فهرست مطالب

محیط شناسی - سال چهل و ششم شماره 1 (پیاپی 93، بهار 1399)

فصلنامه محیط شناسی
سال چهل و ششم شماره 1 (پیاپی 93، بهار 1399)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1399/01/18
  • تعداد عناوین: 12
  • میر سعید محقق، نغمه مبرقعی*، علیرضا وفایی نژاد، سهیل سبحان اردکانی، سید مسعود منوری صفحات 1-22

    هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تغییرات بوم سازگان در بازه 30 ساله با استفاده از سنجه های سیمای سرزمین و محاسبه ترسیب کربن هست. در این پژوهش ابتدا تصاویر ماهواره ای لندست در سال های 1986، 1996، 2008 و 2016 استخراج گردید و نقشه های کاربری اراضی در شش طبقه انسان ساخت، فضای سبز، شبکه راه ها، صنایع، کشاورزی و اراضی بایر تهیه شدند. تغییرات سی ساله شهر به روش آنالیز گرادیان با استفاده از نرم افزار Faragstats 4.0 در سطح کلاس محاسبه شد. میزان ترسیب کربن به عنوان خدمات بوم سازگان با استفاده از نرم افزار InVEST 3.0.0 تهیه شد. ترسیب کربن طی این مدت روند کاهشی را نشان داده است. تغییرات سی ساله شهر تهران نشان داد بافت شهر متراکم و ریز دانه گردیده است. طی این زمان کاربری های اراضی بایر، کشاورزی کاهش چشمگیری را نشان داده است و کاربری انسان ساخت، فضای سبز و شبکه راه ها افزایش یافته است. میزان ترسیب کربن در این بازه از مرکز شهر کاهش چشمگیری را نشان داده است. تغییرات کاربری اراضی سبب جایگزین شدن زمین های کشاورزی و بایر به کاربری های انسان ساخت و شبکه راه گردیده است این جایگزینی مهم ترین دلیل کاهش میزان ترسیب کربن طی زمان بوده است. همچنین افزایش فضای سبز افزایش میزان ترسیب کربن را در بر داشته است.

    کلیدواژگان: ترسیب کربن، تحلیل گرادیان، سنجه های سیمای سرزمین، شهر تهران
  • راحله عبدالهی، اسلام کرمی*، احد نژاد ابراهیمی، لیلا رحیمی صفحات 23-48

    امروزه فضاهایی که بدون در نظرگیری زمینه طراحی شده اند، در مواجهه با تحولات آسیب پذیر بوده و کارایی خود را سریع از دست می دهند. در این میان ویژگی های فضایی هرچند به تاب آوری کمک می کند اما به تنهایی کافی نبوده و همخوانی فضا با زمینه بیشترین اهمیت را دارد. لذا با هدف تحلیل چگونگی اثرگذاری مولفه های زمینه و قابلیت های فضایی در تداوم حیات بازار تاریخی تبریز مطالعه حاضر به روش تحقیق ترکیبی با ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات از طریق پرسشنامه، مشاهده و سندکاوی انجام گرفت. براساس نتایج تطبیقی داده های کمی-کیفی وضعیت تاب آوری بازار در حد مطلوبی قرار دارد و بین مولفه های زمینه ای و قابلیت های فضایی با تاب آوری فضایی رابطه معنی داری برقرار است که بیشترین اثرگذاری زمینه گرایی بر تاب آوری با میانجی گری قابلیت های فضایی صورت گرفته، بنابراین اثر غیرمستیقم آن بیشتر می باشد. زمینه زیست محیطی و فرهنگی و قابلیت تطبیق پذیری و واکنش پذیری فضا دارای بیشترین تاثیر و زمینه کالبدی و قابلیت انعطاف پذیری دارای کمترین تاثیر هستند. لذا فضای زمینه گرا در طی زمان از طریق حفظ انسجام و پیوستگی خود و به واسطه ظرفیت مقابله آن در برابر اختلالات از طریق ارتقای قابلیت ها و راهبردها می تواند با حفظ هویت تاب بیآورد و به حیات کالبدی و عملکردی خود ادامه دهد

    کلیدواژگان: مولفه های زمینه ای، قابلیت های فضایی، تاب آوری، بازار تایخی تبریز، تحلیل مسیر
  • مهنوش اقتداری، عباس مهروان*، مریم انصاری منش صفحات 49-66

    رشد سریع جمعیت جهانی، باعث مصرف بی رویه منابع طبیعی زمین شده است سیستم های تهویه مطبوع در ساختمان ها به دلیل مصرف زیاد برق و آب در تابستان باعث از بین رفتن منابع زمین جهت تولید آب و انرژی برق می شوند. به منظور جلوگیری از مصرف بی رویه منابع طبیعی از شاخصی به نام رد پای اکولوژیکی استفاده می شود. هدف این تحقیق طراحی سیستم خنک کننده ایستایی است که علاوه بر ایجاد شرایط آسایش، با حداقل مصرف آب و برق موجب کاهش رد پای اکولوژیکی و رد پای آب و نیز کاهش مصرف برق در ساختمان شود. این تحقیق به صورت تجربی-تحلیلی صورت گرفت. قابلیت خنک سازی ساختمان و مصرف آب آن توسط سیستم طراحی شده در گرمترین ماه سال(مرداد ماه) از ساعت 9 صبح تا 3 بعدازظهر در سه روز متوالی مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که کانال خنک کننده تبخیری می تواند شرایط آسایش محیط داخلی را در گرمترین روزهای سال فراهم نماید. رد پای اکولوژیکی برق مصرفی این سیستم صفر می باشد درحالیکه رد پای اکولوژیکی برق کولر آبی Gj⁄year05/1 می باشد. رد پای آب کولر آبی 10 برابر بیشتر از رد پای آب سیستم ایستا در سه ماه تابستان می باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: ردپا، اکولوژیکی، سیستم ایستا
  • لیلا علوی* صفحات 67-86

    در مطالعات اجتماعی محیط زیست مطالب بسیاری درباره جنسیت و رابطه اش با کنشگری محیط زیستی آمده است، اما در جامعه ایرانی مورد مطالعه تجربی قرار نگرفته است. در این مقاله سعی شده است تا میزان کنشگری محیط زیستی زنان و مردان در اعضای سازمان های مردم نهاد محیط زیستی در استان آذربایجان شرقی بررسی گردد. این پیمایش با حجم نمونه 375 نفر به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای با انتصاب متناسب انجام شد. در تحلیل داده ها از روش رگرسیونی چندمتغیره حداقل مربعات استفاده گردید و نتایج نشان داد که تفاوت معناداری در کنشگری مردان و زنان در سطوح مختلف فعالیتی سازمان های مردم نهاد محیط زیستی وجود ندارد. همچنین، عوامل مشابهی میزان کنشگری زنان و مردان را پیش بینی می کنند. اما نوع کنشگری زنان و مردان در سازمان های مردم نهاد محیط زیستی، به طور معناداری متفاوت است؛ کنشگری مردان در سطوح اساسی و با اهمیت و کنشگری زنان در سطوح حمایتی و کم اهمیت اتفاق افتاده است. این نتایج با ادبیات نظری پژوهش که تقسیم کار جنسیتی و دسترسی محدود بیوگرافیکی زنان را در کنار عوامل افزایش دهنده کنشگری مانند ارزش های محیط زیستی و نگرانی محیط زیستی، عاملی موثر بر کنشگری عنوان می کنند، سازگار است.

    کلیدواژگان: کنشگری محیط زیستی، جنسیت، تقسیم کار جنسیتی، دسترسی بیوگرافیکی
  • حسن محسنی* صفحات 87-102

    کاربری گذاری برای زمین، برنامه ریزی با اهداف کوتاه یا بلند مدت به کارگیری آن است. در کنار این هدف گذاری و تعیین کاربری که برای تضمین اجرای درست، به قوانین و ضمانت اجراهای مدنی یا کیفری نیاز دارند، فلسفه و چیستی برخی پدیده ها نیز به طور ذاتی و طبیعی متضمن کاربری اراضی در محیط هستند. یکی از این پدیده ها و محیط ها، روستا است. در روستا همزیستی طبیعی با طبیعت است که کاربری اراضی به عنوان بخشی از محیط طبیعی آن را تعریف می کند. این نگرش که در علم محیط شناسی و دیگر علوم برنامه ریزی شهر و روستا پیشینه دارد، در علم حقوق دیده نمیشود. حقوق به دنبال اعمال ضمانت اجراهایی که در نظام قانونگذاری در قوانین و مقررات کشور تعریف شده است. با این وصف، از آن جا که باید گفتمان های قضایی را در علم محیط شناسی به دیده دقت نگریست، به باور نگارنده وقتی هیات عمومی دیوان عالی کشور در رای وحدت رویه شماره 760، احداث دامداری در محیط روستا با رعایت مقررات را تغییر ناهمسوی کاربری اراضی روستایی نمی داند، این رای تنها یک رای قضایی نیست. رایی است که از نگاه اصول، روش و نگرش محیطی، آموزنده و راهبر است.

    کلیدواژگان: همزیستی، روستا، تغییر همسو
  • هومن غلامپور ارباستان، سعید گیتی پور* صفحات 103-120

    در میان پسماندهای خانگی که بواسطه فعالیت های روزمره خانوارها تولید می گردند، پسماندهایی حضور دارند که به دلیل نشان دادن یکی از خواص سمیت، اشتعال زایی، واکنش پذیری و خورندگی در دسته پسماندهای خطرناک خانگی طبقه بندی می گردند. اولین گام بمنظور برنامه ریزی جهت کاهش و مدیریت این دسته از پسماندها، شناخت ترکیب، سرانه تولید و تاثیرات عوامل موثر نظیر تغییرات فصلی بر میزان این پسماندهاست. در پژوهش حاضر، بمنظور بررسی تاثیر تغییرات فصلی بر ترکیب و میزان تولید پسماندهای خطرناک خانگی، پسماند تولیدی توسط 600 خانوار تهرانی از مناطق 22 گانه شهر تهران در فصول مختلف، جمع آوری شده و مورد بررسی و آزمایش قرار گرفته است. بر اساس نتایج این بررسی، 37/7 % از پسماند خطرناک تولیدی توسط خانوارهای تهرانی را پسماند پاک کننده های خانگی تشکیل می دهند. نتایج دیگر این پژوهش حاکی از آن است که میزان سرانه تولید در بازه (6/26-8/25) گرم در روز برای هر شهروند تهرانی بر آورد شده است که این میزان (1/22-1/58) درصد از سهم کل پسماند خانگی جامعه نمونه را بخود اختصاص داده است. علاوه بر این، بیشترین سهم درصد پسماندهای خطرناک خانگی از جریان پسماند، مربوط به فصل زمستان، و کمترین آن مختص به فصل پاییز می باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: جزء ویژه خانگی، سرانه تولید، ترکیب پسماند، تاثیرات فصلی
  • حسن محمودزاده*، حسن مسعودی صفحات 121-142

    از جمله چالش های اساسی پیش روی شهرها به عنوان پیچیده ترین سیماهای سرزمینی، افزایش جمعیت و مصرف زمین و به دنبال آن تغییرات کاربری اراضی و تکه تکه شدگی زمین های شهری، به ویژه فضاهای سبز و اکولوژیک می باشد؛ که علاوه بر کاهش پیوستگی اکولوژیکی سیمای سرزمین و به خطر انداختن سلامت اکوسیستم ها، کیفیت زندگی شهروندان را نیز تحت الشعاع قرار داده است. لذا پژوهش حاضر با هدف ارزیابی و ارتقاء پیوستگی اکولوژیکی شهر تبریز با استفاده از مدل سازی شبکه های اکولوژیک شهری تدوین گردیده است. ابتدا وضعیت پیوستگی اکولوژیکی شهر تبریز با استفاده از شاخص های پیوستگی (Cohesion و IIC) و نرم افزارهای Fragstats و Conefor مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. هر دو شاخص ضمن سنجش پیوستگی اکولوژیکی سیمای سرزمین، مهم ترین لکه های سبز کلان شهر تبریز را هم اولویت بندی نمودند. در نهایت با در اختیار داشتن مهم ترین لکه های سبز و نقشه کاربری اراضی، کریدورهای بهینه بر اساس لایه مقاوت سیمای سرزمین و تکنیک های گراف و حداقل هزینه و با استفاده از نرم افزار Linkage Mapper تهیه گردید. نتایج این تحقیق نشان می دهد که با به کارگیری اصول اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین و مفاهیم موجود در تئوری های گراف و حداقل هزینه در کنار هم می توان به شبیه سازی و تجزیه و تحلیل شبکه های اکولوژیک و در نتیجه توسعه مطلوب شبکه های سبز شهری اقدام نمود.

    کلیدواژگان: پیوستگی سیمای سرزمین، تکه تکه شدگی سیمای سرزمین، شبکه های اکولوژیک، تئوری گراف، تئوری حداقل هزینه
  • گاگیک بدلیانس قلی کندی*، بهنام اینانلو بکلر، مریم عمو عموها صفحات 143-158

    در پی نتایج اولیه حاصل از امکان سنجی به کارگیری فرآیند الکترولیز جهت افزایش کارآمدی راکتور بافل دار بی هوازی تصفیه فاضلاب، در این تحقیق، فرآیند الکترولیز با هدف بهینه سازی و ارتقای عملکردی این راکتور، در مقیاس آزمایشگاهی موردبررسی قرار گرفت. در این راستا، عوامل موثر شامل جنس الکترودها (آهن، فولاد ضدزنگ، مس، آلومینیوم و برنج)، فاصله و سطح تماس الکترودها، مدت زمان الکترولیز، چگالی جریان الکتریکی، غلظت جامدات محلول و مقدار pH اولیه فاضلاب بررسی شدند. بر اساس نتایج حاصل، بهترین جنس الکترود ازنظر مدت زمان و انرژی الکتریکی لازم برای احیای یک واحد pH، آهن می باشد. همچنین مشخص گردید که افزایش حجم کنترل فاضلاب تحت تاثیر فرآیند الکترولیز، موجب افزایش کارآمدی سامانه می شود که این امر بیانگر نیاز به افزایش سطح تماس و فاصله الکترودها به منظور ارتقای عملکردی سامانه است. یافته ها نشان دادند که میزان احیای pH فاضلاب در مدت زمان 1.5 ساعت، حدود 3.5 واحد می باشد که پاسخ گوی افت pH در راکتور هنگام وقوع شوک های ناشی از بار آلی است. همچنین محدوده بهینه برای چگالی جریان ازنظر میزان احیای pH فاضلاب، mA/cm2 8-11 به دست آمد؛ بنابراین می توان نتیجه گیری نمود که به کارگیری فرآیند الکترولیز به منظور تنظیم مقدار pH تحت شرایط بهینه راهبری این سامانه موجب ارتقای کارآمدی راکتور و کاهش مصرف انرژی الکتریکی می گردد.

    کلیدواژگان: تصفیه بی هوازی فاضلاب، فرآیند برقکافت، قلیائیت، مصرف انرژی الکتریکی
  • غلامرضا نبی بیدهندی*، عقیل علیا صفحات 159-172

    اختلال در کیفیت و دسترسی به آب آشامیدنی سالم پس از وقوع یک سانحه طبیعی می تواند به مشکلات عدیده در زمان بحران بیفزاید؛ بنابراین استمرار فعالیت ها و خدمات در زمان وقوع یک سانحه طبیعی نظیر زلزله می تواند کمک شایانی به مدیریت بحران نماید و باعث بازگشت پذیری سریع شهر به حالت عادی خود شود. در این پژوهش، پس از بیان مبانی نظری در مقوله مدیریت بحران و استانداردهای طرح استمرار فعالیت و خدمات، حوزه ستادی شرکت آب و فاضلاب منطقه 3 تهران که به عنوان مطالعه موردی انتخاب شده، موردبررسی قرارگرفته است. سعی شده است با بررسی اصول استانداردهای BS-25999 موسسه استاندارد انگلیس در رابطه با طرح استمرار فعالیت و خدمات، شاخص های موردنظر برای حوزه ستادی این شرکت استخراج گردد و سپس از طریق ارائه پرسشنامه و تجزیه وتحلیل نتایج پرسشنامه از طریق نرم افزارهای SPSS19 و Expertchoice11 داده های موردنظر جهت طرح استمرار برای این مطالعه بومی سازی گردد. در پایان یک طرح استمرار فعالیت و خدمات پس از زلزله در حوزه ستادی شرکت آب و فاضلاب منطقه 3 تهران پیشنهادشده است که در آن اقدامات لازم جهت استمرار فعالیت ها، قبل، حین و پس از سانحه و چارت سازمانی و شرح وظایف هریک نیز تعیین شده تا بدین وسیله شرکت آمادگی مواجهه با بحران را داشته باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: مدیریت بحران، زلزله، استاندارد BS-25999، طرح استمرار فعالیت و خدمات، حوزه ستادی شرکت آب و فاضلاب منطقه 3 تهران
  • زهرا شیخی آلمان آباد، حسین پیرخراطی*، منیر مجرد صفحات 173-194

    مطالعه ی حاضر با هدف بررسی توزیع مکانی روی، سرب و کادمیوم در خاک اطراف مجتمع فرآوری مواد معدنی انگوران (MFMMA) شامل واحدهای تغلیظ سرب و روی و کارخانه ی روی در منطقه ی دندی، زنجان و بررسی پتانسیل آلایندگی، خطر اکولوژیکی، احتمال سرطان زایی و همچنین تعیین سهم منشا فلزات با استفاده از مدل عامل یابی مثبت صورت گرفته است. میانگین روی، سرب و کادمیوم، در نمونه های خاک سطحی ppm 1/1648، 9/467 و 8/9 می باشد. بررسی همزمان نقشه های کریجینگ توزیع مکانی فلزات و شاخص خطر اکولوژیکی، غالب بودن غلظت های بالای فلزات را در اطراف MFMMA نشان می دهد که همسو با نتایج بدست آمده از شاخص های درجه ی آلودگی اصلاح شده و بار آلودگی است. براساس شاخص زمین انباشت، سرب در 1/16% و روی در 5/17% نمونه ها آلودگی بالا نشان داد. در حالی که نتیجه ی حاصل از ضریب غنی شدگی، کادمیوم با میانگین 1/72، در رده ی غنی شدگی بی نهایت شدید قرار دارد. برمبنای شاخص خطر سرطان زایی احتمال ابتلا به سرطان برای بزرگسالان و کودکان با میانگین 3-10×1/0 و 3-10×2/0 در منطقه متوسط و بالا بوده است. مدل عامل یابی مثبت بیشترین سهم غلظت فلزات را (بیش از 90%) ناشی از منشا آنتروپوژنیک نشان داد.

    کلیدواژگان: مجتمع فرآوری مواد معدنی انگوران، آنتروپوژنیک، خطر اکولوژیکی، غنی شدگی
  • افسانه قاسمی، جمیل امان اللهی*، محمد دارند صفحات 195-216

    شهر کرمانشاه به دلیل وجود صنایع، ترافیک و توفان های گرد و غبار یکی از شهرهای آلوده کشور است. در این پژوهش پنج آلاینده PM10، CO، O3، NO2، SO2 با استفاده از شبکه عصبی پرسپترون چند لایه برای دو بازه ی زمانی امروز و فردا پیش بینی شدند. داده های مستقل شامل هفت کمیت هواشناسی دما، رطوبت نسبی، میزان دید، سرعت باد، نقطه شبنم، فشار، و بارش است. آزمون هم خطی و تکنیک انتخاب پیشرو برای حذف متغیر های ورودی اضافی و ایجاد زیر مجموعه ای از متغیرهای اثر گذار در پیش بینی استفاده شد. مدل بهینه با استفاده از شاخص هایRMSE , ,NMSE IOA, R2 و FB برای هر آلاینده انتخاب گردید. نتایج نشان می دهد که مدل 2 با تعداد 6 کمیت مستقل برای پیش بینی غلظت آلاینده منوکسید کربن و دی اکسید نیتروژن مدلی بهینه است و برای پیش بینی آلاینده ازن مدل 5 با تعداد 3 کمیت ورودی مدل مطلوبی می باشد همچنین برای پیش بینی دی اکسید گوگرد مدل 6 با دو متغیر ورودی و برای پیش بینی ذرات معلق (PM10) مدل 4 با 4 متغیر ورودی مناسبترین مدل بوده اند. نتایج این پژوهش نشان می دهد که استفاده از تکنیک انتخاب پیشرو برای بهینه سازی تعداد متغیرها سبب افزایش دقت و کاهش هزینه های پیش بینی خواهد شد.

    کلیدواژگان: آزمون هم خطی، پیش بینی، تکنیک انتخاب پیشرو، شبکه عصبی پرسپترون چندلایه، کرمانشاه
  • محمدحسین صیادی، الهام یوسفی روبیات*، الهام چمانه پور صفحات 217-238

    تالاب کجی نمکزار نهبندان با برخورداری از تنوع زیستی بالا، نقش مهمی در عملکرد هیدرولوژیکی منطقه ایفا می کند. اخیرا به دلیل فعالیت های انسانی و همچنین خشکسالی ، تنش های شدیدی به آن وارد گردیده است که تعیین نیاز آبی آن می تواند ضمن بازگرداندن شرایط اکولوژیکی، عملکرد محیط زیستی تالاب را بهبود بخشد. از اینرو در این پژوهش، بر اساس روش ترکیبی در 6 سناریو نیاز آبی اکوهیدرولوژی تالاب کجی محاسبه گردید. با استفاده از داده-های حاصل از سنجش از دور، سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی و مشاهدات میدانی اطلاعات مورد نیاز کسب شده و با استفاده از معادله بیلان آبی مقدار نیاز آبی در سناریوهای هیدرولوژیکی و اکولوژیکی محاسبه گردید. نتایج نشان داد جهت تامین حد متوسط لکه آب به حجم آبی معادل 97/13 میلیون مترمکعب به طور سالانه نیاز است که 2/12 آن از طریق رواناب سطحی تامین می شود و 77/1 میلیون مترمکعب کمبود وجود دارد که باید با کاهش حدود 20 درصدی برداشت از آب زیرزمینی منطقه تامین شود. همچنین به منظور حفظ پوشش گیاهی و گونه های شاخص جانوری منطقه به ترتیب به طور سالانه نیاز به آبی معادل 12/0 و 000348/0 میلیون مترمکعب می باشد. با تامین نیاز آبی خدمات اکوسیستمی تالاب به منظور حفظ ریزگرداکوسیستم گیاهی و جانوری منطقه نیز حفظ می گردد.

    کلیدواژگان: نیاز آبی اکولوژیکی و هیدرولوژیکی، بیلان آبی، سنجش از دور، خدمات اکوسیستم
  • Mir Saeid Mohaqeq, Naghme Mobarghei Dinan *, Alireza Vafaeinejad, Sohil Sobhan Ardakani, Seyyed Masoud Monavvari Pages 1-22

    Today, metropolitan cities face many problems, include excessive population and its problems, such as air pollution, soil, water, traffic, destruction and degradation of natural resources. Tehran, as the largest metropolis in Iran during the last decade, has faced numerous problems in the environmental, physical, economic and social infrastructures, which has reduced the quality of the environment. Therefore, attention to ecosystem services on the one hand and the image of urban land on the other hand can improve the quality of urban environments. The purpose of this study is to map ecosystem services and landmarks of Tehran. It also examines the relationship between measurements and ecosystem services and air quality parameters. To do this, Landsat satellite images were first extracted in 1986, 1996, 2008, and 2016, and land use maps were compiled in six categories of human, green spaces, roads, industries, agriculture, and lands. The accuracy of the maps was investigated using general accuracy and Kappa coefficient. The layout analysis method was used to calculate the measurements using the Faragstats 4.0 software at the surface level and classroom level. The city shifts were compared using measurements. Data on air quality parameters were prepared for a decade (1396-1386), and concentrations of contaminants were mapped to inverse distance. The correlation of the measures with the concentration of pollutants was investigated using Pearson correlation test in two periods of 2008 and 2016. The carbon sequestration map was developed as an ecosystem service using InVEST 3.0.0 software for periods 1986-1996, 1996 to 2008, 2008 to 2016, and period 1986 to 2016. The results of landmark analysis showed that the city of Tehran has undergone many changes over the course of thirty years, which has led to the destruction and fragmentation of the land, and also the city's texture has progressed towards compression and fine graining. During this time, the city has experienced a great deal of expansion. The carbon sequestration results in a reduction and loss of carbon sequestration, especially in the north of the study area over a 30-year period. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis between carbon sequestration and air quality parameters show a significant correlation with ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between measures and concentrations of pollutants as well as carbon sequestration. This study showed that the use and application of measures and attention to ecosystem services for urban management is necessary.
    Today, metropolitan cities face many problems, include excessive population and its problems, such as air pollution, soil, water, traffic, destruction and degradation of natural resources. Tehran, as the largest metropolis in Iran during the last decade, has faced numerous problems in the environmental, physical, economic and social infrastructures, which has reduced the quality of the environment. Therefore, attention to ecosystem services on the one hand and the image of urban land on the other hand can improve the quality of urban environments. The purpose of this study is to map ecosystem services and landmarks of Tehran. It also examines the relationship between measurements and ecosystem services and air quality parameters. To do this, Landsat satellite images were first extracted in 1986, 1996, 2008, and 2016, and land use maps were compiled in six categories of human, green spaces, roads, industries, agriculture, and lands. The accuracy of the maps was investigated using general accuracy and Kappa coefficient. The layout analysis method was used to calculate the measurements using the Faragstats 4.0 software at the surface level and classroom level. The city shifts were compared using measurements. Data on air quality parameters were prepared for a decade (1396-1386), and concentrations of contaminants were mapped to inverse distance. The correlation of the measures with the concentration of pollutants was investigated using Pearson correlation test in two periods of 2008 and 2016. The carbon sequestration map was developed as an ecosystem service using InVEST 3.0.0 software for periods 1986-1996, 1996 to 2008, 2008 to 2016, and period 1986 to 2016. The results of landmark analysis showed that the city of Tehran has undergone many changes over the course of thirty years, which has led to the destruction and fragmentation of the land, and also the city's texture has progressed towards compression and fine graining. During this time, the city has experienced a great deal of expansion. The carbon sequestration results in a reduction and loss of carbon sequestration, especially in the north of the study area over a 30-year period. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis between carbon sequestration and air quality parameters show a significant correlation with ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between measures and concentrations of pollutants as well as carbon sequestration. This study showed that the use and application of measures and attention to ecosystem services for urban management is necessary.
    Today, metropolitan cities face many problems, include excessive population and its problems, such as air pollution, soil, water, traffic, destruction and degradation of natural resources. Tehran, as the largest metropolis in Iran during the last decade, has faced numerous problems in the environmental, physical, economic and social infrastructures, which has reduced the quality of the environment. Therefore, attention to ecosystem services on the one hand and the image of urban land on the other hand can improve the quality of urban environments. The purpose of this study is to map ecosystem services and landmarks of Tehran. It also examines the relationship between measurements and ecosystem services and air quality parameters. To do this, Landsat satellite images were first extracted in 1986, 1996, 2008, and 2016, and land use maps were compiled in six categories of human, green spaces, roads, industries, agriculture, and lands. The accuracy of the maps was investigated using general accuracy and Kappa coefficient. The layout analysis method was used to calculate the measurements using the Faragstats 4.0 software at the surface level and classroom level. The city shifts were compared using measurements. Data on air quality parameters were prepared for a decade (1396-1386), and concentrations of contaminants were mapped to inverse distance. The correlation of the measures with the concentration of pollutants was investigated using Pearson correlation test in two periods of 2008 and 2016. The carbon sequestration map was developed as an ecosystem service using InVEST 3.0.0 software for periods 1986-1996, 1996 to 2008, 2008 to 2016, and period 1986 to 2016. The results of landmark analysis showed that the city of Tehran has undergone many changes over the course of thirty years, which has led to the destruction and fragmentation of the land, and also the city's texture has progressed towards compression and fine graining. During this time, the city has experienced a great deal of expansion. The carbon sequestration results in a reduction and loss of carbon sequestration, especially in the north of the study area over a 30-year period. The results of Pearson's correlation analysis between carbon sequestration and air quality parameters show a significant correlation with ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between measures and concentrations of pollutants as well as carbon sequestration. This study showed that the use and application of measures and attention to ecosystem services for urban management is necessary.

    Keywords: Ecosystem services, Carbon sequestration, Layout Analysis, Territory Landmark, Tehran city
  • Raheleh Abdollahi, Islam Karami *, Ahad Nejad Ebrahimi, Leila Rahimi Pages 23-48
    Problem statement and research aim

    The term resilience has been published for decades to describe how different types of systems and environments respond to unexpected shocks. Most of these works address the subject of sudden disturbances such as natural disaster and its effects on the built environment. While there are few studies that have examined the effect of slow disturbances; Therefore, it is worth noting that in today's societies, the resilience of built environments has an active role in resilience of cities, and the life of each city depends on the life of the different spaces and environments in which it resides. The Spatial dimension of resilience is a new subject in field of architecture which indicates the continued vitality of spaces over time versus gradual and slow disturbances. In today's societies, spaces that are both designed and constructed without reading the text and responding appropriately and without considering the spatial capabilities are vulnerable to shocks and changes and lose their effectiveness quickly.In this regard, attention to spatial features and capabilities, although contributing to resilience to change, is not alone as the basis and sufficient structure in particular in the dimension of culture, history to examine the subject, hence the harmony of space with the context of design and utilizing contextual components is of the utmost importance. Therefore, contextualize approach can offer valuable ways in spatial resilience. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to identify effective components and spatial features with emphasis on contextualize approach. Thus, the research seeks to answer this question: 1- What is the level of resilience of Tabriz's historical bazaar space in terms of contextualist approach? And 2- How do the components and indicators play an effective role in achieving this resilience, relying on this approach?


    The present study is a case study that contains the grounded theory to guide the research process. In this research, the contextualist approach as the grounded theory was used to formulate the research program. This research is a descriptive-analytical research which aims to identify and search the factors of resilience spaces which theoretical framework were accomplished by extracting contextualism components by meta-analysis and spatial capabilities by analytical method based on the findings of the researchers. In the present study, the components of contextualization as an independent variable and space capabilities as a mediating variable and space resilience as a dependent variable of research and individual factors such as age, gender, marital status, education, economic status, location Residence and interval of referral are considered as controlling factors. In order to gather information, library study and field techniques have been used. Data collection tool in field technique is a questionnaire based on research variables and demographic characteristics of the respondents to assess the viewpoints of Tabriz historical market clients regarding space resilience. The target population of this study was selected by Cochran sampling with 95% confidence level of 357 individuals. Data were analyzed using SPSS and lisrel software using mean test, structural analysis and multivariate linear regression. In order to explain the present situation, prioritize and rank the components and indices of the mean test and box plot diagram, examine the relationships between variables and the direct and indirect effects of path analysis and measure the effect of indices on variables of regression test have been used.


    In this study, according to the purpose of the research, the findings showed that among the individual factors, three factors such as age, level of education and economic status affect the level of contextualism. According to the results of the mean test, the resilience of the historical bazaar of Tabriz is optimally based on spatial capabilities and contextualism components, and the historical context and flexibility capability are at their best. In examining the score and priority of contextualism indices, the first and highest mean scores are related to the indices of structural coherence, adaptation to religion and historical species and conformity of the body with the climate, respectively. And the highest ratings and average ratings have been found in reviewing space capability indices, in indices of polyvalence, social capital, user trust partnerships, and permanent conservation and restoration. The results of structural analysis and regression indicate that there is a significant relationship between all variables of research. According to the results of the path analysis of all the governing relationships in the structural model except for the component of flexibility is significant. In this regard, in contextualism variable the highest path coefficient is related to socio-cultural and climatic-environmental component (0.70) and the least path coefficient is related to physical component (0.52). In the spatial capability variable, the adaptability and reactivity components have the highest path coefficient (0.77). Therefore, there is a direct and significant relationship between the capabilities (adaptability, variability and reactivity) of space and the components (physical, cultural, historical and environmental) of contextualization with spatial resilience, also the findings indicate that there is no significant relationship between space flexibility and space resilience. And the greatest effect of contextualization on resilience is through spatial capabilities, thus the indirect effect of contextualization on resilience is greater than its direct effect. The environmental and cultural context and the adaptability and reactivity of space have the most impact. Among the contextualism indices, the most influential ones relate to indices of visual cohesion of the physical context, conformity with local values of the cultural context, adaptation to historical species of the historical context, and conformity of the body with the climate of the environmental context and in Among the indices of spatial capabilities, the greatest impact is related to reconfiguration indices of adaptability capability, changing patterns and processes of variability, and the social system diversity index of reactivity. Therefore, contextualized space, by utilizing the capabilities of space, can survive over a period of time without loss of identity by maintaining performance against disturbances.


    Based on the results, utilizing spatial capabilities with the emphasis on contextual components is effective in resilient spaces. There is a direct and significant relationship between space capabilities except flexibility and space resilience, and the greatest effect of contextualism components on space resilience is through space capabilities, so the indirect effect of contextualism on resilience is more than its direct effect. The environmental and cultural context and the adaptability and reactivity of space have the greatest impact. However, the purpose of this research is simply to identify the causes and not to design strategies within the scope of this research and to develop it requires further research. Therefore, it can be concluded that considering the conditions of the context and these capabilities over time can be a good step towards improving future resiliency of space. The achievement of this research is to present the factors that promote the resilience of space that can lead to a new way of designing new spaces and assessing and explaining the resilience strategies to promote urban resilience.

    Keywords: Contextualism, spatial capability, resilient space, Path analysis, Tabriz historic bazaar
  • Mahnoosh Eghtedari, Abbas Mahravan *, Maryam Ansarimanesh Pages 49-66

    The rapid growth of global population has placed an immense stress on the demand of natural resources and contributes to the destruction of the natural environment. As the planet is now consuming natural resources in the production of goods and services faster than the environment can regenerate, strategies are urgently required to manage the ecological assets in a more effective way. The planet has biophysical limits on natural resources production and waste absorption.Buildings are one of the main factors in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.Buildings consume about 40% of global energy consumption. All building services such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems consume more than 60% energy in buildings, which is mainly supplied by fossil resources. Today, because of the need for an effective method to achieve efficient energy and biocompatible architecture, the use of natural ventilation systems in buildings has become more significant. One of the methods to create comfortable conditions in the interior is a use of evaporative cooling in the cooling systems. Unlike air conditioners, evaporative cooling can be considered as an acceptable solution for sustainable construction, which reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gases.Evaporative cooling is widely used as a passive cooling method in the built environment. In the system, the movement of air on a wet surface causes the water evaporation through the air energy absorption, thereby reducing the temperature and increasing the amount of vapor contained in the air.We need indicators to demonstrate the current carrying capacity of the Earth so that decision makers are better informed to set goals, establish options for actions, and monitor progress regarding stated goals. Footprint is a quantitative measurement of natural resources and it is used to assess the extent of human activities impact on global sustainability. Ecological footprint was initially developed by Wackernagel and Rees in 1992 , and is now widely used as an indicator for environmental sustainability. The international average water footprint is 7452(〖Gm〗^3⁄year) and this amount is reported to be 102/65(〖Gm〗^3⁄year) for Iran .
    The aim of this study is to design a Passive cooling system to provide comfortable conditions in residential Buildings. Also, with minimal water and electricity consumption, it will reduce ecological footprints and water footprints and also reduce the amount of electricity consumption in the building. This research was done experimentally-analytically. In order to calculate the efficiency of the proposed system, on August 4th to 7th, the temperature, humidity, and wind speed of the interior room were measured by considering the system. The Hybrid Passive Cooling System (HPCS) consisted of two distinctive systems: the Solar Chimney (SC) and Evaporative Cooling Cavity (ECC). The ECC system was connected to the northern view of the room and SC system was installed to the southern view of the room. The air entered the tower via the openings of the head tower in all directions and passed through the clay cylinders. In this section, the air is cooled and diverted downward. The SC system creates sufficient temperature difference between the interior and exterior by maximizing the solar energy gain and performed air ventilation in the SC and ECC systems. The proposed hybrid system was built in the campus of Azad University, Kermanshah branch in August and was tested from August 4th to 7th. In order to calculate the efficiency of the proposed system, on August 4th to 7th, the temperature, humidity, and wind speed of the interior room were measured by considering the HPCS. To evaluate the water consumption of the HPCS, two scenarios were considered and their results were compared with each other. Scenario (1):on August 4th-7th, the amount of water reduction inside the clay cylinders was measured from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Scenario (2): On August 18, the room temperature and humidity were measured from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.Based on the results,Cool performance of HPCS: the lowest temperature was recorded 21.1 ° C at 9:00 AM on the 5th of August. The lowest temperature is noon on 22.9℃ and on the 6th of August. At 3 PM, the lowest air temperature of 23.72 was reached on the 5th of August. The highest difference between the temperature of the inlet windcatcher and the outside environment is 16.3℃, which is on the 7th of August and at 3:00 PM. the ECC system can increase the RH of air by an average of 34 %. the highest outlet air velocity of the tower is 0.72 m⁄s, at 3:00 PM on the 5th of August. The lowest air velocity is 0.5 m⁄s at 9:00 AM on the 6th of August. Water and electricity consumption of evaporative cooler in scenario 2: To investigate scenario 2, on August 18, the temperature and humidity inside the room and the outside environment were measured from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The lowest and highest levels of indoor humidity are 16% at 3 PM and 27% at Noon, respectively, while the outdoor humidity is 13% at 3 PM and 19% at 12 Noon. The evaporative cooler lowers the indoor ambient temperature by an average of 5% and increases the ambient humidity by an average of 7%.Comparison of electricity and water used in scenarios 1 and 2: The amount of electricity consumed in Scenario 1 is zero, but in Scenario 2, this value is 12112.9 kJ per day. The environmental footprint of electricity consumed in Scenario 1 is zero, but in Scenario 2, it is 1.05 Gigabits per year. The water used in Scenario 2 is 0.04 m^3more than Scenario 1.The results showed that the chamber can provide comfort conditions with zero energy consumption by using a hybrid system during the hottest days of the year from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The power consumption of the evaporative cooler in the 3 months of summer is 1.13 GJ, while the power consumption of the designed hybrid system is zero. The ecological footprint of the power consumption of this system is zero, while the ecological footprint of the evaporative cooler is 1.05(Gj⁄year). From the data obtained, we conclude that the passive hybrid cooling system has the lowest ecological footprint of water and electricity compared to evaporative coolers. The system is also able to provide indoor comfort on the hottest days of the year.

    Keywords: ecological, footprint, passive, System
  • Leila Alavi * Pages 67-86

    Environmental activism is a type of environmentally responsible behavior that people engage with in order to protect nature. Sociologists have done many studies about the differences between activists and others; But less attention has been paid to gender differences among activists within environmental movements. Women are more concerned about potential environmental problems than men, so this study assumes that women are more likely to participate in environmental movements.
    The main question of this study is whether women members of environmental NGOs are more active than men? And is the level of activity of men and women in environmental organizations different?
    theoretical literature views the impact of gender on activism as different from the impact of gender on other environmentally responsible behaviors, and it is believed that the relationship between gender and environmental activism is determined by cross-factors. As most environmental activism take place outside the home, gender division of labor in to domestic and wage employment has restricted women's access to environmental activism and participation in environmental movements.
    Men have more access to higher job opportunities and higher wages than women. Men's greater access to economic resources and opportunities in society makes women dependent and put them in lower status compared to men. The power of men in different fields brings them more power and makes women weaker in the social sphere. Women gradually lose the opportunity to compete with men in their public and private lives. Hence, they turn to lower jobs wages. Unequal division of labor creates ideologies, norms, and stereotypes about men's competencies toward women.
    on the other hand, Responsible environmental behaviors except environmental activism, occur in everyday behaviors - which are often domestic and unpaid - and among women. Therefore, women are more likely to engage in environmentally responsible behavior than men.
    Various studies have reported conflicting effects of gender on activism. On the one hand, the fields of environmental sociology and ecofeminist theory show that women are more practical than men for social and biological reasons. This literature makes us expect more pragmatism from women, especially mothers. on the other hand, Social movement theories, represent different demographic factors that impede women's participation in environmental movements, because roles assigned to women cause time constraints to fulfill other commitments.

    Materials and methods

    Based on the questions and theoretical literature of the research, the hypotheses are:- Women are more environmentally active than men.
    - Women have a higher rate of environmental activism than men, by controlling the effects of other variables.
    - The set of independent variables affecting women's environmental activism are different from the set of independent variables affecting men's environmental activism
    In this paper, activism is seen as a continuous variable from inactivity to sustained activism. Therefore, it is about different levels of activism, not activism or non-activism. There are different types of activism in society; In most social and political science studies, the focus is on high-cost and high-risk activism, but in this article, we focus on low-cost and low-risk actions that members engage in routine activities of NGOs.
    The statistical population are members of the environmental NGOs of East Azerbaijan province who at the time of conducting the research were recognized as official members and completed the membership form. The latest official statistics of the environmental NGOs in East Azerbaijan is for 2019. There were 23 environmental NGOs in East Azerbaijan.
    Fields of activity of these NGOs are:- Education through workshops, seminars and specialized programs, promoting environmental culture among children, students and women
    - Environmental protection activities such as green space development, nature cleansing, environmental and natural resources surveillance, creation of wildlife sanctuaries in nature and development of natural areas and tree planting
    - Specialized research programs in the field of environment, such as study and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and the reintroduction and rehabilitation of endangered animal and plant species, also the complex issue of water in the region of Azerbaijan
    - Development of ecotourism in the province, entrepreneurship, employment and change of livelihood in order to protect the environment, programs to support farmers with organic and natural products
    - Pursuing financial and spiritual support to the benefactors of the province in order to implement the above programs
    They have obtained activity license from various government institutions, such as Provincial Government, Governorate, National Youth Organization, Physical Education Organization, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and Department of Environment. Number of statistical population is 15365. 8050 women and 7315 men. This survey was conducted with a sample size of 375 people by proportional stratified sampling. Sample size is determined by Cochran formula with error of 0.05.
    In the statistical model, the impact of gender as an independent variable is measured along with age, income, and education as control variables on activism. Environmental values, association with other actors, frequency of communication, and level of movement identity are also examined. Data were collected through a questionnaire.
    The average participation of males (27.67%) is higher than of females (27.10%) for total items, but this difference is not significant. Multivariate regression was used to predict activism based on independent variables. Logarithmic conversion has been used to use regression analysis in some variables that were not consistent with regression analysis defaults. Women are no more active environmentally than men with controlling variables such as age, education, duration of membership in NGO, and income. Being a parent of men and women does not have a significant impact on activism. Activism can be better predicted by age and duration of membership in NGO than other variables. In general, younger members with longer membership periods and more ties with other members who experience more communication and those who have a greater level of movement identity are more active than the rest. The lack of a significant relationship between gender and activism may reflect the cross-cutting effects that have been reported in the research literature. Most variables jointly predict male and female activity, and the predicted variance of the dependent variable is almost similar by the independent variables in women (40%) and men (47%).

    Discussion of results

    Women have more environmental concerns than men without having more environmental participation. Women have more environmental concerns than men without having more environmental action. How can these findings be reconciled?
    Although these findings appear to be inconsistent, they are consistent with the conceptual model. In the model, there are enhancing variables (such as environmental values) and limiting variables (such as biographical access) as mediators of the relationship between gender and environmental activism. However, the limitations of environmental activism appear to have little effect on the responsible environmental behaviors that emerge in the context of everyday life. Thus, theoretically, the impact of gender on environmental activism and environmental responsible behavior will not be similar. In fact, the formation of theoretical literature on gender and environmental activism is dual.
    There are conflicting pressures for women's activism in the field of the environment, including women's double employment in the domestic and social spheres, which results from the gender division of labor and leads to restrictions on women's activism. To illustrate, it is argued that women may be more environmentally concerned than men, but the scarcity of resources will likely limit their activism. In fact, when women do their housework, they limit their time to participate in environmental activities compared to men. Although the gender division of labor in two domestic and social domains has clear implications for environmental activism, this division of labor operates different at different times and places.
    The question is, based on the results of this study and comparing it with the results of other studies, why do these restrictions prevent women from environmental activism and not from responsible environmental behaviors? According to previous studies, environmental responsible behaviors in women have been reported more than men

    Keywords: environmental activism, gender, Gender Division of Labor, biographical availability
  • Hassan Mohseni * Pages 87-102

    Village is the main principal subdivision of territory. In Law of Territory it means that small society in villages contributes to create City and Cities to Big City and so for to Province and Capital and Country. This meaning is not vide from its philosophical dimension. What is the Reality of Village that necessitate to have such a deep role in our territorial subdivision?
    It is rarely discussed in Law and rarely is a challenge in its dimension. The reality is that the works are done in Village is completely different from what is doing in a city and or in bigger cities. The question is that if Work and Land Use in village should be compatible by that reality of village? First approach in confronting to village and farms and gardens could be that approach which is currently accepted in Private and Property Law; The man who is the owner of a land or garden have the ownership on it so he can do anything he will on his land or his garden. There is not any restriction. This approach can create a kind of concurrence between village and city to being a city in future by predicable defeat of village in that unfair competition.
    Another approach is that there should be some definition of land using in village administratively and controlling that using legally. Also this approach can kill the Reality of Village. In the other word, by changing the people’s views in every village, the village will simply be changed to other community.
    So it is clear that our first question in this research is that what is the village? What is its reality? What is its importance to keep the village for ever to being always village and how can prevent the works that are inconsistent to the reality and philosophy of village.
    We believe that the mentioned judgement of our supreme court could be seen as a first step for confronting by village in philosophical confrontation studies and can guide our future jurisprudence before lower tribunals and courts which are continuously battling every day by that unfair changing of the Use of Land as a Modern Pest of Farms and Gardens. We discussed here that the Land Use is predominately a matter of philosophy and we should change our views for the remedy of unfair changing. We cannot close our eyes to Economic and Social included Cultural aspects of changing the Land Use. It is not only a matter of Law of Property or the Law of Territory Division but also it is a matter of Economic and Social and Cultural notion. So a Lawyer and a Professor of Law cannot realize the reality of Land Use and Changing of that Land to other Beneficial Using unless he observes that roots and foundations before other scientists.
    It seems that the remedy and the approach and the essence of discussion should be based on the reality of village and not on the subdivision in Law of Territory of Law of Property. It should be real and natural and not be an artificial conception. This reality is find its foundation in nature inherently; a thing that prevent any forced and inconsistent invention of human kind in village. The Law should defend this reality; it ought to open its eyes for seeing; prevent any offensive attack to the village and protect its philosophical notion.
    The judgment No 760 will be the beginning but the Base Stone of every development in a country that has suffered greatly from the change in the use of agricultural land and gardens, and there will always be the growth of urbanization and then the creep of urbanization towards the village.
    By this study as an example of judicial feedback on their ideas, Environmental Scientists can be see the results of their efforts and could be optimistic about the growth of philosophical reflections in the field of environment generally and in the notion of Village. In other similar cases, they can think about basic ideas so that jurists, lawyers, and judges can understand the reality of judicial phenomena from these environmental perspectives, and thus would take a more effective step toward protecting land use and the concept of village.
    The Supreme Court has taken a step that is different from other Judgments. The Supreme Court has turned its attention to alignment and has taken the middle approach which is philosophical one.
    The definition of Land Use aimed for long or short term program of its utilization. Alongside of this definition that needs some civil or penal rules to sanctioning, the philosophy and the nature of some Phenomenon can also defining a kind of Land Use which should be called Natural Land Using. Village is one of these Phenomenon. What can define the Land using in Village, is the natural coexistence with the nature of Village. This is the perspective to seeing the village which is known in Environmental Studies and City or Village Programing Sciences but is not current in legal Problem and Law. The focus of Law in this matter is merely on Sanctions. Notwithstanding that mentioned focus, we should observe the Judicial Discourse clearly so when our Supreme Court rending Unification Judgment No 760, that sais establishing a Ranching in Village according the Regulations and Standards, in author’s opinion is not change of Land Use, that judgment should not be regarded as a judicial approach. It is a philosophical perspective which is principally and methodologically an instructive and guiding judgment.
    The reality of village is not the only thing that the legislature has considered it as a main or basis measure for the division of the country. It is not artificial. It's natural and real. This fact is based on coexistence with nature, which prevents it from invading and destruction or denaturation. The law must defend this fact; He must open his eyes to see it; Avoid attacking it and uphold it.
    The fact is that in our country less attention is paid to the philosophy of the village. The village has become a case of return to nature by those who do not want the nature to coexisting phenomena; In order to have it, they want to make up and recuperation for the shortcomings and disadvantages of living in the city, and because they come to the village, they change the culture and civilization there, creating a kind of competition for the villagers in the face of the coverage, dialect, behavior and character of the townspeople and the result is definite changing of rural lands to others. The tragedy of village's death and the acquisition and ownership of these lands and the change of its identity is the result of non-respecting to that philosophical basic.
    There are many villages that have become uninhabited and there are many agricultural lands and gardens that have been changed with the change of use. These changes are not in favor of the truth of the village, nor are they in favor of the truth of the city.
    In the unanimous Judgment No. 760, the Supreme Court apparently decided to resolve the dispute between the courts and considered the accurate judgment and tried to unify the procedure and the decisions of Lower courts, but, in the opinion of the author, due to the legal approvals and legislative records, he considered that “establishment of Ranching in village by respecting the regulations and standards is not change of land use of farms and gardens”. This philosophical attitude of the Supreme Court is very valuable and can be a guide for solving other judicial challenges in the field of Environmental Law.

    Keywords: Coexistence, Village, Harmonized Change
  • Houman Gholampour Arbastan, Saeid Gitipour * Pages 103-120

    Household waste, which is any waste generated from domestic source, represents over two-thirds of the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream. A small portion, typically 1% by weight is defined as household hazardous waste (HHW). Household hazardous waste (HHW) is a heterogeneous waste category that is usually defined as ‘‘flammable, corrosive, reactive, caustic, and toxic’’. Quantification and characterization HHW is an important and meaningful step for the promotion of appropriate HHW management and source separation of this kind of waste in Tehran. In this research, for investigating the effect of seasonal variation on generation rate and composition of HHW, A four-stage systematic tracking survey of 600 households was conducted in 22 municipal districts in Tehran to determine the characteristics of household hazardous waste (HHW) generated by the city. The results indicate that the rate of HHW generation was (6.26– 8.25) g/person/day, which accounted for (1.22-1.58) % of the household solid waste stream. The largest category in this fraction was home cleaning products. The highest rate of HHW generation of 8.25 g/person/day was observed in winter, which was most likely caused by the celebration of Nowruz.


    Household waste, which is any waste generated from domestic source, represents over two-thirds of the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream and internationally a large part ends up at landfills. A small portion, typically 1% by weight is defined as household hazardous waste (HHW). In US legislation, HHW is described as ‘‘Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients’’. According to article 2, paragraph 3 of Iran Waste Management Act, any wastes requiring special care due to containing at least one of the hazardous components of poisonous, pathogenesis, explosiveness, inflammability, corrosiveness and the likes. Those medical wastes, as well as some part of ordinary, industrial, and agricultural wastes which needs to special management, are included as specific wastes. Furthermore, based on Executive Regulation of Waste Management Act, the special component of domestic and agricultural waste, is not considered domestic waste but the responsibility of its executive management is for the domestic waste executive management which is municipality. Leachate contains inorganic and organic elements. Xenobiotic organic compounds (XOCs) and heavy metals are generally classified as the hazardous substances occurring in leachate. Hazardous XOCs and heavy metals can be toxic, corrosive, flammable, reactive, carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic and ecotoxic, among other hazards, and can also be bioaccumulative and/or persistent. MSW landfill leachate analyses permit identification of the commonly found XOCs and heavy metals derived from waste with a domestic origin. Moreover, cosmetic wastes, lotions, detergents, batteries and fluorescent lamps which are all categorized as HHW in municipal waste stream, may noticeably increase siloxane and mercury-containing vapors in the gases emitted from the disposal sites and landfills. Apart from the mentioned environmental effects, the significant costs of transportation, pre-treatment and dispose of the HHW can be pointed out as the economic effects of these wastes. Workplace accidents and work-related illnesses of household waste collectors and job dissatisfaction are the social effects of HHW management. Quantification and characterization HHW is an important and meaningful step for the promotion of appropriate HHW management and source separation of this kind of waste

    Material & Methods

    Therefore, we used the household as the basic unit of analysis, one year as the large cycle, and weeks of various seasons as the small cycles in this study. household’s waste generation. Therefore, we used the household as the basic unit of analysis, one year as the large cycle, and weeks of various seasons as the small cycles in this study. In each season, to obtain statistically significant results, we investigated 600 households in all over the 22 districts of Tehran. All of households participating in the study, 600 (from 22 different districts of Tehran) participated in all four stages of the survey.
    HHW Classification
    Once the generation analysis was obtained, materials, packages, and containers were separated according to the classification suggested by literature. waste categories were: (1) home cleaning, (2) automotive maintenance, (3) batteries, (4) medicines, (5) biological-infectious (syringes, dialysis equipment, used bandages, and etc.), (6) gardening, (7) self-care products, (8) home maintenances, (9) fluorescent lamps, (10) miscellaneous. According to previous studies, to mark any leftover as positive it should represent at least 1% of the product.
    Determination of Generation Rate and HHW Composition
    Solid waste sampling was carried out during the summer of 2018. Bags were collected daily for seven consecutive days. Once the bags were gathered from the area, each bag was individually weighed. Refuse was hand sorted and individual components were also weighed. Categories and sub-categories corresponded to the format described elsewhere Once each part was categorized, each tray was weighed, taking care to note if the final sum corresponded to the total weight (kg) of the bin bag. The procedure was performed for each individual bin bag. For each household, the weight of solid waste was averaged throughout the whole period. The result indicated the average solid waste generation per household (kg/household). Parallel to the solid waste generation analysis, packaging and containers of hazardous wastes were selected and sorted, according to the classification proposed by previous studies. HHW was classified according to ten categories, as mentioned before. After categorization, each group was weighed, including the weight of the containers per product plus any product remaining inside the container. Finally, average generation rate and the composition of HHW in different seasons was calculated which will be presented in this paper.

    Discussion of Results

    Shapiro-Wilk analysis showed that the household hazardous waste generation in different season in Tehran are normally distributed with no significant statistical deviation (sig>0.05). During the sampling period, 6473.56, 6863.05, 6530.29, and 6097.61kg mixed solid wastes were collected from 600 households in Tehran in Spring, Summer, Autumn and, Winter respectively. The most tendency for producing HHW is in summer with 105.33kg and the less is for autumn by 79.98kg. The results indicate that the rate of HHW generation was (6.26– 8.25) g/person/day, which accounted for (1.22-1.58) % of the household solid waste stream. The largest category in this fraction was home cleaning products.


    The results of the present study, which determine the composition and production rate of hazardous household waste in Tehran, indicate that the per capita rate of hazardous domestic waste production in Tehran is higher than the per capita values obtained in all domestic studies such as Isfahan, Amirkola. Based on the comparison HHW generation in Japan, Switzerland, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, and Denmark, indicating generation HHW in Tehran higher than in the country of Japan, Switzerland, China, and Indonesia, but is smaller when compared to the generation HHW in Malaysia, Mexico, and Denmark. Indeed, a notable difference exists among the results, which can be explained by differences in the time the investigations were conducted, country characteristics, methodology and proposed objectives. Seasonal rates of HHW generation are summarized in this paper. On average, a higher rate of HHW generation of 8.25 g/person/day was observed in winter, which was most likely caused by the celebration of Iranian ancient Nowruz. Most household follow the custom of cleaning their houses to give a warm welcome to their family members, relatives and friends before the new year Festival. Finally, this study found a high disposal rate for used home cleaning containers in the winter survey period (e.g., oven cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, laundry detergent, powder or liquid). Generally, most Iranian households do not throw low value items away except when important events.
    As noted above, it can be concluded that the most part of the household's hazardous waste can be significantly reduced by increasing the awareness of citizen to consume the product entirely and also clean the containers. Given the results of the present study and the possible effects of these substances on landfill sites, further studies on leachate compounds and emitted gas from landfill sites are strongly recommended.

    Keywords: Household hazardous waste, Special Waste, Generation Rate, Waste composition, Seasonal variation
  • Hassan Mahmoudzadeh *, Hassan Massoudi Pages 121-142

    Urban areas, including the most sophisticated landscapes and mosaics of natural and artificial elements, are the main attraction of the human population. Population growth and the need to meet human needs are causing ecosystems to become urban areas, resulting in land-use change and fragmentation. Landscape fragmentation is a dynamic, human process that involves changing the type of land cover and dividing a single habitat or ecosystem into discrete parts. Green spaces are recognized as part of the urban landscape and remnants of natural habitats in the city that have numerous social, economic and environmental functions and benefits and play an important role in sustainable development and urban ecology. However, in recent decades, the expansion of cities has caused these spaces to be demolished into smaller parts, which not only endangers the health of ecosystems but also undermines the quality of life of citizens and residents in these areas. Various studies have found the most effective way to deal with the problems of urbanization and ecological cohesion is to reinforce the enduring relationship between man, city, and nature, resulting in the emergence of concepts such as ecological networks. The concept of ecological networks is used as an appropriate approach to improve the ecological values of urban green spaces and is generally developed through the conservation of existing green spaces, the creation of new spatial forms, the restoration, and maintenance of existing connections between green patches, and the construction of new ecological corridors. Tabriz as the largest city in the northwest of the country is the most important center of population attraction in this region of the country and is constantly expanding its physical reach. In recent decades, the city has witnessed many changes in the extent and type of urban land uses, especially in the ecological arena. So many of the city's gardens and landscapes have become over time demolished, fragmented, and reused. In this regard, this research has been designed with the aim of the ecological analysis of the landscape of Tabriz city and presenting solutions to improve its condition.

    Materials & Methods

    The city of Tabriz is located in the center of East Azerbaijan Province in northwestern Iran and is the largest city in the region with a total area of 131 square kilometers and a population of over 1.7 million people. In order to achieve the research goals, library studies were carried out and then based on the studies, a conceptual model was developed which included two main steps: First, to evaluate the ecological continuity of the landscape based on the continuity indices and identify the most important urban green spots. Then, design optimal corridors and create an ecological network using graph theories and Least-cost. To evaluate the ecological connectivity of Tabriz, the connectivity indices (Cohesion and IIC) were measured and analyzed using Fragstats4.2 and Conefor2.6 software. Cohesion measures the consistency and consistency of patches in the landscape with Fragstats software. The Integrity Integrity Index (IIC) measures the functional continuity of the landscape using Conefor software based on the concept of graph theory. Also, by analyzing the correlation indices, the most important green spots (core or core spots) of Tabriz city were identified. In the second stage of research, using the most important green spots, using the Linkage Mapper tool, based on graph and minimum cost concepts, the ecological continuity of Tabriz city and continuous network of corridors and ecological spots were improved. This requires three input data (patches or core habitats in vector format, resistance or cost layer, and Euclidean patches text file), obtained by various tools in ArcMap software. By calling all of the Linkage Mapper software input files and applying the appropriate settings, the lowest cost corridors are plotted, passing mainly the areas where the coverage is less resistant.

    Discussion of Results & Conclusions

    The results of Cohesion index measurement in Fragstats software, based on the type and nature of land use in the landscape of Tabriz metropolitan area indicate that the lands constructed in Tabriz metropolitan area have the highest correlation with 99/751 and the available ecological spaces (lands). Water, gardens and green spaces are the least correlated among land cover. The analysis of IIC index also shows the most consistency of spots 32, 33 and 34 in landscape of Tabriz city. Finally, by analyzing the results of the correlation indices analysis (IIC and Cohesion) and also using Google images of green spots of higher importance (based on the area of the patch and its location on the landscape) in the city of Tabriz, these were identified. They are located on the outskirts of the city and play an essential role in creating a continuous network of spots and corridors and improving the quality of the environment. To improve the ecological continuity of the landscape, a network of low-cost corridors may be proposed, which usually extend to areas with less land cover, less resistance to displacement and networking. For this purpose, the highest resistance (100 and 80) was made to urban areas and the least resistance (1-50) for green lands (parks, gardens and agricultural lands), vacant land and irrigated lands as the most suitable areas for networking. , Was awarded. Given the weight intervals and cost layers, the corridor network only crosses the points that have the least resistance and connect from one habitat core to another. Finally, communication corridors based on the least cost and graph theory were identified by Linkage Mapper software, which connect the most important green spots in Tabriz metropolis.

    Keywords: Landscape Connectivity, Landscape fragmentation, Ecological network, Graph Theory, Least-cost theory
  • Gagik Badalians Gholikandi *, Behnam Inanloo Beklar, Maryam Amou Amouha Pages 143-158

    In this research, in order to improve the performance of conventional anaerobic baffled reactor reactors (ABR), the use of electrolysis process under optimum conditions by controlling the pH value and minimum electricity consumption on a laboratory scale has been investigated.
    In anaerobic reactors, the pH value is strongly influenced by the quantity of carbon dioxide contained in the biogas. Significant variation of pH value and alkalinity occurs because of substrate influence, and acidic- alkaline compounds production during organic matters decomposition process. In this reactor, methanogenesis bacteria is very sensitive to changes in pH value and alkalinity. Therefore, maintenance of optimum operation conditions is mandatory. The suitable pH value for the anaerobic reactors performance is in the range of 6.8-7.2.
    The alkalinity is initially in the form of bicarbonate. According to the reaction (1), it is in equilibrium with existing carbon dioxide in biogas, at a certain pH value.
    OH - + CO2 ↔ HCO3 – (1)
    For pH controlling in an electrochemical system using metal electrodes, electrolysis of water takes place by means of an electrical current to maintain load balancing. Water electrolysis occurrence results in oxygen and proton formation in the anode sector, also hydrogen and hydroxide in the cathode sector. Consequently, the pH value increases close to the cathode, while reducing pH value is observable in the anode sector. By the reducing pH value around the anode, the reaction (1) proceeds towards the production of carbon dioxide and hydroxide. After the power outage due to the low carbon dioxide solubility in accordance to Henry’s law, this reaction becomes irreversible. As a result, the main reason for pH increasing due to the electrolysis is the displacement of the bicarbonate balance and the release of carbon dioxide gas around the anode.
    Various parameters impact electrolysis process, including electrode material, initial pH value, electric current density, electrolysis process duration, and distance between electrodes. In this study, in order to optimize the electrolysis process for pH recovery, these factors were investigated on a setup in laboratory scale.

    Materials and methods

    In order to improve the anaerobic baffled reactor performance, laboratory studies to investigate the electrolysis process effect on the pH value controlling were conducted.
    Thus, several samples were taken from different chambers of the reactor and the effective parameters on electrolysis process were investigated by focusing on the pH value. Samples were affected by electrolysis using two identical electrodes of iron, stainless steel, copper, aluminum and brass with 12 cm length, 6 cm width and 1 mm thickness at different distances and different contact surfaces.
    At each stage of the laboratory studies, in order to get closer to the real conditions during an organic shock, the initial pH value of the wastewater sample was adjusted to the range of 5.00 to 6.50 by using sulfuric acid. Also with conducting electricity, the capability of each electrode material were investigated. After a period of time required for pH recovery, the electric current was cut off and the pH value, concentration of released metals, electrolysis time and electrical current density were measured. All experiments were performed according to the standard methods.
    In the experiments, synthetic wastewater (COD = 700±40 and TDS = 633±4 mg/L) was investigated. The wastewater was prepared using molasses, ammonium chloride (0.007 g/g COD) and potassium di hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous (0.0006 g/g COD). The temperature and pH value of the wastewater were 45±1 ᵒC and 7.77±0.04, respectively.

    Discussion of Results

    Investigating the effect of electrodes material At this stage, five types of iron, stainless steel, copper, aluminum and brass electrodes were tested under the same conditions, and the electrolysis time needed to revive a pH value was obtained. The results showed that the iron electrode can revive a pH unit of the sample in a shorter period of time and also a less electrical energy consumption. Furthermore, according to the results of the spectroscopic test and the inhibitory concentration for each material, it can be seen that copper and brass electrodes cause a release of copper metal more than the permitted limits. Therefore, they are unsuitable for use in this regard.
    The results of the economic survey showed that the cost of iron electrode preparation is much lower than the others. Considering all aspects, the iron electrode is the most suitable material for using in the ABR reactor.
    Investigating the effect of distance and contact surface of electrodes with wastewater Under the same conditions, increasing the distance and the contact surface of electrodes can decrease and increase the electrical current, respectively. The reason is the direct relation between the electrical resistance of the solution with the distance of electrodes, its inverse relation with the contact surface of electrodes, and Ohm's law on electrolytes. These effects can neutralize each other, which is important in an economic point of view.
    Investigating the effect of electrolysis time By increasing the electrolysis time, the pH value also increases. While the rate of rising pH is decreasing. As time elapses, the increase of hydroxide and alkalinity occur according to reaction (1). As a result, due to the buffering properties, the resistance to pH changes increases and this reaction stops. By applying the electrical current density of 8 mA/cm2 to the iron electrodes, after passing 1.5 hours, the pH value reaches to 9.5. This suggests that by increasing the time, the efficiency of the system and the electric energy consumption will increase. Investigating the effect of Electrical Current Density The rate of metal dissolution in wastewater is a function of the electric current density. The increase in the current density causes an increase in the exchange of electrons, which in turn accelerates the electrolysis process. As a result, the efficiency of the electrolysis process increases for the pH recovery. In this study, based on the amount of pH recovery and electrical energy consumption in 1.5 hours, the range (8-11 mA/cm2) was selected as the best range for the current density in laboratory scale. Investigating the effect of TDS Concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) is one of the parameters affecting the current density. Whenever the concentration of these substances is high, the number of charged particles, which are actually electron carriers will increase. Therefore, the electron transfer is facilitated and accelerated.
    Investigating the effect of initial pH value In order to establish acidic conditions for investigating ability of the electrolysis process with the aim of returning the pH value to neutral and alkaline conditions, initial pH value was determined in several steps in the range of 5.00, 5.50, 6.00 and 6.50. By performing the electrolysis process under optimum conditions, it was found that the lower range of the initial pH value will result in the easier pH recovery. The reason is an increasing in the dissolution of iron atoms by reducing the initial pH value.


    Based on the results of previous researches regarding efficiency of electrolysis process to improve the performance of anaerobic reactors, in this study, optimization of the process was investigated on laboratory scale. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the electrolysis process under optimum operation conditions in terms of operational and economic parameters is an appropriate option for upgrading the anaerobic baffled reactors performance.

    Keywords: Anaerobic Wastewater treatment, Electrolysis process, alkalinity, electricity consumption
  • Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi *, Agil Oliya Pages 159-172

    Water and residue companies, both urban and rural, are legally responsible for providing adequate safe drinking water. Disruption of water quality and its distribution can be caused by emergencies such as natural disasters, distress, and deliberate actions. Any disruption in quality and access to safe drinking water after a natural disaster can cause widespread disruption in the city and add to problems during a crisis; Therefore, the continuation of the activities and services of this unit during a natural disaster such as an earthquake can help a lot in crisis management and increase the flexibility of the city and cause the rapid return of the city to its normal state.
    The Business Continuity Plan strives to provide the organization with the appropriate response and timely response to the crisis to bring the organization to a level of readiness that can provide services to its customers in the shortest possible time and based on pre-defined plans. Resume and, at best, go through the transition from a critical situation to a normal one. Proper implementation of this plan, while creating the ability to react and respond appropriately to crises and reduce the time to return to normal, can achieve various achievements such as expanding the preventive approach instead of passive in the face of crisis, reducing insurance costs, creating a sense of trust and reliability. Provide customers, users, and related organizations and significantly reduce the direct and indirect costs of a crisis.
    One of the most important factors in increasing or decreasing the amount of damage and the number of human losses during natural disasters is the presence or absence of a crisis management system. One of the methods that can be used to prepare and compile crisis management and planning principles, and recently used in books written on crisis management, is to use the comprehensive process of crisis management and its phases to classify and present principles. In this model, crisis management principles are divided into four phases (prevention and reduction of effects, preparedness, coping, recovery), which include both planning and management.

    Matherials & Methods

    In this study, library studies, reference to relevant organizations and field visits, and interviews with experts on urban issues and crisis management have been used. analysis hierarchical process (AHP) has also been used for the required analyzes. First, the general framework of the extraction plan has been extracted using library studies and the use of international experience in the field of post-disaster Business Continuity Plan Then, questionnaires were designed to fill this sample and localize it for the headquarters of Water and Wastewater Company District 3 of Tehran. After compilation, these questionnaires were distributed among experts active in the field of crisis management, water, and wastewater in the city of Tehran's District 3. In the first part of this questionnaire, the necessary measures to continue the activities before, during, and after the accident in the headquarters area of Tehran Water and Wastewater Company District 3 have been questioned. After collecting the questionnaires, this part of the questionnaire was analyzed through SPSS19 software and a two-sentence test. The output of this test is included in the Business Continuity Plan. In the second part of the questionnaire, through the hierarchical structure, the person in charge of accident management and management in the company, as well as alternative sites for the continuation of the company's activities and services after the accident, were questioned. Experts have rated the questionnaires based on the AHP principles. Finally, using the Expert Choice 11 software and analyzing the data given by the experts, the options that have the highest score for this question have been identified. The use of qualitative and quantitative criteria, as well as the ability to adapt to judgments, are features that determine the AHP method to determine the coefficient of the importance of the parameters used in the research, to identify and select a suitable alternative site and project command to continue ABFA headquarters activities after the Earthquakes show. The first step in the hierarchical analysis process is to create a hierarchical structure of the subject matter in which the goals, criteria, options, and relationships between them are demonstrated. The next steps in the hierarchical analysis process that will be used in this research are weight calculation (coefficient of importance) of criteria, calculation of weight (coefficient of importance) of options (different types of alternative sites and different people for project command responsibility) and finally, logical compatibility review of judgments.

    Discussion of Results & Conclusions

    In this study, a responsible organizational chart is presented. It’s necessary to take a series of measures in places and buildings that are important or have a higher level of vulnerability in terms of performance, to take the first steps to deal with, and respond in the same place in critical or emergencies. To determine the crisis command was experts evaluated the Business Continuity Plan approach, parameters such as the individual's organizational strength to command in times of crisis and better performance and efficiency in times of crisis. Scoring and prioritization were done using the AHP method. The results of this analysis, which were obtained by entering the requested information from 10 experts in the Expertchoice11 software, show that the head of Water and Wastewater Company District 3 of Tehran, has been selected as the best person to command the crisis from the experts' point of view.
    The correct and appropriate response to a crisis in the organization requires a team to lead and support response and recovery operations. Team members must be selected from experienced and trained staff who are aware of their responsibilities. The number and scope of teams' activities can include command and control teams, which include a crisis management team and a response, continuity or recovery management team, and operational teams.
    To select an alternative site for the continuation of Water and Wastewater Company District 3 of Tehran's organizational life. Parameters such as organizational policy, cost of equipment and maintenance, earthquake vulnerability, and maximum allowable time for the company's inactivity were evaluated by experts and options based on AHP guidelines. They scored points against each other. These scores were then entered into the Expertchoice 11 software and analyzed. The obtained results showed that the experts gave the maximum score to the hot site, and the warm site is in second place. The first step in the Business Continuity Plan should include an organizational structure that often takes the form of a committee that ensures the executive guarantee of senior executives and defines the role of senior executives and their responsibilities after studying and review the BS-25999 standard. And the localization of this standard, based on the organizational criteria of the Water and Wastewater Company, led to the introduction of a committee to continue activities and services before the crisis and a responsible organizational chart at the time of the crisis.
    Predicting and determining an alternative site to continue the company's activities after the crisis is an important issue in the Business Continuity Plan. Among the options and according to the appropriate criteria, as well as questions from relevant experts and scoring based on AHP principles and analysis and analysis of the results of the questionnaire with the software Expertchoice 11, the hot site was selected as the best site to continue the activities and services of Tehran Water and Wastewater Company District 3. A hot site is a well-equipped and multi-purpose site that also has staff at the time before the accident. This site can be activated in the shortest time after the accident, and in the time before the accident, administrative activities can be performed in it. For the continuity plan to always be up-to-date and scalable, it must be continuously tested and revised, as provided in the 2-year timeframe for this issue.

    Keywords: Crisis Management, earthquake, BS-25999 Standard, Business Continuity Plan, Tehran Region 3 Water, Sewerage Company Headquarters
  • Zahra Sheikhi, Hossein Pirkharrati *, Monir Mojarrad Pages 173-194

    Soil is a bed to the accumulation of nutrients and pollutants and plays an important role in environmental sustainability. Among all types of soil pollutants, heavy metals are considered as a major threat to environmental health due to their non-degradability in the environment and their long life span. Heavy metals are naturally present in the earth's crust. Rocks and minerals have a high impact on the concentration of elements in the soil and sometimes increase the concentration of the elements in the soil beyond the permitted level. Besides, human activities such as mining and related processing cause heavy metals propagation in the environment. Angouran Mineral Processing Complex includes Zinc and Lead Concentration Complexes and Zinc Factory is located in Dandi, Mahneshan city, northwest of Zanjan, Iran. Because of industrial activities development, some heavy metal processing has led to increasing their concentration in soil and other environmental media. hence, the purposes of this study were to determine the spatial pattern of Zn, Pb and Cd spreading around Angouran Mineral Processing Complex, to investigate their potential risk using different environmental indices, to identify ecological risk and carcinogenic risk, and to determine the contribution of anthropogenic and geogenic origin.
    Angouran Mineral Processing Complex, with the geographical coordinate of 36°34′20 ˝N and 47°37′40 ˝E. The area is located in a metamorphic complex of the Sanandaj-Sirjan microplate in the Zagros orogenic belt affected by the Tertiary to Quaternary volcanic activities as well as the geothermal activities of the Urumieh-Dokhtar zone. It is composed of the present age river banks and alluvial deposits in the center along with conglomerate and red tuffs in the northern part.
    Soil sampling was done from 0-20 cm depth in June 2016 (n=74). After the preparation of the samples, they were sent to the Zarazma laboratory for analysis of Zn, Pb, and Cd by ICP-OES. Statistical analysis of the data and index calculations were performed using Excel and SPSS software. Also, PMF 5.0 EPA (Positive Matrix Factorization) software was used to determine the source contribution to metal dispersion. Applied indices include enrichment factor (Ef), Geoaccumulation index (Igeo), pollution load indices (PLI) and modified pollution degree (mCd), ecological risk potential (PERI) and cancer risks (CR).
    The soil in the study area is in a poor and serious condition that threats agriculture and animal husbandry, the main activities besides the industrials. Zn had the highest concentration with an average of 1648.1 ppm in the region and fallowed by Pb and Cd with a mean of 467.9 and 9.8 ppm, respectively.
    The Igeo mean for Pb, Zn, and Cd were 1.7, 2.0, and 0.4, respectively, which indicated average contamination of Pb and Zn and non-contaminated to intermediate contamination of Cd. Igeo's result showed that the metals accumulation order was Zn> Pb> Cd. The extent of metal contamination was -2.4 to 8.9 for Pb, -0.4 to 8.3 for Zn, and -2.4 to 7.1 in terms of Cd, suggesting negative values for these metals which are in the range of non-polluted soils. High Cd contamination was observed only in 4.9% of the samples while EF showed high Cd enrichment (72/1). The mean Ef calculated for Zn, Pb and Cd were 37.1, 45.7 and 72.1, respectively, suggesting strong enrichment for Zn and Pb, but extremely strong for Cd. Cd is the most mobile metal in the soil and is likely to be absorbed through the plant's roots. The enrichment degree for all three metals in the region is wide. Contamination severity (Ff>10) in total observed for Zn, Pb, and Cd in 29.6%, 25.6% and 59.4% of samples, respectively, which indicates the very high impact of anthropogenic contamination sources. In general, it can be concluded from the Igeo and Ef index that samples collected from this area have enriched and contaminated by the examined heavy metals.
    Given the various toxic effects of metals on the human body, the PERI index of metals in the soil varies from 42.8 to 35500.5 and showed a high environmental risk for Cd than for Zn and Pb. Based on the classification, 35% of sampling points showed high ecological risk.
    The metal contamination degree in the soil was higher than expected. In the study area, mCd ranged from 0.8 to 723.4 and 60% of the samples showed high contamination. PLI calculation showed that the contamination range is between 0.7 and 627.8. The contamination range calculated by mCd and PLI revealed that 60% and 40% of the area is in very poor and inappropriate conditions, which shows a significant risk in agricultural land use.
    CR for adults ranges from 0.2×10-2 to 0.5×10-5 while the mean is 0.1×10-3. Unexpectedly, Zn with an impact of 96.9% had the highest share in the carcinogenic risk of ingested contaminated soil. CR for children varies from 0.4×10-2 to 0.9×10-5 with a mean of 0.2×10-3. Similar to the results obtained from adult CR, Zn with 99.1% had the greatest effect on the carcinogenesis probability due to ingestion. Based on the CR classification, the risk was a middle and upper class for children.
    The CR calculation for children and adults showed that the ingestion risk of contaminated soils contain Zn had the greatest effect on the risk of carcinogenicity and health problems. Absorption via skin and respiration of Zn, Pb and Cd were the next highest risk factors. Soil and dust ingestion was a potential source of exposure to environmental chemicals for both adults and children. Children may, in particular, consume large amounts of soil because of their tendency to play on the ground and carry the soil coated objects to their mouths. Due to the wide range of industrial activities in the region, agriculture in the study area poses a greater risk of carcinogenicity for the adult population.
    PMF model was used to quantify the contribution of the different sources in Cd, Zn and Pb pollution. Comparing the metals prevalence in each factor and the information obtained from the regional field for the probable source of heavy metals, two factors were considered to the probable source of the heavy metals. Geogenic origin was the first-factor and anthropogenic origin was the second one. According to the results, the concentration of Zn in the second factor was 99% while the first factor was 1%. Therefore, the greatest impact on Zn concentration in the region is due to anthropogenic activities. Pb and Cd the second factor were estimated to be 90.2 and 95.7%.
    Therefore, there is a need to reduce the risk of exposure to soil metals in order to maintain the health of the residents 'health and sustainability of the environment and animals in the area, including soil refining.

    Keywords: Angouran Mineral Processing Complex, Anthropogenic, ecological risk, enrichment
  • Afsaneh Ghasemi, Jamil Amanollahi *, Mohammad Darand Pages 195-216

    Today, air pollution is one of the main and most harmful problems in human societies, which has caused many environmental problems. Air quality is changing daily, even when the amount of pollutants entering the air is constant, factors that determine climate change, such as wind speed, wind direction, air mass thermal profile, amount of solar energy to perform photochemical reactions, wind duration or rainfall, alter air quality specifically. The air has a limited capacity and does not tolerate the discharge of various wastes and toxins that humans enter today. Multi- collinearity test was performed to remove additional input variables in SPSS software. The correlation between the independent and dependent variables is measured by two indicators of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and tolerance. The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) indicates how much the variance of the estimated regression coefficients has increased since there are no correlated variables in the model. If the value of this index is close to one, there is no linearity. The relative tolerance factor is the relative scatter of a variable. If its value is close to one, it means that in an independent variable a small part of its scattering is justified by other independent variables, and if this value is close to zero, it means that one The variable is almost a linear combination of other independent variables. If the VIF values of the independent variables are more than 10 and tolerance is less than 0.2, then it can be said that the model is suffering from multi-collinearity. To quantify the severity of the multi- collinearity, tolerance and Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) results were used. The Forward Selection (FS) method is based on regression and was used to select the best subsets of input variables. The Forward Selection (FS) technique has been used by many researchers to build powerful predictive models. This method is based on the degree of dependence of the independent variables with the dependent. After that, the variable that creates the most dependence with the dependent variable is considered as the first input and the variables with less dependence constitute a set of subsequent inputs. This step is repeated n-1 to evaluate the effect of each of the variables on the model output, and a subset of the input variables is obtained to predict the outputs. The linear relation between variables created several models for each pollutant. Then the application of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) network was used to predict pollutants in Matlab software. To reduce errors and increase accuracy in forecasting, both independent and dependent data were normalized between zero and one. Neural networks are nonlinear models that are widely used to identify systems, predict time periods, and pattern. These networks can be tools for the flexibility of nonlinear regressions, which are generally composed of one or more layers with different neurons. The structure of the neural network typically consists of three layers, the input layer that distributes the data in the network, the hidden layer that processes the data, and the output layer that extracts the results for specific inputs. For each pollutant, seven models were evaluated, but for O3 pollutant, eight models were calculated due to the effect of pollutant NO2. The results of multilayer perceptron neural network analysis show that, MODEL 1 with FB = 0.0170, IOA = 0.967, NMSE = 0.100 and the highest R2 = 0.7341 was suitable for same-day predicting of CO. To predict one-day advance of CO, MODEL 2 and MODEL 5 have the highest R2 values, but IOA statistics in MODEL 2 is more than MODEL 5, and the values of FB and NMSE in MODEL 2 is lower than that of MODEL 5, so MODEL 2 is more suitable for one-day advance of CO pollutants. In predicting the PM10 pollutant, the MODEL 4 has a maximum value of IOA= 0.960 and FB = 0.00151 with one of the lower value than other models in same day predicting of PM10, and the MODEL 4 has the lowest amount of NMSE = 0.487 and RMSE = 0.0718 in one-day advance predicting of PM10, so MODEL 4 is selected for prediction of PM10 pollutant as the optimal model. The prediction results of SO2 pollutant indicate that the MODEL 3 has the lowest FB = -0.00302 and NMSE = 0.135 and the highest IOA = 0.943 and R2 = 0.6118, respectively. Therefore, this MODEL is perfect for same-day prediction of SO2 concentration. Based on the result MODEL 6 with lowest values of NMSE = 0.105, FB = -0.0048, and the highest IOA = 0.972 is suitable MODEL for predicting one-day advance of SO2. In predicting NO2 the MODEL 2 and MODEL 3 represents the highest performance compared to other models in same-day and one-day advance in prediction of NO2 pollutant. Comparing the two models mentioned for NO2 shows, that both models have the same conditions in minimum and maximum values of the statistics, so considering the RMSE of the test phase, which is less in model 2 than model 6, indicate that model 2 it is a more appropriate model in predicting NO2. The prediction results of the O3 pollutant indicate that the MODEL 7 in the same day forecasting and the MODEL 5 in one-day forecasting in terms of the IOA index have the same value, and the indexes NMSE = 0.00120 and FB = 0.00137 in the MODEL 5 have the minimum values and in model 7, the value of R2 = 0.711 is highest, so the input composition of MODEL 5 is considered as the optimal model. The results of this study showed that for the prediction of any pollutants, no need to use all seven variables from the output of the multi- collinearity test. The optimal number of independent variables for the prediction of each pollutant was obtained differently. Therefore, we can conclude that the selection of effective independent variables by FS method will reduce the analysis cost and time, as well as increase the accuracy of the pollutant predictions.

    Keywords: Collinearity Test, Predict, Forward Select technique, Multi layer Perceptron Neural Network, Kermanshah
  • Mohammad Hossein Sayadi, Elham Yousefi Roubiat *, Elham Chamanehpour Pages 217-238

    Wetlands are actually the kidneys of the earth that lead to the environmental balance of the earth. Wetland is a unique environmental system with diverse performance and high biodiversity. Wetlands cover approximately 5 to 8 percent of the earth's surface (7-10 million square kilometers) and must be preserved in order to maintain their important functions as natural habitats and their role in the global carbon cycle. Wetlands have high primary productivity among all ecosystems and provide many ecological services, including environmental treatment, modification in the atmosphere and water cycle, wave intensity reduction and disasters resulting from them. However, a large proportion of wetlands in the transition zone from marine-river ecosystems lie in terrestrial ecosystems, making them a sensitive and fragile ecosystem. Due to changes in natural environments, over-exploitation of wetlands and irrational use of their resources, the structure of wetland ecosystems has been destroyed and the boundaries of wetlands are gradually shrinking, which leads to damage or their ecological performance is lost. Therefore, it is necessary to revive wetland systems through efficient engineering technologies and logical management approaches. In order to provide a scientific basis for protection and restoration, it is necessary to examine the ecological water requirement of the wetland. Researchers are trying to balance the ecological needs of the wetland with the rational allocation of water resources. Achieving this balance can ensure the natural flow of water in order to improve the overall ecological performance of the wetland system, with the aim of restoring its function and rebuilding its ecosystem.

    Matherials & Methods

    In studies of calculating the water requirement of wetlands, the functions of the study wetland should be identified first and the index should be determined for each function. The indicators should be determined in such a way that in addition to maintaining the main functions of the wetland, its functions are also maintained. Due to the characteristics of Nehbandan wetland, including water with salinity and high salts, lack of aquatic animals, lack of endangered species related to wetland water, as well as special socio-economic and cultural factors related to wetlands such as special traditional ceremonies , This wetland does not have a special production, socio-economic and cultural function and its most important functions are from the point of view of physicochemical, biological and ecosystem services. After identifying these functions, an indicator was selected for each of them to calculate the amount of water required of the wetland. Maintaining the area of the main spot of the wetland in minimum and maximum amount as a physicochemical index, maintaining the area of the main spot of the wetland in medium size as a ecosystem services index and preserving plant and animal species related to the wetland were selected as biological indicators. The MNDWI index was used to identify the water area of the wetland. After determining the boundaries of the wetland, in a process using the detection of the wetland underwater surface and depth measurement with satellite images, the volume of water at different levels was calculated according to the shape of the wetland bed and water depth. The water balance formula was used to calculate the hydrological needs of the wetland. The average amount of precipitation in the region was calculated using the monthly data of TRMM satellite, the amount of evapotranspiration was calculated using Modis satellite data and the amount of runoff was calculated using Terra climate data. After calculating the hydrological water requirement, three species of tamarix aphylla, haloxylon aphyllum and phragmetes australis were selected as plant indicators and anas platyrhynchos were selected as animal indicators and the ecological water needs of the wetland were calculated. After calculating the indicators, the amount of water demand of Nehbandan wetland is examined during 6 scenarios so that while identifying the condition of the wetland in different scenarios, it is planned to achieve the ideal situation.

    Discussion of Results

    In this study, in order to preserve and revive the Nehbandan wetland, its hydrochloric water requirement was calculated in 6 different scenarios. The wetland water balance was used to calculate the hydrological water needs of the wetland and the species of Haloxylon aphyllum, Phragmetes australis, Tamarix aphylla and Anas platyrhynchos were used to calculate the ecological water needs of the wetland. The results showed that currently the water balance of the wetland is negative and the outflows of the wetland are 0.452 million cubic meters more than its inputs. Using the MNDWI index, the highest area of the wetland was calculated in May 2016 and amounted to 20 square kilometers, the average limit of the wetland in May 2017 was 8.8 square kilometers and the minimum limit of the wetland was 6 square kilometers in November 2018. Therefore, due to the depth of the wetland in different years, which varied between 10 and 30 cm, the volume of water in these three areas was calculated. Therefore, in order to maintain the main spot of the wetland in the cold months of the year, 0.65 million cubic meters of water is needed for minimum extent, which is 1.32 million cubic meters in average extent and 6 million cubic meters in maximum extent. According to the calculations, the amount of wetland water required in different scenarios is as follows.
    scenario Annual Water Needs (MCM)
    Real scenario of plant water needs 0.1026
    Ideal scenario of plant water needs 0.12345
    The water needs of the wetland in order to preserve the important animal species 0.0003479
    Hydrological wetland water requirement according to the low spot level (drought situation) 13.3
    Hydrological wetland water requirement according to the average spot level (normal condition) 13.97
    Hydrological wetland water requirement according to the high spot level (wet years condition) 18.65


    According to the obtained results, in order to provide the average level of water stain in the cold months of the year (the time of the presence of the wetland), Nehbandan saltwater wetland, with a water volume of 13.97 million cubic meters per year, needs water, which 12.2 million cubic meters are supplied via surface runoff. Therefore, there is a shortage of 1.77 million cubic meters, which must be met by reducing the area's groundwater abstraction by about 20 percent. Also, in order to maintain and develop the vegetation of the region in an ideal condition, the annual need for water is equal to 0.12 million cubic meters. This is equivalent to 0.000348 million cubic meters per year for the protection of waterfowl in the region. Therefore, by providing the water needs of ecosystem services in order to preserve fine dust, the ecosystem related to the wetland, including plant and animal species of the region, is also preserved. The results in the scenario of ecosystem services show that in the current situation, water balance of wetland is negative and considering that the area of the wetland is one of the wind erosion centers of the province, so the most important ecosystem services of Kaji wetland is to deal with dust. Due to the hot and dry climate of the region as well as the recent droughts, there is a concern that with the drying up of the region's wetland, it will become a center of dust. Salt and mineral in the lagoon also exacerbate this concern. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain and rehabilitate it, and determining the water needs of wetlands can restore their ecological conditions and play an important role in improving their environmental performance.

    Keywords: Ecological, hydrological water needs, Water balance, remote sensing, Ecosystem services