فهرست مطالب

نشریه پژوهش های فضا و مکان در شهر
سال سوم شماره 2 (پیاپی 10، بهار 1398)
- تاریخ انتشار: 1398/05/05
- تعداد عناوین: 7
شناسایی و تحلیل عوامل موثر در شکل گیری نظام بهره برداری اراضی کشاورزی / مطالعه موردی؛ ناحیه عمرانی 2 دشت مغانصفحه 1
Page 1The establishment and sustainability of agricultural land utilization system depends on many factors that encourage and deteriorate. The supremacy of deterrent factors on proactive factors is the main issue of the establishment and sustainability of the operation system. Research has shown that with the loss of traditional agricultural production systems, and the frequency and frequency of unsuccessful alternatives and small crops, the two main factors against the formation of an optimal system of operation are desirable. This research was carried out with the aim of identifying deterrent factors for the formation of a system of exploitation in the development area of two Moghan plains. This research has been carried out qualitatively through semi-structured interviews and the use of Rural Participatory Evaluation (PRA) Approach and Methodology and Rapid Rural Assessment (RRA). The target community in this study was the owners of customary land rights which, based on methodology, have been present in the social groups in the rural assessment workshops and identified and analyzed by semi-structured interviews and workgroup interviews. The results of this research have shown that social deterrents such as past failures in the establishment of a system of exploitation, social conflicts over grasslands, underemployment and unemployment, and the limitation of livelihoods and immigration intensification in the research area, including the inhibitory factors in shaping Operation system in the region. Based on the findings of this study, in cases where the adaptation of traditional management to the new conditions of the agricultural development project is subject to significant changes, the fundamental transformation of the current structure of the traditional management system is inevitable.Keywords: Operation system, Traditional management, Agricultural development, Moghan Plain
Page 16The billboards can be more influential if they are used in the proper and desirable manner with regard to the place and location of the installation or the size of the quality level. In the region of Tehran, which is a mixture of modern and traditional urban planning, in order to determine the optimal location for billboards, after collecting location and map data and creating a database in the Arc GIS environment and fuzzy layers, with proper weighting and aggregation These sites have been reviewed and, finally, the points that were of a very good fit were chosen to create a billboard advertisement. According to the analysis done on the generated maps, only 313 of the billboards are installed in the correct location, and 9 suitable locations can be offered according to the overlay map with the Gamma membership function of 1.9.Keywords: Billboards, Location, Fuzzy Logic, GIS
Page 30In today's global society, human resources are the most important factor in the development and development of a region, and in various industries, these types of resources play an indisputable and key role. The importance of this kind of language is such that it can be argued that without human resource management, it is impossible to achieve development in the industry. Human Resource Management is a regular way to ensure that suitable people fit into the right posts at the right time. Because the tourism industry is a service activity and is heavily dependent on those who work in the industry, it is essential to develop the human resources management industry. Tourism has no region or country without having a knowledge-based management, especially in the human resources sector, with sustainable growth and development.
Despite the importance of human resources management in the tourism industry, unfortunately, as much as it deserves a country with tourism potential, this kind of management in Iran has not reached the necessary and effective stage, and the lack of attention to it is one of the main obstacles to the development of tourism Country.Keywords: Human Resource Management, Tourism -
Page 48The rural guide plan is a plan that influences villages from different aspects of the economic, social, environmental and physical aspects. Since these plans are considered as the most important project involved in rural development planning and have been prepared for different parts of the country, and since its inception, it has been felt for several years to be evaluated. Due to the implementation of the guideline for other rural areas in the country, its strengths and weaknesses should be identified and prevented from revising the weaknesses. Some researchers also believe that the implementation of the project without evaluation and supervision will waste time and money. One of the aspects of evaluating the conducting design is economic evaluation. Therefore, this research by descriptive-analytical method is to examine this issue in four villages selected from Shazand city. The statistical population is 1251
households, of which 212 families were selected using Cochran model. Field data were collected and filled out by questionnaires and interviews from villagers. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results of this study include the failure of the conductor's plan in the investment sector in the economic sector, the lack of employment for the residents of the village, low impact on improving the agricultural situation, rising prices for residential land, failure to improve the living conditions of villagers and the total dissatisfaction of the people. The effects of the implementation of the plan in the economic sector and their lack of satisfaction pointed out.Keywords: Economic Review, Rural Development, Hadi Project, Shazand -
Page 60With the increasing urbanization and the increasing population of urbanists and the resulting problems, provision of facilities for the well-being of citizens is more and more necessary. Nowadays, the importance and role of urban furniture in urban services and urban aesthetics are not covered by anyone, and urban furniture is an indispensable part of the city. "Quality" as one of the central concepts of knowledge and practice of designing urban furniture is very important from a theoretical and practical point of view. In addition to the theoretical significance, due to the lack of quality that is currently facing the most urban environments in our country, the standardization or quality of urban furniture in the desirability of space, the sustainability of urban furniture, increasing the efficiency of these elements, raising the level of satisfaction from the citizen's sight and Creating a relaxed atmosphere for Isfahan citizens will play an important role. This study aimed to investigate the effect of urban furniture on the quality of urbanization of the city from the viewpoint of citizens to study on the impact of furniture on quality in general and in the urban space of Isfahan in particular. The choice of the research method after the determination of the purpose of the action is essential, which should be done by the researcher. The method of study in this study is based on the nature of work based on descriptive-analytical and survey method. The main orientation of this research is practical. Theoretical foundations and research background are developed using library and documentary resources. In this study, with the help of studies, three indicators of vitality, beauty and identity were extracted in relation to the concepts of quality that urban furniture could affect.Keywords: Urban Furniture, Quality, Spatial Quality, Satisfaction with Citizens' View, Isfahan City
Page 79Urban modernity and urbanization, and the growing consumerism, have resulted in the production of waste materials and the production of urban waste, which has prevented the health and environmental viability of human settlements, which highlights the importance and necessity of urban studies. The purpose of this study was to assess the status of urban waste management components in Shahrekord. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula of 311 questionnaires. The reliability of the research tool was estimated using Cronbach's alpha of 1.712, which indicates the utility of the questionnaire. For descriptive and inferential statistics analysis, t-test was used in SPSS software. Structural equation modeling in AMOS software was used to explain the effects modeling. Initially, the status of municipal waste management with single sample T test was investigated, the results of the T-test showed that most of the urban waste management indicators in the study area are not in a satisfactory condition and the total indexes are 2.49 lower than average Which expresses a weak state. Analysis of the results of structural equation modeling suggests that among the indexed indicators of knowledge in waste management and participation in waste management has the highest factor load with the total regression weight (1.42) and the value of P-value (1.111). And then the waste recycling training was done by citizens with factor weight (1.41) and P-value (1.111). Finally, due to the poor management of waste management in Shahrekord, practical and practical suggestions for improvement of the city situation have been presented.Keywords: Waste Management, Urban Waste, Recycling, Structural Modeling, Shahrekord
Page 103The old texture of Shahrekord is also one of the old examples of expensive fabrics due to problems such as lack of proper access, economic degradation, physical exhaustion, burnout of the social organization, etc., with physical, social and economic changes. The purpose of this study is to develop the main strategies for organizing urban corroded tissues in Kurdistan. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and in terms of its purpose. The statistical population including university professors and urban experts in Kurdistan city was 181 people who were selected according to the general sampling method of all subjects. The adjusted questionnaire has 26 questions which is distributed between the sample size and the data have been analyzed based on the SWOT strategy model. The results of this study show that the physical condition of the city of Kurdistan is such that due to the limited horizontal development in the city and also the tumultuous texture and in the central part of the city, the most important problem in this city is in the worn out tissues of the same physical condition and There is also a lack of a coherent and efficient management to allocate appropriate applications and organize the erosion of texture and use vertical design schemes in the city, as well as allocate urban reconstruction funding for other problems in the burnout of this texture and prevent it from being organized. On the other hand, the restoration and renovation of worn-out tissues in the city requires the participation of the people and exploitation of their ideas in this field that will advance the process of improvement.Keywords: Restoration, Worn texture, Improvement, urban renewal, Reconstruction, Intervention, Shahrekord