فهرست مطالب

دراسات الادب المعاصر - سال سیزدهم شماره 1 (پیاپی 49، ربیع 2021)

فصلنامه دراسات الادب المعاصر
سال سیزدهم شماره 1 (پیاپی 49، ربیع 2021)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1400/01/23
  • تعداد عناوین: 6
  • علیرضا محمدرضائی، سید یوسف نجات نژاد*، مصطفی چنانی صفحات 9-20

    کثیر من الکتاب والشعراء المعاصرین قد تطرقوا إلی ظاهره الدیستوبیا، او ما نعبر عنها بالمدینه الفاسده؛ فی شعرهم وادبهم وذلک من خلال تسلیط الضوء علی مظاهرها السییه مثل البطاله والفقر المدقع والحرمان والحروب واثرها المزری والسلبی علی الناس؛ لتانیب ومحاربه السلطات والحکومات الفاسده التی لا تعمل بحق صالح الشعوب ولا یهمهم مستقبل الاجیال من امرهم هذا. احمد الوایلی بما انه خطیب متفوه فی العصر المعاصر ولقب بعمید المنبر الحسینی والمکتبه الشیعیه المتنقله، فی مجال الشعر والادب ایضا یشار إلیه بالبنان. قد إعتنی بالمجتمع الإسلامی عامه والمجتمع العراقی خاصه، عنایه المصلح والمرشد الذی یصرح ویشیر ویحفز بشعره وخطاباته النافذه والناقده إلی إصلاح وقلع هذه الظواهر التی تنبعث من المدینه الفاسده، او تستبدل المدینه الفاضله إلی عکسها. فی هذه الدراسه علی منهج الوصفی- التحلیلی، ندرس مظاهر الدیستوبیا فی قصیدته «بغداد»، وما اشار إلیها فی شعره وفی نهایه المطاف نذکر اهم ما وصلنا إلیه من النتایج.

    کلیدواژگان: الدیستوبیا، الوائلی، الشعر، المجتمع، الفوضی
  • ابراهیم فلاح*، محمدرضا حاجیان صفحات 25-40

    ملک الشعراء بهار وحافظ إبراهیم من جمله الادباء الذین تطرقوا إلی الوطن والوطنیه فی اشعارهم بصوره مکثفه. من هذا المنطلق نسعی فی هذا المقال ان ندرس اشعارهما الوطنیه دراسه مقارنه تقوم علی اساس المدرسه الامریکیه فی الادب المقارن؛ ای المدرسه التی لا تبحث فی مواطن التاثیر والتاثر فحسب؛ بل تخوض فی مجال التشابه والخلاف ایضا. یظهر لنا من خلال المقارنه القایمه بین الشاعرین، بان: الوطنیه وحب الوطن من اهم افکارهما فی الشعر؛ فالاتجاه الوطنی بارز جدا فی اشعارهما؛ بحیث تحول هذا المضمون إلی عنصر اسلوبی وحاسم فی المستوی المضمونی واللغوی فی شعرهما. اما اهم الموضوعات المشترکه التی تطرق إلیها الشاعران حول الوطن والوطنیه؛ فهی عباره عن: الحب والرغبه إلی الوطن، شوق الإنسان إلی الوطن البعید الذی اصبح مغتربا عنه، مکافحه الاستعمار، الفخر بالتاریخ والامجاد الوطنیه الماضیه والاجتهاد لإحیاء العزه والعظمه السابقه وهجاء الحکام الذین لا یلقون بالا بامور الملک والشعب.

    کلیدواژگان: الوطن، محمد تقی بهار، حافظ إبراهیم، دراسه مقارنه
  • مصطفی اسماعیل پور*، آسیه عمران، محمود صادق زاده صفحات 45-67

    یحیی السماوی ومعروف الرصافی (1875-1945م) من شعراء العراقیین المعاصر الذین جعلوا الاولویه القصوی فی اشعارهم المواجهه مع الطغیان الداخلی والعداء الخارجی فی کافه المجالات السیاسیه والإجتماعیه والثقافیه والإقتصادیه. إنهما طالبا المواجهه ضد التیارات المناهضه للحریه. وقد لعبت ظروف المجتمع العراقی دورا هاما فی شعرهما. السماوی والرصافی کلاهما یبحثان عن لغه للحوار مع جمیع شعوب العالم والتعبیر عن المعاناه الإنسانیه فی قصایدهم الثوریه. إن الثقافه الثوریه هی بمثابه قصیده احتجاجیه وانتقادیه تعبر عن الآلام والمعاناه الاجتماعیه. إنها مثل المحکمه التی تحاول لإدانه وتدمیر الفساد والإفصاحات ومکافحه الظلم. فی هذه المقاله، نحاول وصف الآثار الثوریه باسالیب وصفیه وتحلیلیه دراسه الآثار الثوریه وانعکاسها فی قصاید هذین الشاعرین العراقیین.

    کلیدواژگان: الکلمات الدلیلیه: الثقافه الثوریه، العراق، الرصافی، السماوی، الإحتجاج
  • فاطمه گوشه نشین* صفحات 71-94

    تعتبر السیره الذاتیه من احدث الفنون النثریه التی عرفها العرب. وقد بدات تحقق لنفسها مکانا متمیزا فی الثقافه والمجتمع بحیث اصبحت جنسا ادبیا مستقلا تثیر فی الانفس من حب للإطلاع علی ما ظهر وخفی من حیاه کاتبها. فکاتب السیره الذاتیه یعالج فی سیرته العدید من القضایا الشخصیه والعاطفیه والاجتماعیه والسیاسیه. وفی کل جانب من هذه الجوانب یحاول ان یقدم خلاصه افکاره وآرایه وقناعاته. یعد کتاب «الایام» نموذجا للسیره الذاتیه الفنیه التی کثر عنها الجدل. بعض یقولون انها روایه وبعض آخر یعدونه توفیقا بین الروایه والسیره الذاتیه. یتعرض هذا المقال مع رویه نقدیه إلی دراسه خصایص السیره الذاتیه فی کتاب الایام حتی یصل إلی حقیقه الامر. الکاتبه تعتقد هذا الکتاب یکون من اجمل السیر الذاتیه إلا طه حسین لم یراع بعض شروط کتابتها، کعدم تبیین دوافعه عن الکتابه او إنه التزم الصدق والصراحه إلا انه فی کشف عواطفه تمسک بالصراحه الحکمیه او بالحکمه فی الصراحه.

    کلیدواژگان: اسلوب التعبیر، الکشف عن الغایه، الصدق، الصراحه، تصویر الصراع
  • حمیده مزبان پور، محمدرضا یوسفی*، محمدحسن معصومی صفحات 99-123

    نظرا لاهمیه تعلم المحادثه العربیه ومکانتها بین خریجی اللغه العربیه وآدابها، تهدف هذه الدراسه إلی دراسه العوامل التی توثر علی عدم إتقان الحوار الادبی العربی بین خریجی هذا المجال وبعد الاعتراف به تقییم عوامل الدور لکل منهم، ولتحقیق هذا الهدف، تم استخدام طریقه المسح وادوات البحث فی تقییم استبیان خریجی اللغه العربیه وآدابها فی مدینه اصفهان کإحصاء سکانی ونتایجها بصیغه spss اوضحت النتایج ان العوامل الموثره علی عدم إتقان درجه الماجستیر فی ادب اللغه العربیه یمکن تصنیفها إلی اربعه عوامل منها: القدره علی تدریس الاساتذه، ومحتوی النصوص التعلیمیه، وطرق التدریس، وتحفیز الخریجین. النتایج یوضح الاستبیان ان جمیع العوامل الاربعه فعاله فی تعلم الحوار الادبی، ولکن ای عامل یتم وفقا للمبادی التربویه وای عامل لا یتم تنفیذه وفقا للمبادی التعلیمیه، وهو السبب فی عدم إتقان کبار الخریجین فی هذا المجال من الحوار الادبی.

    کلیدواژگان: دافع التعلم، اللغه العربیه، المنهج التعلیمی، النص
  • افشار قاسم آبادی* صفحات 127-140

    تحتوی اشعار خلیل حاوی علی صدی الإنسان المعاصر ومصاعبه التی تتحدث عن الالم والمعاناه والظلم الذی تحمله. فهو یعتبر الإنسان فی عصرنا الحاضر، وخاصه الإنسان العربی المعاصر، مخلوقا اسیرا وقع فی الازمه الحالیه، ومحاطا بالقمع. کما تناول فی قصایده المظلمات والازمات التی جعلت الرجل العربی الحدیث، وخاصه الجیل المعاصر، راکدا، لدرجه ان قصایده تصور ازمه عمیقه وماساه، وهذه هی نفس الازمه والحزن الذی اصبح اساس الوجود الإنسانی المعاصر؛ و الشاعر المعاصر لا یجهل وعی الإنسان المعاصر بقهره ومشاکله، ویسعی إلی تفسیر الإنسان المعاصر بالمبدا الإنسانی. خلیل حاوی لدیه افکار لإنقاذ البشر فی اشعاره و یستخدم خبراته الوجودیه و یعبر عنها. یعتقد حاوی ان الإنسان المعاصر من اجل إنقاذ نفسه جعل حریه عنوان حیاته وبشعارات مثل؛ الامل، فی انتظار المعجزه، وبالیقین، النضال، الثوره، الإنتفاضه والمثالیه یحاول العمل بهذه الافکار وجهوده ونضالاته من اجل إنقاذ الإنسانیه، وخاصه الرجل العربی، وفی کل هذه الظروف یامل فی تحقیق الحریه التی یرغب فیها.

    کلیدواژگان: خلیل حاوی، الشعر، الإنسان المعاصر، الظلم، الحریه
  • Alireza Mohammadrezayi, Yusof Nejatnejad *, Mostafa Chenani Pages 9-20

    Many contemporary writers and poets have touched on the phenomenon of dystopia, or what we express in a corrupt city; in their poetry and literature, by highlighting its bad manifestations such as unemployment, extreme poverty, deprivation, wars and their dismal and negative impact on people. And fighting the corrupt authorities and governments that do not work for the good of the people and the future generations do not care about them. Dr. Ahmed Al-Waili, as he is a rhetoric orator in the contemporary era and nicknamed the Dean of the Husayn al-Husayni and the Shi’ite mobile library in the field of poetry and literature in the field of poetry and literature . I take care of the Islamic community in general and the Iraqi society in particular, the care of the reformer and the guide who declares, refers and stimulates his poetry and critical and effective speeches to reform and uproot these phenomena that emanate from the corrupt city, or replace the virtuous city to its opposite. In this study on the descriptive-analytical method, we study the manifestations of dystopia in his poem "Baghdad", and what he referred to in his poetry and at the end of the day we mention the most important results that we have come to

    Keywords: Dystopia, Ahmed Al-Waeli, poetry, Baghdad
  • Ebrahim Fallah *, Mohammadreza Hajian Pages 25-40

    Malik al-Sha'ariBahar and Hafiz Abraham are two of the admirers who have shown their homeland and patriotism in their poems. Therefore, in this research, we try to rely on the American school of adaptive literature, which does not consider the conditions of adaptation to be effective and influential, to consider the comparative study of the patriotic and national poetry of the two poets about the homeland. A comparative study of the poetry of these two poets shows that patriotism and love of the homeland are the obvious manifestations of their thoughts. The patriotic approach in his poems is so extensive that he has become a lighter and determinative element in the content and language of their poetry.study of the poetry of these two poets shows that patriotism and love of the homeland are the obvious manifestations of their thoughts. The patriotic approach in his poems is so extensive that he has become a lighter and determinative element in the content and language of their poetry.

    Keywords: Vatan, Mohammad TaghiBahar, Hafez ebrahim, comparative study
  • Esmail Esmailpoor *, Asieh Zabihnia Emran, Mahmod Sadegzadeh Pages 45-67

    Yahya Al-Samawi and Marouf Al-Rasafi in (1875-1945) are contemporary Iraqi poets that in thir poems Controversy with Internal violence In all political sectors, social, Cultural and economic, And stand against and they want anti-freedom currents and the situation in Iraqi society they had played an important role in their poetry. Samawi and Rasafi, in revolutionary poems,are looking for a language to talk to all the people of the world and they are expressing the sufferings of humanity. Revolutionary culture is protesting and criticizing poetry that expresses social pains and sufferings. And it is a court to gudge and condemn the destructions, the revelations, the Anti-oppressions. In this article, an attempt is made to examine the revolutionary effects and their reflection in the poems of these two Iraqi poets in a descriptive and analytical way. The present study answers the fundamental question of which aspect of the revolution has been considered in the poems of Samawi and Rasafi, and which aspect of the struggle has emphasized? According to research, Rassafi and Samawi have paid special attention to the concept of revolution in order to achieve lofty ideals. And in order to achieve justice, freedom, equality, they have demanded its implementation in society and they wanted to make people aware by shouting protests and criticizing the kings of the time to fight against the injustice, oppression and hypocrisy in the society and to lead the society towards social justice.

    Keywords: Revolutionary Culture, Iraq, Al-Rasafi, Al-Samawi
  • Fatemeh Gooshehneshin * Pages 71-94

    Autobiography is one of the newest literary techniques that Arab writers are familiar with. This art has a special place in contemporary culture and society. Autobiography is an independent genre of literary genres that arouses human curiosity in discovering the obvious and hidden aspects of the author's life. The author of the autobiography deals with a variety of topics, including personal, emotional, social, cultural, and political issues, and in each of these areas, expresses his views, thoughts, and tendencies. Al-Ayyam is an interesting example of an autobiographical art that has aroused much debate. Some believe that Al-Ayyam is a novel and others consider it a combination of novel and autobiography. This article examines the characteristics of autobiographical content in order to discover the truth. As is common in autobiography, Taha Hussein wrote his own life story and followed the technical order of writing. In an interview with Raymond Francis, he stated that "Al-Ayyam" is his own life story. The author believes that the book "Al-Ayyam" is one of the most beautiful works of autobiography, but at the same time, Taha Hussein did not meet some of the conditions for writing it. It is as if he has not stated his purpose for writing his biography. Or that he is bound by honesty and frankness in expressing past events, but in expressing emotional issues he has used wise frankness or rationality in honesty.

    Keywords: Interpretation style, Goal expression, honesty, Explicit, Image of conflicts
  • Hamide Mezbanpour, Mohammadreza Yusefi *, Mohammadhasan Maasoomi Pages 99-123

    Given the importance of learning Arabic conversation and its place among senior graduates of Arabic language and literature, this study aims to examine the factors affecting the lack of mastery of Arabic literary dialogue among graduates of this field and after recognition Evaluate the role factors of each of them. To achieve this goal, the survey method was used and the tools of this research were to evaluate the questionnaire of senior graduates of Arabic language and literature in Isfahan city as a census and its results as spss. The results show that the factors affecting the lack of mastery of master's degree in Arabic language literature can be classified into four factors, including: the ability to teach professors, the content of educational texts, teaching methods, motivation of graduates. Results The questionnaire shows that all four factors are effective in learning literary dialogue, but which factor is done according to educational principles and which factor is not implemented according to educational principles, which is the reason for the lack of mastery of senior graduates in this field of literary dialogue. which has been the reason for the lack of mastery of senior graduates in this field on literary dialogue, and according to the review of the educational chart of two levels of higher education It has been educational, and in the case of the realization of the other three factors, the educational directors of the Ministry of Science must provide care on a large scale.

    Keywords: learning motivation, Arabic language, Educational Method, Text Content, Literary Conversation
  • Afshar Ghasemabadi * Pages 127-140

    Khalil Hawi is one of the contemporary Lebanese poets who have many reflections on contemporary man and his problems. His poems contain an echo of modern man and his struggles that speak of the pain, suffering and injustice they endure. He considers mankind in our time, especially the contemporary Arab man, to be a captive creature who has fallen into the current crisis, surrounded by oppression. He also addressed in his poems the grievances and crises that made the modern Arab man, especially the contemporary generation, stagnant, to the extent that his poems depict a deep crisis and tragedy, and this is the same crisis and grief that has become the basis of contemporary human existence. The contemporary poet is not ignorant of the contemporary man’s awareness of his oppression and his problems, and he seeks to explain the contemporary man with the human principle. Khalil Hawi has ideas for saving people in his poetry and uses and expresses his existential experiences. Hawi believed that, in order to save himself, modern man made freedom the title of his life and with slogans such as; Hope, waiting for a miracle, with certainty, struggle, revolution, uprising and idealism, he tries to work with these ideas, efforts and struggles in order to save humanity, especially the Arab man, and in all these circumstances he hopes to achieve the freedom he desires.

    Keywords: Khalil Hawi, Modern Man, Oppression, Poetry, Freedom