فهرست مطالب

Safinah al-nejat
Volume:5 Issue: 18, Spring 2020

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1399/10/02
  • تعداد عناوین: 6
  • Hasan Taroumi* Pages 5-6

    Moral role-models, being religious, social, or academic, continue to exert influence on the minds and behaviors of those who look up to those who look up to them. From this perspective, the influence exerted comes from the role-model personality. The higher the personality, the more profound the influence is supposed to prove. On the other hand, the one who is tends to receives the influence should be capable of both appreciating the status of the dignitary in question and the scope of his efforts for which he or she has proved an admirable role-model. Shiite religious history offers a considerable number of such figures who have exerted such influence both in their life-time and after their demise. A prominent Shiite religious scholar, the late Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abu al-Qasim Musawi Khoie who was indeed an exemplary influential figure. A prominent Shiite mujtahid and marjaʽ al-taqlid in Najaf for over seventy years, he educated many, many students, in fact mujtahids, who have been sources of help in many areas of the lives of Shiites. Among his students one can find a good range of scholars, from outstanding professors to great mujtahids in various Muslim lands, from Lebanon to Indonesia. The present issue of Safinah al-Najah contains the first English translation of a long poem, in Arabic called urjūzah, which the late Grand Ayatollah Khoie composed in honor of Imam ʽAlīchr('39')s sublime character and career in the Islamic world. Composed in the light of noble Islamic teachings, it offers a survey of the Divine unicity to the prophethood of the Prophet Muḥammad and deals with Imam ʽAlī in detail. He continued working on it until his death. The cases of the life and times of the Grand Ayatollah Khoie and, in this particular instance, his urjūzah show the depth and purity of both the influence he received from the noble teachings of the Infallibles and the array of the impact he made on his contemporaries and students. It can be a worthwhile and life-long project to delve into various aspects of the teachings of the Infallibles and the moral impact they have made throughout Islamic history. This impact can be found from the fountainhead of their discourse in various genres. For clarification of their discourses, the expositions must be sought in the works of prominent Shiite ulema.

  • Ayatullah Khoei*, Fakhr Rohani Pages 7-21

    Urjuzah is a kind of ode-like poem in the form of ​​Rajaz. Also, most of the scientific poems made in the form of Masnavi are usually called Urjuzah, such as Urjuzah Fi Al-Tib by Ibn Sina. The late Ayatollah Khoei’ Arjuzahi is of the kind of Rajaz Salim Musaddas, in 166 verses expressing the virtues of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali peace be upon him.  The superiority of the Prophet over other prophets, the superiority of the Qurchr('39')an over the heavenly books, the hadith of Yamul Andhar ( the Day of Judgment), the reference to the verses and narrations about the virtues of the Commanders of the Faithful, Imam Ali, some virtues of Hazrat Fatima and Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein are among the topics discussed in the Urjuzah.

    Keywords: Ali, Urjuzah
  • Mahmood Golzari* Pages 22-53

    One of the most difficult challenges that psychologists face is defining abnormal behavior. This means that there is almost no agreement among psychologists. One of the main causes of this discrepancy is the philosophical basis of the new sciences (especially the humanities). It is humanism. In this paper, the views of ten experts in clinical psychology on the abnormal norms of behavior are expressed. Then, in short, the critique of humanism is discussed, the normality and abnormality of behavior in contemporary psychology and comparing it with the classification of "Al-Kafi."

    Keywords: al-Kafi, normal, abnormal behaviour
  • Seyyid Hasan Eftekhar Zadeh* Pages 54-63

    All of human being in their nature has the tendancy to call for a higher being for whatever they desire to possess in the world. This higher being according to religious teaching is God, the One Who creates us. In the present article, several questions regarding asking God our dreams and some related issues are discussed.

    Keywords: God’s donation, Dua, Quran verses, imamsN
  • Nader Fazli* Pages 64-83

    The Qurchr('39')an is the most valuable divine gift and a precious gem that is the source of human happiness, and in the light of it, one can be freed from the clutches of the chastity of "ignorance" and reach the desired perfection of this world and the hereafter. The Qurchr('39')an describes the course of life in terms of belief and action, social and economic laws and political systems, and the moral, religious, and religious programs that govern human society. The present article is allocated to the verses about Quran.

    Keywords: Love, Method, Education, Islam
  • Mustafa Delshad Tehrani* Pages 84-92

    The present article is the second part of an extended essay titled “ Personal code of behavior of the holy prophet’. This part deals with the place of thinking and the importance of contemplation and intellection in the opinion of prophet.

    Keywords: Prophet, intellection, place of thought