فهرست مطالب

فصلنامه دین و رسانه
سال شانزدهم شماره 14 (پاییز و زمستان 1396)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1399/07/23
  • تعداد عناوین: 7
  • Mustafa Hamadani* Pages 5-28

    In recent decades, TV and cinema audience has experienced the presence of clergyman personage in some films and series, which can be descriptive or normative. The former aims to represent clergymen's lifestyle in order to criticize and make audience familiar with them, among others. The latter always seeks an educative and didactic aim in order to provide a faithful lifestyle in relation with self, God and His people. The last production in this regard is the series Serre Delbaran (the Secret of Sweethearts) which was screened in Ramadan 1397 (2018) in Channel One of IRIB. Using documentary analysis and qualitative (numerical) content analysis method, the present paper seeks to criticize the clergyman's representation in the series in terms of makeup and characterization. The results show that it was somewhat successful in providing a model, but it is far from desired situation so it is worthy to carefully evaluate such scenarios before and during production. The clergyman's mistakes in explaining religious injunctions and giving religious lectures, and violating moral values, legal rules and basic components of Islamic lifestyle in relation to God, family and people are instances which should be avoided in such situation. The paper provides a model of components and necessities of representing clergymen in films and series.

    Keywords: representation, clergyman, representing clergyman, Serre Delbaran, faithful lifestyle
  • Khalil Beigi* Pages 29-47

    "Princess of Rome" is the first animation about Mahdism and Last Day in Iran. The present paper reviews its symbols in terms of classifying good and bad, repetition, ambiguity, and novelty. These symbols are analyzed using Barthes's three- level semiotics in terms of explicit, implicit, and ideological implications. A well-known symbol is a "butterfly", a positive symbol created in the animation. However, extraordinary and sometimes aimless repetition of the symbol has destroyed and made it a repetitive character in the animation, which makes its audience bored. Unfortunately, Mahdist culture has few symbols, the most famous of which is narcissus. The animation has extraordinarily referred to it which finally makes it repetitive and boring for the audience. The opposite and negative symbol is the "bat" which is correctly selected as the symbol of darkness, but there are some ambiguities in its processing. The animation shows that Mahdist culture requires cultural artists and those in charge to create influential, interesting, conceptual and purposeful symbols. The animation "Princess of Rome" is a great opportunity in terms of technic, structure and theme with regard to all its merits and demerits.

    Keywords: Imam of the Time (peace be upon him), animation, semiotics, Roland Barthes, implication, Princess of Rome
  • Reza Parizad*, Ibrahim Mahdawian Kiasari Pages 48-68

    The age of communication and scope of media audience have always provided them with an opportunity to lead public opinion towards colonial aims, summarize the clash of civilizations in Islamophobia and denigrating Islam using the views of such western theorists as Huntington, and choose struggle against religion and Islam as their aim. The framework of the present paper subject which is based on 'Abdul Hamid Abul Hamd's book entitled "The Fundamentals of Politics" is about inducing propaganda method, and media try to denigrate Islam using the method and repeating real subjects. Using descriptive-analytical method, the paper analyzes the content of the news broadcasted by Euronews network. It analyzes its 45 news from January to May 2018 about Islam and Muslims, which approves its hypothesis.

    Keywords: media, Islam, denigration, public opinion, inducing propaganda
  • Mohammad Khalaji* Pages 69-89

    The present paper deals with the role of national media in nation-building and tries to discuss about its nature, possibility, and obstacles in modern times by reviewing the concept of unified Ummah from the view of experts and scholars. Then it discusses about how it can be promoted in national media, using interview method. We are still far from desired situation despite national media's many efforts to actualize unified Ummah. National media's most important strategy to promote nation-building is its emphasis on convergence of Islamic nations. National media is expected as only a media to promote nation-building, not more. It is difficult to unite Islamic Ummah without political rulers' assistance. This needs cultural diplomacy in which national media can have an important role. On the other hand, media should emphasize on Islamic value criteria and principles which are not ethnic, national and sectarian, and try to decrease the gap between national and religion identity.

    Keywords: unified Ummah, national media, new Islamic civilization, nation-building
  • Hamid Rahmani* Pages 90-110

    Human rights are an important social issue in modern times noted by media due to their capacities. How media are related to human rights in secular and divine schools has made important differences in their media function and layout. Liberal- democratic systems have manipulated human rights to advance in their foreign policy in order to actualize West's hegemony over divergent countries. They have exploited media power and efficiency to exert more influence and easily achieve their interests and aims, such that they denigrate, accuse, cast doubt, deviate public opinion about human rights in Iran and other Muslim countries, and humiliate them through soft war and media methods. Based on its religious ideals, national media should actively promote Islamic human rights and help to provide the conditions for their actualization when confronting West's approach to human rights. Using a documentary method, the present paper reviews and provides national media's duties about human rights according to normative theory of social responsibility and considering Islamic approach to human rights. The findings show that national media's inherent duties include a vast scope of social responsibilities including human rights with regard to the principles of religious media. Accordingly, national media can fulfill its important duty in promoting, defending, supporting, clarifying and protecting Islamic human rights by its attractive and proper strategies and solutions with regard to its capacities and richness of Islamic human rights.

    Keywords: Islamic human rights, national media, media's social responsibility, media soft war
  • Saadia Izzeldin Malik* Translator: MohammadReza Amin Pages 111-130

    The present paper discusses the compatibility between theories of Islamic ethics and western ethics about the ethics of global journalism, and reviews Islamic and western approaches and viewpoints about ethics and applied ethics in journalism. It basically discusses global journalistic values about freedom of speech, personal right of privacy, collective right of knowing, and global and contradictory values of media ownership in relation to freedom, and consumerist values in relation to media values of social responsibility. These contradictory media values are part of wider methods of gathering news and reporting them, which have surrounded many moral problems in media and journalism. It ends with western viewpoints about character and provides an Islamic moral viewpoint to develop character as an approach compatible with western viewpoint about moral development, which will help to reconcile contradictory media values.

    Keywords: applied ethics, global journalism, Islamic ethics, values, western liberal ethics