-functions, introduced by Lim in [T.C. Lim, On characterizations of Meir-Keeler contractive maps, Nonlinear Anal., 46 (2001), 113--120], and the family of test functions, introduced by Geraghty, belong to A . We also prove a Suzuki-type fixed point theorem for nonlinear contractions.
Banach contraction principle, Contractive mappings, Fixed points, Suzuki, type fixed point theorem, Metric completeness
Page 945
In this paper, we study some properties of analytic extension of a n th roots of M -hyponormal operator. We show that every analytic extension of a n th roots of M -hyponormal operator is subscalar of order 2k+2n . As a consequence, we get that if the spectrum of such operator T has a nonempty interior in C , then T has a nontrivial invariant subspace. Finally, we show that the sum of a n th roots of M -hyponormal operator and an algebraic operator of order k which are commuting is subscalar of order 2kn+2 .
n th roots of M, hyponormal operatorý, ýBishop's property (β)ý, ýsubscalar operatorý, ýinvariant subspaceý
Page 955
In this paper, we classify the indecomposable non-nilpotent solvable Lie algebras with N(R n, m,r) nilradical,by using the derivation algebra and the automorphism group of N(R n, m,r). We also prove that these solvable Lie algebras are complete and unique, up to isomorphism.
Automorphism groupý, ýNilradicalý, ýFiliform nilpotent Lie algebraý, ýcomplete Lie algebraý
Page 971
Let X=(x 1 x 2 …… x n−1 x n x n x n+1 ) be the Hankel matrix of size 2×n and let G be a closed graph on the vertex set [n]. We study the binomial ideal I G ⊂K[x 1, …,x n+1] which is generated by all the 2 -minors of X which correspond to the edges of G. We show that I G is Cohen-Macaulay. We find the minimal primes of I G and show that I G is a set theoretical complete intersection. Moreover, a sharp upper bound for the regularity of I G is given.
Rational normal scrollý, ýclosed graphý, ýset, theoretic complete intersectioný, ýCohen, Macaulay
Page 981
In this paper, we study convergence behavior of the global FOM (Gl-FOM) and global GMRES (Gl-GMRES) methods for solving the matrix equation AXB=C where A and B are symmetric positive definite (SPD). We present some new theoretical results of these methods such as computable exact expressions and upper bounds for the norm of the error and residual. In particular, the obtained upper bounds for the Gl-FOM method help us to predict the behavior of the Frobenius norm of the Gl-FOM residual. We also explore the worst-case convergence behavior of these methods. Finally, some numerical experiments are given to show the performance of the theoretical results.
Projection methods, Convergence analysis, Global FOM, Global GMRES, Worst, case behavior
Page 1003
In this paper, we first introduce some function spaces, with certain locally convex topologies, closely related to the space of real-valued continuous functions on X, where X is a C -distinguished topological space. Then, we show that their dual spaces can be identified in a natural way with certain spaces of Radon measures.
C_distinguished space_Function spaces_ý ýRadon measure_Uniformly τ k_smooth_ý ýUniformly τ s_smoothý
Page 1019
Let P n (x)=sum n i=0 A i x i be a random algebraic polynomial, where A 0, A 1, cdots is a sequence of independent random variables belong to the domain of attraction of the normal law. Thus A j 's for j=0,1cdots possesses the characteristic functions exp−frac12t 2 H j (t), where H j (t) 's are complex slowly varying functions. Under the assumption that there exist a real positive slowly varying function H(cdot) and positive constants t 0, C ast and C ast that C ast H(t)leqmboxRe[H j (t)]leqC ast H(t),;tleqt 0, ;j=1,cdots,n, we find that while the variance of coefficients are bounded, real zeros are concentrated around pm1, and the expected number of real zeros of P n (x) round the origin at a distance (logn) (−s) of pm1 are at most of order Oleft((logn) s log(logn)right).
Random algebraic polynomialý, ýExpected number of real zerosý, ýSlowly varying functioný, ýDomain of attraction of Normal lawý
Page 1031
In this paper, we find matrix representation of a class of sixth order Sturm-Liouville problem (SLP) with separated, self-adjoint boundary conditions and we show that such SLP have finite spectrum. Also for a given matrix eigenvalue problem HX=λVX , where H is a block tridiagonal matrix and V is a block diagonal matrix, we find a sixth order boundary value problem of Atkinson type that is equivalent to matrix eigenvalue problem.
Matrix representationý, sixth order Sturm, Liouvilleý, finite spectrumý
Page 1045
The aim of this paper is to study the convergence of solutions of the following second order difference inclusion {exp −1 u i u i+1 +θ i exp −1 u i u i−1 ∈c i A(u i),i⩾1u 0 =x∈M,sup i⩾0 d(u i, x)<+∞, to a singularity of a multi-valued maximal monotone vector field A on a Hadamard manifold M , where {c i} and {θ i} are sequences of positive real numbers and x is an arbitrary fixed point in M . The results of this paper extend previous results in the literature from Hilbert spaces to Hadamard manifolds for general maximal monotone, strongly monotone multi-valued vector fields and subdifferentials of proper, lower semicontinuous and geodesically convex functions f:M→]−∞,+∞] . In the recent case, when A=∂f , we show that the sequence {u i} , given by the equation, converges to a point of the solution set of the following constraint minimization problem Min x∈M f(x).
Maximal monotone operatorý, ýmultivalued vector fieldý, ýconvergenceý, ýsubdifferentialý, ýminimization problemý, ýHadamard manifoldý