فهرست مطالب

نشریه اقتصاد و جامعه
پیاپی 29 (تابستان 1395)
- 196 صفحه، بهای روی جلد: 125,000ريال
- تاریخ انتشار: 1395/07/18
- تعداد عناوین: 7
- بخش اول: اقتصاد ایران
صفحه 61
- بخش دوم: اقتصاد سلامت
Page 11The Sixth development plan of Iran has been prepared at a time when the fourth and fifth development plans has Been subject to criticism of being overoptimistic and highly idealized in their objectives and targets. It is expected that the government rectify the mistakes and overcome errors made earlier while framing the sixth development plan targets. Particularly the expectation is that the government give priority to the fulfilment of the projects remained incomplete from the past. The proposed plan ,however, paved the same way as its predecessors .Our finding show that wrong economic policies, specially its continuing dependence on oil revenues, financial disordering , deepening budget deficit on the one hand and predominance of financial policies over monetary policies, weak central banking and injection of oil revenue through government budget and banking system were the main sources of prevailing stagflation in the country, leading to poor performance of two development plans.Keywords: Stagflation, Oil Revenue, Liquidity, GDP, Money Base, Budget Revenue, Expenditures, Exchange Rate
Page 61A budget reflect financial statement of economic and social affairs in everysociety. It is just like any other economic tools is used by the government to carry its economic policies at macro level. It has generally triple objectives of growth, stability and Justice. The aim in this paper is to examine budget structures during 90 -1381(2011-2002).Our findings show that the government in Iran is a net withdrawers of resources meaning thereby this is that it has injected just a small portion of what actually has taken from the economy. The problem with development plan of Iran is that there is no restriction whatsoever in this regards. Moreover, the budgets are not only incompatible with the general rule of article 44 of the main policies in letter and spirit, it even diverges from it annually.Keywords: Budget Structure, Macroeconomic Policies, The general Principles of Article 44
Page 75Agriculture is an important sector in the economy .It spreads its linkages to other sectors, thereby leading to economic development. For these reasons, appropriate distribution of agricultural input is a big challenge of policy makers. Land reform is a policy of redistribution of high quality of land and agricultural resources. In this paper, we look at changes in the property rights resulting from land reforms. Our approach is a combination of political economy and institutional analysis. We divide the factors affecting economic variables into two groups of national and international. We have shown that the changes coming from external sources may not be suitable sources of change. Keeping in mind this hypothesis, we have provided an analytical framework comparing the experiences of two land reforms in Iran: the first reform which took place in 1960s and the second in the early years of Islamic revolutions. The result show that the first land reform based on foreign style of change was not consistent with the premises of an appropriate land reforms ,rather it was contradictory to the premises of well-known land reforms. It had other objectives and was undertaken under the pressures of forces outside of the economy. It followed objectives which were quite different from a genuine land reform. Therefore, it could not generate a meaningfully distribution of land ownership in the country ,as a result it could not generate suitable economic changes in the country. However, the second land reform which took place in the 1980s in the aftermath of the revolution were based on Islamic principles was compatible with circumstances and proved to be fruitful.Keywords: Land Reform, Political Economy, Agricultural Development, Income distribution, Rural Development
Page 115There has been two approaches in valuating virtual Water exports: Partial and General Equilibrium. Partial Equilibrium analysis are basically measured in terms of physical quantities (hectare, Cubic meter, tons etc.).This approach being partial does not consider other economic sectors (mines, industries and services). However, in general approach using input- output format, all economic sectors are taken into account simultaneously. The data base used in this approach is compositional (values and physical quantities) to estimate virtual water exports and imports for evaluating ecological pathology. Some researchers using partial equilibrium conclude that agricultural sector of Iran is net importer of virtual water, while others using general equilibrium are of the view that it is a net exporter of virtual water .One limiting factor in both the analysis is that these analysis are based on similar technology assumptions. In this paper we try to incorporate relative water productivity of trade partners in our analysis for the countriesfrom which 70 percent of Iran s imports came from. Our findings show that despite being a hot and dry country facing water shortages, Iran has been net exporter of virtual water. When we have taking into account the relative water productivity in our analysis, we find that the coefficient of net export of virtual water has increased even further.Keywords: Virtual Water, Direct, Indirect Water intensity, Partial, General Equilibrium, International Trade
Page 133The main aim of health reform has been justice in availability of health services and lightening the burden of people s share in health expenditures. These objectives are based on three broad assumptions. First, it is assumed that human knowledge in therapeutics is complete, which means he has acquired enough knowledge for each and every diseases. Second, medical specialist and physicians have been fully equipped with these knowledge and third, providers of clinical services all have the same objective of giving the best services to the patients. However, there are enough scientific evidence opposing these arguments. On the other hand, quota system, for health services, though undesirable is unavoidable reality. This is more so in the countries, where health budget is provided by general or public budget. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the resources are limited but the needs are unlimited. In addition new technology and technical knowledge of therapeutics are very costly. When resources including budget resources, housings, professionals and specialists are limited, the only option for policy makers is resorting to quota system. This policy is also adopted by developed countries time and again. Now under such conditions and keeping in mind logical, moral and legal considerations, the following questions arises as to:-1which measures are to be used?
-2What authorities are permitted to interfere?
-3 What mechanism is to be used for quota system?
Harrison and Hunter tried to find answer for these questions in their writings irrespective of time and places. They then have classified their answers. In this paper we try to illustrate the problems and show how answering these questions is not easy and is highly complicated.Keywords: Measures of justice in Health, Health Quota, Health Services, Justice in availability of Health -
Page 147Despite giving special emphasize on health, the planning programs of Iran have not been able to achieve their objectives. Evaluating the planning performancein this regards, we see that there is a high gap between plan objectives and their performance. These difference are especially more pronounced in the later years of the previous government. These divergence from the earlier normal years proved futile. Therefore, the only alternative is we believe to return to previous health scheme as operated on or before 1384(2005).The experience of its functioning proved to be appropriate .Thus return to previous scheme seems to be unavoidable. Adopting a Health Reform Scheme with mentioned objectives is a good indicator of government attention to seriousness to bring reform to the to health sector. This paper is an illustrative attempt to examine the necessity of this sort of schemes in the country and explain the challenges overhead and its perspectives. For this purpose we shall discuss success and failures of various development plans on health and evaluate their effectiveness. If our proposal for returning to earlier scheme is adopted then we shall have to understand its strength and weakness and try to eliminate the weakness and strengthen its positive aspects. The previous health scheme followed a sound policies in the beginning and had a positive impact on almost all heath indices. However, later on due to mismanagement of resources, increase in medical tariffs and decline in cash revenues in hospitals and clinical services, it was confronted with many challenges leading to poor performance in this regards. Recognizing the challenges and opportunities on the way help authorities and planners to design a better health reform scheme and to be able to better overcome the hindrances and facilitating the easier accessibilities of general public to health and clinical services.Keywords: Health Reform Scheme, Justice on Health, Conditions of Health services in the Ninth, Tenth governments
Page 173In this paper we try to show the importance of social security organization as an important sub sector of social security order within the country, incorporating active participation of employee, employers and government. Our main emphasize here is on the role that government plays in this regards , its obligations and liabilities .We shall trace the argument since 1978 revolutionbut our main emphasize would be on the eight years of holly defense. In this study, we have used eight key indices, including the pattern of the total numbers assured persons and beneficiaries, qualitative changes of pensioners, unemployment insurance scheme, formation of social security investment fund to safeguard the value of its asset resources and reserves,etc. to evaluate government policy and performance in this period. Our findings show that despite government engagement of war affairs, shortages of resources and necessity of giving priority to the needs of war over all other activities, the government had successfully manage resources and very well paid its dues on all insurance schemes.Keywords: Social Security Organization, Social Security Indices, Social Security Challenges, Government Role, Holly Defence Health Reform