فهرست مطالب

میراث شهاب - پیاپی 91 (بهار 1397)

نشریه میراث شهاب
پیاپی 91 (بهار 1397)

  • 232 صفحه،
  • تاریخ انتشار: 1397/09/05
  • تعداد عناوین: 12
  • Sayyid Mamd Mar‘ash Najaf Page 3
    This article is a collection of fifteen newly-found letters of Āyatullah al-‘Uẓma Sayyid Shahāb al-Dīn Mar‘ashī Najafī addressed to late ῌāj ῌussein ‘Imādzādih Iṣfahānī, which has been recently published with the handwriting of late Āyatollah Mar‘ashī in the encyclopedia of Rijāl Islām, edited by ῌussein ‘Imādzādih. The author of the article has written preliminaries about the vastness of the scientific relationship of late Āyatollah Mar‘ashī with his contemporary scientific figures, and has provided a short biography of the late ‘Imādzādih. The first letter belongs to 1371 (AH) which informs the reader of the opening of the Library of Lady M‘aṣūma’s Holy Shrine. In another article due to the oppression done to Ahlul-Bayt (a) by the assaults of Wahābīs’ writings, he indicated the necessity of scientific defense of Ahlul-Bayt. Furthermore, he mentions the academic and scientific figures of that time in a nice way, and points out the different stages of authorship and publication of some of Mr. Imādzādih’s books.
    Keywords: Mar‘ash? Najaf?, Shah?b al-D?n, Im?dz?dih, ?ussein, Encyclopedia of Rij?l Isl?m (book), Library of Lady M‘a??ma’s HolySpecialized Quarterly of Bibliographyand Manuscript StudiesVol. 24, No. 91, spring 201891, Shrine, Written works of ?ussein ‘Im?dz?dih, Scientific history of Iran– 14th century AH, Scientific correspondences–14th century AH.
  • Muammad Kim Ramat Page 15
    The present article is composed in three parts. First, Shī‘a in old Bahrain is discussed based on evidences from codicology, numismatics, and paleography, and evidences are argued regarding the oldest mosque in Awal, old Bahrain, and it is shown that this mosque has been built by Imamite Shī‘as. The second part is the correction of the name of a book by Dā‘ī Ismā‘īlī ‘Abdān whose works have been listed in Al- Fihrist by Ibn Nadīm. The last part of the present article is a reflection on historiography in early centuries of Islam.
    Keywords: Sh?‘a history – Bahrain_History of Bahrain – numismatics_History of Bahrain – codicology_History of Bahrain – paleography_‘Abd?n_D?‘? Ism?‘?l?_historiography – early centuries of Islam
  • Amad Khmeh Yr Page 45
    The writer provides some points and new findings about the history of Shī‘a from the second century to the twelfth century (AH): Ma‘an b. Zāidah Shībānī (d. 151 AH) being a Shī‘a; Rayḥān Shībānī (sixth century AH) learning from Shī‘a scholars of Levant; Ibn Mustufī, the author of the History of Irbal (the six and seven centuries), having tendency towards Shī‘a; Ghars al-Dīn Irbali (d. 679 in Damascus) probably being a Shī‘a; writing two collections concerning Rijāl in Jabal ’Āmil by Mullā Abdullāh Shūshtarī (d. 1021 AH) guarded in the Library of Āyatullah Mar‘ashī.
    Keywords: Sh?b?n?, Ma‘an b. Z?idah, ?abash?, R???n, Ibn Mustuf?, Irbali, Ghars al-D?n, Sh?shtar?, Mull? Abdull?h, History of Sh?‘a.
  • Muammad ‘Aywaz Page 57
    This article provides new findings about Naṣrullāh Ruyānī (833-766 AH), the mystic of eighth and ninth centuries (AH), and shows that the book Nokhbat al-Raghāib is his writing and that he was a follower of Muḥyid al-Dīn b. ‘Arabī and not ‘Abd al-Raḥīm b. M‘arūf Rāzī (ninth century AH). This research has referred to the book Safīna Bamī compiled by ’Aṭāallāh b. Muḥammad Bamī Bukhārī, and the author has introduced this compilation. Afterward, the content of Ruyānī’s twentyeight letters is analyzed from social, political, cultural, religious, and literary viewpoints, and his biography is provided based on writing biographies through an analytical method.
    Keywords: Ruy?n?_Na?rull?h (eighth_ninth centuries)_Nokhbatal-Ragh?ib (book)_R?z?_‘Abd al-Ra??m b. M‘ar?f (ninth century)_Saf?nah Bam? (book)_Bam? Bukh?r?_’A??all?h b. Mu?ammad_Correspondences of Na?rull?h Ruy?n? –Analysis of content_Ruy?n?_Na?rull?h – biography
  • Abulfal Murad (Rast) Page 79

    The similarity of pseudonym of the past poets has brought about mistakes in the ascription accuracy of their works. This research seeks, through introducing one of the eulogy odes in the panegyric of Ahlul-Bayt (a), first to inspect its ascription to Kāshifī Sabziwārī and to examine the documents that ascribe this work to Kāshifī Sabziwārī. On the other hand, this ode has particular features in providing verses and hadiths in the text of the version. Moreover, considering the particular style of the poet in relation to this, in the present article this ode has been viewed from different aspects, the structure of the ode, and its rhetorical characteristics. Due to this research, one of the poems of Mullā ῌussein Wā‘iz Kāshifī, through the identification of other versions, it became clear that this ascription is severely doubted, and ascription of this work to Kāshifī Shīrāzī is more accurate. Based on this, it is necessary to review all works of Wā‘iz Kāshifī Sabziwārī because one can be dubious about the ascription accuracy of these works based on one mistake.

    Keywords: Persian literature, eulogy, panegyric of Ahlul-Bayt (a), Mull? ?ussein W?‘iz K?shif?, K?shif? Sh?r?z?
  • Sayyid ‘Al Malakt Page 97
    In this article, the poems of Mīrzā Naṣrullāh Ṣadr al-Mamālik Ardabīlī pseudonymously known as Nuṣrat (d. 1271 AH) and two of his relatives Mīrzā Hādī Qudrat ‘Alī and Mīrzā ‘Abdul-Wahhāb Khān Muṣṭafā ‘Alī are briefly introduced and analyzed. Parts of his Ghazel poems and some verses of his refrain poems written as an elegy for the martyrdom of Sayyid Al-Shuhadā’ (a) and composed as a follow-up to Muḥtasham Kāshānī›s refrain are quoted. He left his birthplace Ardabīl to Qom and established a residential and agricultural complex called Nuṣrat Ābād in the vicinity of Qom.
    Keywords: ?adr al-Mam?lik Ardab?l?, Na?rull?h, Qudrat ‘Al?, M?rz?H?d?, Mu??af? ‘Al?, ‘Abdul-Wahh?b, ?adr al-Mam?lik›s D?v?n (book).
  • Abul, Falfiziyn Bbul Page 107
    This article is a cautionary about the manuscripts and a reminder of the plagues that threaten their survival. The author has divided the reasons for the annihilation of the manuscripts into twenty types and uses terms such as cemetery, furnace, warehouse, rooftop, well, firewood, etc. manuscripts in this innovative division system – which is offered for the first time. All these terms show the negligence toward the written heritage of the past generations. The author mentions present and past documented examples for each of these types. Some of these manuscripts have turned to be useless due to reasons such as acidification, damages by insects and rodents, humidity, abandonment in the stables or dumps or ruins, incorrect binding, and even deliberate washing.
    Keywords: Manuscripts – plagues_damages_Written heritage – thenecessity of attention
  • Al Qanbariyn, Aliri Liyqat Page 129
    The topic of this article is the examination of the life and works of Muḥammad Shafī‘ b. Muḥammad Riḍā Astarābādī and his son Muḥammad Mahdī Astarābādī (13th century AH) and the difference between this Muḥammad Shafī‘ and Muḥammad Shafī‘ b. Muḥammad ‘Alī Astarābādī (d. 1117 AH). Mullā Muḥammad Shafī‘, the focus of this article, had followers in the Astarābād area and wrote the Persian book Minhāj al-a‘māl about the Islamic jurisprudence and some pamphlets about the Islamic beliefs. Mullā Muḥammad Mahdī learned from the scholars of Astarābād, Karbalā, and Qazvīn. Then he went to Kirmānshāh and then to Lucknow (in India). He trained some students in India, stood against Shaykhiyya and Dihlawī movements, and wrote numerous works in Islamic jurisprudence and principles of Islamic jurisprudence in Persian and Arabic. The manuscripts of these works are introduced in this article.
    Keywords: Astar?b?d?_Mu?ammad Shaf?‘_Astar?b?d?_Mu?ammadMahd?_Minh?j al-a‘m?l (book)_Sh?‘a history – India_Mu?ammad Shaf?‘_Mu?ammad Mahd? – codicology of the works_Sh?‘a history – 13th century AH.
  • SayyidJa‘far ussein Ashkivar Page 155
    This article presents the -194verse Il-Tijā’iyya ode composed by Abul- Ḥasan b. Muḥammad Kāẓim pseudonymously known as Ṣafā during the Russo-Persian wars in the 13th century. This poem can be classified as a Jihādiyya pamphlet. The author of the article provides extensive explanations about the points and proper nouns used in the ode and an analysis of content of the ode and the motivation of the poet. The majority of the verses of the ode are allocated to invocations to the Infallibles along with references to their virtues and miracles. Of course, the introduction of the ode entails a brief history of the Russo-Persian wars and its conclusion is comprised of an intimate supplication to the Sublime God. It is for the first time that this ode is being published based on its manuscript – as introduced in the article.
    Keywords: History of Q?j?r era – Russo-Persian wars_History of Iran13-th century AH_J?jarm?_Abul-?asan b. Mu?ammad K??im_Historyof Iranian literature – 13th century_Persian odes – Qa??da al-taj?’iyya_Qa??da il-tij?’iyya – explanation_analysis_Jih?diyya pamphlets
  • Sayyid Musin Musin Page 183
    This article investigates the history of the changes of Maydān Nou of Qom from the old times to the end of Qājār era. The author puts forth explanations about the entry path of Lady Ma‘ṣuma (a) to Qom in the year 200 AH, the residence place of that revered lady, the location of the holy shrine of Lady Ma‘ṣuma (a) and its effect on the geographical changes of Qom, mansions around the Qom river, Ash‘arī Qomī family, Ṣadr al-Mamālik Ardabīlī›s activities during Qājār era, Sāvah Gate, Qom Bāzār, Maḥmūdiyya, Muhandisiyya, some important old buildings such as water reservoir, public bath, caravansary, and bridge, out of which some are extant and some have been ruined. In addition to the books, the primary resources used by the author also include deeds of endowment, resources on the ancient history and geography of Qom, biographies of the scholars and poets of Qom, and field studies and observations.
    Keywords: Qom history - Mayd?n Nou_F?tima Ma‘?uma (a) – holyshrine_?adr al-Mam?lik Ardab?l?_Public buildings of Qom_Qom deedsof endowment_Qom history_geography – written sources.