فهرست مطالب

Journal of Research and Health
Volume:9 Issue: 6, Nov-Dec 2019
- تاریخ انتشار: 1398/08/10
- تعداد عناوین: 9
Pages 463-470
Interest in the use of mindfulness-based activities with youth is growing. Students with externalized disorders often have problems with mindfulness and attention activities. The relationship between mindfulness and externalizing problems in children and adolescents has important therapeutic implications. This study was designed to investigate the predictive role of mindfulness in externalizing disorders among adolescents. In this study, 250 high school students were selected. In order to measure the mindfulness characteristics, mindfulness attention awareness scale brown & ryan and to measure externalizing disorders, youth self-report of Achenbach's self-report form were used was. There was a significant inverse relationship between score of mindfulness and total score of externalizing problems. In addition, there was a significant inverse relationship between mindfulness and components related to externalizing problems (lawlessness, aggression, problems with attention deficit/ hyperactivity, oppositional defiant disorder issues and problems associated with conduct disorder). Regression analysis showed that mindfulness with 19% of variance explained can predict symptoms of externalizing disorders. The results showed Mindfulness has significant negative correlation with externalizing disorders symptoms and also mindfulness is able to predict symptoms of externalizing disorders.
Keywords: Adolescents, Behaviors, Disorders, External, Mindfulness -
Pages 471-479
Sleep has a key role in the development of adolescents. Sleep is effective not only in physical growth, but also in behavior, emotion, cognition, attention, and school performance of adolescents. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the quality of sleep and the prevalence of sleep disorders in adolescents of Gonabad city. The statistical sample consisted of 1153 adolescents studying in the secondary high schools of Gonabad city. A demographic questionnaire, the pittsburgh sleep quality scale, and global sleep assessment questionnaire were used to collect data. 75.3% of the adolescents had low and inappropriate sleep quality. In addition, disturbances in beginning of sleep (16.7%), Disturbances in maintaining sleep (11.5%), daytime fatigue (31.6%), daytime sleepiness (24.7%), sleep disorder due to daily intense activity (27.8%), Breathing pause (10.2%), snoring (9.4%), restless leg syndrome (16.9%), periodic movements limb (11.7%), sleepwalking disorder (11%), having nightmare (8.5%), secondary insomnia (18.2%), feelings of anxiety and worry (26.4%), and Disturbances in daily work (26%) were the other obtained results. According to the poor quality of sleep and prevalence of sleep disorders in them, it is essential to respect the causes of the issue to reduce the negative consequences.
Keywords: Adolescents, Prevalence, Sleep -
Pages 480-487
The fertility rate in Iran has recently changed significantly, to the point where Iran today faces a single-child phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of demographic variables in the tendency for one child phenomenon of married women. In this study 200 married women participated whit a random sample selection from health centers. The inclusion criteria were to select married women who had one child and had at least 10 years of married life. The data collection instruments were a questionnaire to examine demographic variables (age, education, women's employment, etc.) in the tendency towards a phenomenon of one child. The results showed that more than 70% of participants did not consider one child to be ideal and only 32% tended to have one child. MANOVA test results showed that the tendency to have one child had a significance to education. Other results showed that only child planning and women's employment were correlated and forced to have one child. The overall conclusion is therefore that, while most women tend not to have one child, society's current conditions are such that women are forced to work, making them plan for the number of their children.
Keywords: Child, Demographic, Family, Women -
Pages 488-495
Imprisoned people have usually a poor health status in comparison with the general population. The aim is to exploring. The current study is an applied research and aimed to exploring the relationship between mental health and resilience of 99 women prisoners who participated in recreational sport classes. The data were collected through goldberg's general health questionnaire, with reliability (0.93) and connor-davidson resilience scale with reliability (0.97). Results showed that 59.6% of participants were aged between 20-25 years old and 67.7% of them were between 12 and 36 months in prison. Furthermore, the mental health status of female inmates was as great as possible, but their resilience was insufficient and low. No relation existed between prisoners' age and mental status but was observed a significant correlation between the resilience and age of them. On the other hand, significant difference was noted between mental health status and resilience of female inmates by type of crime, and a negative significant relation was also found between mental health status and resilience due to the amount of conviction. However we didn’t found significant relationship between prisoners' mental health status and resilience in this study but many women prisoners suffer from mental disturbances and physical activity and sport recreational facilities along with psychological and psychiatric care in prisons can be a shortcut to managing these illnesses.
Keywords: Females, Mental Health, Physical Activity, Resilience -
The attitudes toward extramarital relations and some of its related factors among families of TabrizPages 496-504
Extramarital relations are the most common social problems with many negative consequences on family institution, including erosion of mutual marital trust and divorce. A study on the attitudes of people in society towards extramarital relations can be an important indicator in predicting this behavior. The present study to investigate the attitudes toward extramarital relations and some of its related factors.The research was a correlation survey, and the statistical population consisted of married women aged 18-60 years old in Tabriz city in 2018. 510 participants were selected as sample of studythrough the multi-stage cluster sampling technique. The data collection instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire on attitudes toward extramarital relations, familism, social reflexivity, and religiosity. The findings show that with increasing familism and religiosity , participants’ attitudes toward rigorous or negative outcomes of extramarital relations become significant, while with increasing satellite networks usage and virtual social networks usage, their attitudes toward extramarital relations become positive. In addition, the predicted variables in the regression model of the study can explain 36% of the changes in attitudes toward extramarital relations. By increasing the level of adherence to family values and the adoption of appropriate family policies and decisions and its challenges, it is possible to significantly reduce the individuals’ negative or positive attitudes towards extramarital relations.
Keywords: Communication Media, Extramarital Relations, Family, Religion -
Pages 505-515
The juvenile correction and rehabilitation center is a place for reforming and rehabilitating juvenile adolescents. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mindfulness-based training on aggression and empathy of adolescents at the juvenile correction and rehabilitation center in Tehran. The research was a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and the control group. The statistical population of the study was all of the adolescents in the juvenile correction and rehabilitation center in Tehran. In this research sampling method was convenience sampling method (availability sampling). In this regard, two groups of 16 were selected for each experimental and control. At the implementation stage, 4 participants from the experimental group and 4 from the control group were excluded. Finally, sample of 24 adolescents was randomly assigned into experimental and control groups and responded to the Batson Empathy Questionnaire and Buss and Warren’s aggression questionnaire. The experimental group received a 90-minute session for 8 sessions and a weekly 90-minute session, and no training was taken in the control group. Multivariate covariance and variance analysis was used for data analysis. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the two groups of experimental and control after the implementation of mindfulness-based training in terms of empathy and aggression components. Mindfulness-based therapy led to empathy promotion and reduction of aggression components in adolescents at the juvenile correction and rehabilitation center.
Keywords: Adolescent, Aggression, Empathy, Juvenile, Mindfulness -
Pages 516-524
Given the importance of identifying people at risk of dangerous behaviors and necessity of providing valid measures in this area, present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties and factor structure of short Persian version of the five factor impulsive behavior scale. 352 participants living in Tehran were selected. The participants filled out Urgency, Premeditation, Perseverance, Sensation seeking, and Positive urgency (UPPS-P) Impulsive behavior scale, short form of UPPS-P Impulsive behavior scale, and difficulties in emotion regulation scale. Internal consistency reliability of impulsive behavior scale ranged between 0.52 and 0.75. The results of exploratory factor analysis confirmed the factor structure of this scale, with the exception of combining two dimensions of urgency under a factor. Criterion validity showed significant positive correlation between the difficulty in emotion control and factors of impulsivity by examining the association between scores of the factors of impulsivity with difficulty in emotion control scale. This findings indicated that impulsive behavior scale has acceptable validity and reliability and can be used to predict a variety of risky behaviors. However, given the low number of items of this form (20 items) compared to the long form, generalization of this study findings should be done with cautious.
Keywords: Health Risk Behaviors, Impulsive Behavior, Psychometrics, Scale, Urgency -
Pages 525-532
Nowadays the audience’s behaviors and reactions to health-related messages are of great importance. The present research aimed at studying the effect of health-related messages on the behaviors of social networks audiences according to attention, interest, desire, action model. The study used structural equation modeling to analyze the gathered data. The data were collected from the audiences of Telegram social network in Iran by using a questionnaire whose reliability and validity had been confirmed. The participants were selected by adopting a simple random sampling approach. The data of 384 questionnaires were analyzed. The findings of the present study indicated that health-related messages have positive significant effects on the behaviors of social networks audiences. Moreover, the findings of the present study confirmed the effects of physical, social, spiritual, and mental health on attracting attention, building interest, arousing desire, and persuading to take action among social networks audiences. Therefore, according to the research findings, it can be said that health-related messages sent to the audiences of Telegram social network can change the behavior of audiences. In other words, it can be concluded that health-related messages can affect the behaviors of social networks audiences.
Keywords: Behavior, Health, Message, Social Networking -
Pages 533-543
Substance abuse is also related to psychological skills that affect the treatment process. Identifying the role of these skills can be useful for the development of a better intervention. This purpose of this study was to compare the coping strategies and emotion regulation profiles among opium users, methadone maintenance treatment clients, and normal individuals. The sample was selected among patients and their accompanies–relatives or friends–as attending to Sari substance abuse treatment centers in spring 2016 to start or continue professional treatment. By using convenience sampling method, participants were assigned to three groups: opium users (n= 43), methadone maintenance treatment clients (n= 45), and control group (n= 43). Measuring tools included coping inventory for stressful situations and the difficulties in emotion regulation scale for all participants in the three groups. Significant differences were observed between the control and experimental groups: compared to the control group, opium users and methadone maintenance treatment clients had more emotion regulation difficulties and more adopted avoidance and emotion-focused coping strategies. By exploring the variables associated with the onset, persistence, and severity of substance abuse, the findings suggested groundwork for further researches which could be incorporated in prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation evidence-based methods to ameliorate the rate of substance abuse and dependency and related harms.
Keywords: Adaptation, Emotions, Psychological, Substance-Related Disorders